Motivational People


New member
Hi everyone. For those following my sort of diary, some will already know but... I have been loosing my motivation. I feel like after the first month I hit a plateau and its making me struggle.

How do you keep your motivation in the beginning of your journey ?
I see lots of videos in Youtube, follow some people which I admire for their weight loss. The people who motivates me are those who achieved their goals and keep at it, those who went from obese to fit and keep on their track.
For this, knowing that lots of people here might use some motivational histories, here are some people that I follow on social media (mostly Youtube)

- John David Glaude (Obesetobeast channel in Youtube and also has a Twitter)
- Jordan Shrinks (search just for jordan shrinks)
- Ben (from Youtube channel Fat Meets Fire)
and last but not least Grace from Youtube channel Gracies Journey.

All this people went from obese to fit, keep going and share their stories. I love to listen to them talking about their own experiences.

Keep at it guys!