The I WORKED OUT TODAY! and I'm awesome club.


New member
I really need this club to keep me honest!
I think most of us could use it!!!!
did you work out today?
What did you do, be exact as possible! thanks.
Yes... I'm about to work out now.
and yes... if you work out today,
I worked out for a bit over 30 mins on the treadmill (2 min cooldown)
slow walking, but with a bit of incline.
[I didn't think I was going to get past the first 10 minutes, my muscles were light, and my joints were stiff, but I kept going just a bit longer, and thing loosened up. yay!)
Plus I ran around my house earlier, doing laundry, not really a work, but I was sweating a bit by the time I gathered and sorted all my clothes.
I AM AWESOME (for today)
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I worked out today too! My exercise was walking for 1hr 10min over hills. I'm going to dance in my room for a little bit now to "work out" some more
Hi monster how'd your day go? Did you end up making your work-out goal for Monday? If not - no worries - just get ready & hit it a little bit longer on Tuesday & Wednesday.

I made a trip to the gym for about an hour this afternoon & worked out good for about 30-40min of that hour. Rest was spent playin bball with the sister - I was happy we got out at all 'cus it's flood-warning where I'm at right now & the hills are out of the question 'cus of the rain.

PS - I'm doing walking too as my work-out plan - treadmills are a bit boring but they get the job done pretty well when the weather's bad.
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My plan was to take the day off.... I thought I do every other day for a bit.... so.... tues.. and thurs....
Maybe (hopefully other people will join soon) So yeah, my plan went great!
Awesome club!!!! I like this- it'll make me honest too- and probably make me work out more :)

Since today has just begun, I will put what I do in later!
For now, i worked out yesterday!

I did 20minutes on the elliptical, always making sure my HR was above 60%! Then i did some weight training for an hour!

4 sets of 12 reps each: back extensions; push ups; row using straight bar on bosu ball; dumbbell chest press (20lbs each side); cable flies;stability ball wide row using dumbbell (12lbs/side); chest press machine (65lbs); Lat pull down (55lbs)

Yay! i'm hoping today to start day 1 of the C25K program!!!!

What are you guys planning on doing today? Or have already done?! :)
I'm planning more awesomeness for later today! Congrats on your awesome stuff! Totally awesome! ;)

isn't the awesomeness awesomely contagious!? I also find the awesome smilies just as bad :coolgleamA: :driving: :smilielol5:

Great work monster- can't wait to hear what you get up to today! :)

Have and awesomely awesometastic day!
Hey guys i did my workout at stupid o clock this morning!!

Yeah i am awesome!

Tik i did a C25k run today - week 6 session one. I am really enjoying it and it is definately making my running easier!! Its funny at most other exercise i do im reasonably good but i have always struggled with running so i am glad i am now getting into it.

I have not felt well today so may have to give myself a rest tomorrow and not be awesome for the day! lol

Miss Charlie!!!! YAY!!!!!! Congrats!! That is pure awesomeness!!!

I did the first day of the C25K program last night!!! And then I skipped for 10 minutes!! weee!!

We are all so awesome!!!
Great work monster- can't wait to hear what you get up to today! :)
Tik!!!! Thanks for nagging! :smilielol5:
Just finished another 1/2 hour treadmill workout.. my legs definitely feel better.
Still moving slow, but that's okay... it's getting the good habit that's important, also getting my joints loosened and muscled worked up a bit so I can do more, but I'm going to push myself hard yet.
OH.. and I did I mention how awesome I am today! It's true, cuz I said so!
Awesome job Monster!!!! Keep it up!

I did 30 minutes of Cardio this morning before work. I like the term "Stupid O'Clock" cuz thats what time I got up!
I did 30 minutes of Cardio this morning before work. I like the term "Stupid O'Clock" cuz thats what time I got up!
Okay.. what did you do? can be you be a bit more specific?
I'm really interested in the specific workouts everyone does and any additional comments they have about them... I'm going to change my workout from just treadmilling sooner or later, so I'm looking for ideas.
If you aren't specific about your workout, you won't be nearly as awesome!
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Yes, there are Aerobics, but also stretching and toning. For the toning of course, you have to have resistance bands, balance ball and some weights.