underarm sweating concern

easy Way To Stop Sweating

Hey man, as the name says, I'm a pretty bad sweater, especially my underarms. I've started to manage it a bit with a few things, drysol (which helps but isn't perfect by no means) and this very thin, contouring T-shirt I discovered that is made to hold in the sweat without getting your outside shirt wet. It's so thin you can wear it under a normal T-shirt and no one will notice. The T-shirt really is a God-send and I feel a lot more confident now that I don't have huge sweat stains under my arms for everyone to notice. You can go to the link below to learn more and judge for yourself. Good luck bud.
If it's purely a problem of your underarms, then try Driclor, it literally stops any sweating.
I've actually heard a bit about this debate when I was in nursing classes. From what I gather it is not especialy healthy for you not to sweat but not because of the actual sweat factor but believe or not our skin actually takes needs air for regeneration, it's a whole oxygen thing and the lesson was years ago so I don't dare try to explain the logistics or I'll sound like an idiot. Basically if your skin can't breath it stands the chance of becoming irritated and infected...the pores that sweat comes out of need to be open in order for it to breath. A really strong anti pers will obviously block these pores. If you haven't noticed any problems yet I wouldn't worry too much but if you start to feel tchy or go unusually red or flaky under your arms then you need to stop using the stuff.

I have used the type of deordorant that you apply at night. It worked for a while, but I understand what Cynn... is saying. After a while of using it, I developed a rash. I thought it was just the brand. Now I see that it was b/c my pores were closed for a long period of time....Thanks for the info :)