Marijuana and exercise

People will try to find a way to justify and rationalize almost any behavior is it is something they want to do.

In that quest, they will try to find ways to make it "OK".

I won't debate the ill effects of of this specific leaf ......... but just from a simple logical perspective ........ How healthy do you think it is to light any material on fire and intentionally inhale the smoke into your lungs.

I don't care if it is tobacco, weed or simply maple leaves from your front yard.

The biggest reason it is not the smartest idea for males who are serious about training is the decrease in testosterone, increase in estrogen levels and the repeated studies that show a correlation between it and Gynecomastia.

But then again, I see no value in alcohol, regular cigarettes or other illegal drugs either.
I also feel people rely too heavily on "magic pills" to be the quick solution for other problems too,
Yes, medicine is valuable and saves many lives ---- but it should probably be a last resort and not the first place people run to solve problems.
No use for any of that crap.

Bottom line - any chemical that alters your perceptions, moods, feelings or the way you feel is altering your true self.

If not to "feel good" .. "get stoned" ... "escape reality" .... "mellow out" ..... then why else would a person want to participate in this habit ?
So I see a certain hypocritical logic in people who defend the practice, call it 100% safe and say "it does nothing" in light of the psychological reasons for smoking it in the first place.
They desire an altered mental state that makes them "feel good" artificially.
I suppose i should have summarized my comment above as follows .......

I really don't care what habit another person wants to do if it does not bother or interfere with me in any way.

But just don't make such a big deal over trying to argue and justify that action to try and convince me and everybody else that there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course this stuff has effects on the body -- if it did not alter mental functions and make people artificially feel good, then they would not care to do it in the first place.

So do it if you want -- just don't try to defend it as totally harmless and free of side effects as a way to justify and rationalize it.
The side effects issue. There is nothing free of side effects, even water in excess has undesirable effects.
I have met numerous people who have spend years on the 'harmless weed' yes they were still functioning, many in professional jobs etc. but no-one who wasn't stoned themselves would fail to notice differences between them and people who hadn't been long term users. Not all of these were smoking it like tobacco smokers uses cigarettes either, many were evening and weekend only, the signs were milder but still evident. They were generally slower witted, more lethargic, not in the chilled out and receptive manner they thought they were, very much lights have been out so long some of the family have left.
None of us are innocents, we all have vices that carry risks, that's part of the enjoyment of life. The more intelligent of us accept this without trying to justify it to others, we know it's risky but consider it worthwhile. If you need to justify it to others, you know it's stupid but cant accept it.
I have done so many dangerous things in pursuit of adrenalin, have the injury list to prove it, it wasn't smart and there is no debating I was fully addicted to the buzz and low following it. It was however totally stupid, I did it because I didn't care if I survived. Long term most people wouldn't spot the damage, I am more mobile and fitter than most half my age, this doesn't make what I did less stupid, just means I have worked to compensate.

I have to use neuro-inhibitors now to prevent potential of dying from epilepsy. I hate the medication effects more than the epilepsy but I have family so will not increase my risk of dying by not taking it. Without them I wouldn't bother, we all make our choices and live with them, and shouldn't justify as good for all.
So last night after weight training and a core workout I decided to smoke some buds (i am a medical cannabis user) because my foot felt sore (i was seriously injured) after my workout...then i decided to do a quick google search and began to read this thread because like the thread starter i was curious as to what the cons might be...i actually laughed at a lot of the misinformation being spread around by the non pot supporters and the pro pot supporters. (Cant blame them it was over six years ago)

Here is a quick run down of my situation...the begining of june I cut about every tendon in my foot along with nerves and ligaments...i was on bed rest for about four months and disabled for almost 6 months I began using cannabis for pain because pain pills made me feel ill if i didnt eat, lazy and almost like a zombie for most the day as opposed to cannabis that made me feel energized and motivated to get up and do things...although i have not been an everyday user i do see the benefits of using marijuana post workout.

I do agree that any amount of smoke being put into your body can be harmful for your lungs, with that being said its great that they now offer liquids, edibles (filled with thank you) and pills amongst other products you can use...since i have been on a health for life push these past two months it would be in my best interest to use the oil form and drop the whole smoking part.

