Weight-Loss Team CONQUEST for winning the fat battle!

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(that) Time Of the Month - notorious for weight fluctuation and water retention, so its mentioned fairly often !

we are weighing in tomorrow already! hasn't this week gone fast?

good luck everyone!
MO2 we all must be cyclin together.. lol!! :D

Sheidi, yeah this week sure has flown by!!

I am afraid of what the scale will say in the morning.. still drinkng my water today. Its all I've had!
you'll be fine, newleaf, just keep at it!

i didn't end up doing much exercise on the weekend - just housework and walking around town. i've eaten less than usual, so that might make up for it. i missed a couple of meals which is very unusual for me, but it was just circumstances..

expecting to go to the gym at least twice during the working week in the afternoon, and hoping to wake up early enough to go to tomorrow's 0615 session! my goal is to go then on tues, wed and thurs (pump, step and pump again) and then do my tues and thurs afternoon's at the other gym (where i have to take my son to his karate class). i can usually get 40mins in on the treadmill then. so, even though its all mished up together on three days, it would be ideal. anything else would be a bonus!

have a great day, everyone!!
haha..ok gotcha..we always call it aunt flow comes to visit this week, or mother nature..but i never heard tom...ok..

weigh in day tomorrow with my wt councelor..i checked my weight today (sun)because I couldnt take it anymore..i had to know..and I am now down to 245.3lbs. so that is really kewl...but dont take that as my official weigh in because Ive gone by what the scale says at my counceling meetings. I have a meeting tomorrow at 3:45pm...so Ill let you know when I get home what more information I have and what my weight is. Sounds like everyone thinks this week flew by...most of my weeks, days, months all do because I go to school and work both full time and on top of all that I also have therapy and appts with who knows what. Hope everyone's luck is good tomorrow! :)
Sara, congrats on your loss! :) I am sure your weigh-in will go well at the counseler! :)

Well girls..I did weigh in this morning, and I was back up to 155.5 :( grr.. but being that Aunt Flo is on her way here (yes my cycle is very long and drawn out.. long story!!) I am hoping that the 2lbs is because of that. :( So anyhow.. I'm holding out to keep my ticker at 153.5lbs, but I think I have to say my official 1 week weigh-in is 155.5 and I'm down 2lbs from our start. Lets hope I go back down those other 2lbs soon!! ;)

Good luck to the rest of you weighing in this morning! :D
Hi all! I'll head out to the gym soon and find out the good (hopefully not bad) news on the scale. We don't have a scale here. I hope everyone is doing great! I'm a bit worried only because I didn't make it to they gym per my normal schedule. We'll see!
152.6 lbs or 69.4ks today

er, i'm not sure it will stick, but gosh, i'm pretty happy with that!

i'm sure you're right, newleaf - you're being played havoc with! wait a week..

good luck everyone!
Aight...well just got back from the councelor...im down two more pounds. my starting weight with them was 250 now im at 248. My starting weight on the diet was 253 and Im down to 248. SO not too bad..5 pounds gone is better than it being on me! :)
I didn't weigh myself today...I will tomorrow, though.

I've been doing...okay with food. Today was terrible. Yesterday I had a totinos pizza for lunch, and today I had...popcorn (we went to the movies), soda, and french fries. Anyways! My sister is back in temple, so now I can eat right again. Woo!

I'm hoping for at least 3 pounds by next monday...I know I didn't loose a whole lot this week...I was lazy and let depression get to me. I've been watching the olympics, though, so that's been motivating me, a bit!

Good job to everyone! And congrats on the weight loss :D
Well, didn't make it to the gym, so I didn't weigh myself. Sorry! I took the girls for a long walk and ran part of it as I pushed my 2 y.o. in her little toy car . It wasn't a workout like my regular workout, but my girls needed a day that was all abt. them.
Hi guys! No one needs to fret if you didn't weigh in yesterday! Our final day of the challenge is the 27th I think so you just need to do an official end of challenge weigh-in then! :) No fretting! :D We are all doing great.. and as for any slip-ups, I personally think everyone needs a cheat day once a week, or at least a cheat meal! :) Keep up the great work team!!!
Whoa! I actually worked out, today! I did about 30 minutes of dance! It was all mix and match....I was going through the belly dance dvd last night, and they had clips of Veena and Neena's other dvds...enough to work with! Each clip was about 2 minutes, and I'm guessing I did about ten of them, so that's about 20 minutes, and then 10 minutes of an actual choreographed dance(I did it about three times). So about 30 minutes! Yay! And I'm actually working on choreographing my own dance, so I can combine everything I learned today into one good dance.

I weighed in today and I didn't loose anything...at all. I actually gained a pound. Bah! Thankfully lent is coming up, soon, and it's MUCH easier for me to diet during those 40 days...why, I don't know...

Anyways, I'm sweaty! This is good (especially since I'm not a sweaty person, unless it's outrageously hot or I'm working very hard...or nervous).

For lunch...I don't know what I want. I don't think I want cream of wheat...but I don't know if I want noodles, either...and we've no bread to make sandwhiches. *mutters*
Well, I'm tentatively thrilled, but not changing my signature!! I weighed in at 161 at the gym. That's a 3 lb. loss. Gosh - I hope it stays off!!! I've done really well today food-wise and I did a kickass hour of step/sculpt. We did arms and squats for legs. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!! Oh and we did abs. And I ran on the treadmill. I'm really feeling motivated!
Hi all!
Sorry I haven't posted. How is everyone doing?
I'm fine. Suddenly completely motivated and on track. Yay!!
hey all!! Good luck over the weekend and be good for the weigh in onmonday! GO team go! :)
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