Question about big weight loss and mental wellbeing.

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Does mental wellbeing rises with the big loss of excess fat? Can anyone share their results on mental wellbeing after losing weight?
You can lose all of your excess weight & be as slim as you would like to be, but you are still the same person, with the same doubts, faults, hangups etc. If you lack self-esteem when you are over-weight, it usually doesn't just disappear when you get to your goal weight.
I lost 36 kg in 6 months, but still felt the same about myself. I saw a Psychologist a few times & she really helped me to build up my self-esteem. You really need to work at it constantly. A lifetime of being self-critical will not change overnight. I'm really glad I got help.
Ive been using some pills called L-theanine sometimes for anxiety..if your suffering from that you should check them out. They don't get you drowsy also.
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