new balloon'er'

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Sorry to hear your agony. I had my done on 23rd of last month and I just crawled to finish a month. First three days were from hell, regretted every minute. And then it became a wee bit better and since then I continue like you to strggle with it. I have an ongoing acid reflux, pain, cramps and cant even sleep. Just trying to keep passing time. My doctor has given me two three different kind of medicine, but they dont seem to work on me. I dont know how much I could go on. I consider having it removed and then I keep telling myself, that I have spent time and energy and lots and lots of money, just keep struggling with it to at the least get the most of its benefits. Until I cant take anymore or cant get up. On a bright side I have lost 24 pounds, but dont feel like celebrating.

Just hang in there and hoping that you feel better.
Hi did you finally have it removed? I would love to know how you feel afterwards and how long it took you to normalize your condition. I am in a similar position as you were in August and I am thinking should I get it out or hang in there. I dont need to repeat here what symptoms you reported. I feel the same. I had mine for a month and it hasn't been better. I keep fighting for two days and then I throw up and get some relief.

Love to hear your comments.

Hi Saddlebags, wow what a name to call yourself.

I did have mine out, I don't regret getting it out, it significantly impacts on your life when you are feeling so uncomfortable and sick, its like having a flu that doesn't go away. I couldn't walk across a parking lot without being sick. The balloon that I had is advertised as a Non pharmacological approach to weight loss, meaning you aren't taking medication to lose weight, however you need to take medication, more medication than I have ever been on. My surgeon even suggested pharmaceutical marijuana, come on.....this was well intended, to help me with my vomitting, but where do we draw the line, so how is that approach to Non pharmaceutical weight loss.

I felt better immediately, no more bloating, no more vomitting, no more acid, etc. this occured immediately. There are some that won't be able to tolerate the balloon, did your clinic tell you that? mine didn't. It is difficult, most of us haven't told anyone, its a tough decision to make, I was sooo sick and still wondering maybe I should just "hang in" a bit longer, as you mention, the expense, the hopes, I had even purchased new clothes in smaller sizes anticipating my weight loss. I was sold in my mind that this was going to be a success.

I wish you all the best, I am not sure about you, but there may come a day when you say enough is enough and you ask to have it removed, you might very well struggle with some anger and great disappointment that this failed for you, but i hope you remember what is most important is that you will have your health. If you indeed need to have it removed, remember you didn't fail, it is a foreign object that has been placed in your body, and some bodies want to keep fighting it all the way!!

keep me posted.

wishing you best outcomes whatever way this turns.

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