P.s look at all the professional athletes who use pot..
Yeah this is great information actually i was in searing for this information and thinking to make a thread for this but i have no need to make any thread after read out this information anyways thanks for this great Health tips i will apply at home ...
Have a nice day my friend
Yeah this is great information actually i was in searing for this information and thinking to make a thread for this but i have no need to make any thread after read out this information anyways thanks for this great Health tips i will apply at home ...
Have a nice day my friend

Sorry but i forgot to ask if anybody have some information about for Exercise please share here
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A lot of nonsense on here. Experience with marijuana is totally subjective. Just because the tv commercials say it's bad doesn't necessarily mean it's true. I've been lifting heavy for the last 5 months and gained 20 pounds, and I can count on one hand how many times I haven't smoked before hitting the gym. A scoop of preworkout and a few hits of the green goddess gets me perfect. I'm not speaking for anyone else here, I know guys that don't like to lift high, but it works really well for me. The only time I'm not completely comfortable is if the gym is crowded, but most the time I'm in there after 10 pm when it's dead. My advice to you is try it. Not once or twice, dedicate a few weeks to it and see if you enjoy it.
Marijuana is a gateway drug, and even users know it is. When you compare what you could be doing with your time, its a gateway to more unproductive results. I believe in nature, that nature provides everything we need to be healed with. In this case, for reasons such as cancer and other REAL nervous systems issues,etc; I do believe that hemp is good. I don't take any meds regardless of the pain. No advil, etc. Treat your body like a perfect temple. Do everything that's best for it. If you even think once its not good for you, chances are it is not. You are what eat. You are what you smoke. You are what you drink. You are what you do. EVERY TIME YOU DO IT. Examples of bad: Cigarette's. Obviously if you smoke them, 1. you're an idiot. 2. it will hurt your body 3. why would you want to hurt the only thing keeping you alive (YOUR BODY) 4. It's a social scam. 5. over 20 million people have died. DONT PUT THINGS IN YOUR BODY THAT ARENT MEANT TO BE THERE!


Good day.
I've just recently started smoking marijuana again, and I'm wondering if it'll hurt my exercise progress. I mean the actual smoking part, not the additional food consumption.

I know smoking and working out seems pretty counter productive, but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with it. So far it's not hurt my motivation any, which was my biggest concern. I'm still working out every day.

:cool2: <-- couldn't resist. XD

There does not seem to be any evidence to show it would adversely affect your lung capacity, if anything it might slightly increase:
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There are also studies out there that seem to suggest that you can increase your testosterone level by smoking pot:
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This in turn can actually improve your workout.

I mean at the end of the day, listen to your body. If your lungs start to hurt for prolonged periods of time maybe think about cutting down or doing it after you run. Whatever you want its free country!

Furthermore, as some one who has been an everyday user for almost a decade now I can say that it has not had any major effects on my health or life. I am a marathon runner and a gymnast and I routinely use right after a workout for the associated inflammation
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There are a bunch of retards on here going around saying marijuana is a neurotoxin. A Neurotoxin is a chemical compound ( like ethanol!!! i.e beer/wine/liquor ) that causes damage to nerve tissue. 1st) I cannot find a single ( properly controlled ) study that seems to support this finding. 2nd) it seems that some are confusing neurotoxin with bad for your brain, which is debatable.

Anyway, do your own research and stay away from scare sites like this:

Having produced data for numerous purposes, including health I can say that given the correct parameters and criteria I could prove virtually anything. This doesn't mean the figures you have provided are wrong, just that in the same way as I would advise not believing only things against something I wouldn't automatically believe everything saying something is wonderful.

The lung capacity issue. Cannabis itself is not as damaging to the lungs as tobacco, because of the tar content in tobacco. There are studies out there still declaring tobacco smoking isn't bad for your lungs, but somehow this didn't stop it killing my grandfather or permanently limiting my lung capacity with me never having smoked but my mother doing so from before my conception until my grandfather died when I was little under 10. I'm not 10 anymore, by a long way, the damage caused still limits my running today.
Simple inescapable truth, inhaling smoke on a regular basis damages your lungs ability to exchange oxygen into the blood. This smoke could be from tobacco, cannabis, car exhausts, forest fires, foundry processes etc. the effect is always damage, the difference is level.
There will be studies declaring otherwise, but considering that for every one of these there are numerous pear reviewed studies that haven't eliminated various groups of people etc. to skew the figures to say otherwise.

Regular exercise can raise testosterone levels, the more intense, the more you get. This fact means that it is difficult to assess if fit people using cannabis are getting more testosterone due to activity or drug use. It doesn't mean you are wrong, just that the studies need to be view with scepticism.
Another point to consider is the number using cannabis to help them with depression, something known to reduce sexual hormone productions. If the drug is helping with depression the levels of sexual hormones will increase back toward normal levels. Again not proving you wrong but showing the studies are fundamentally flawed.

The inflammation treatment is proven. In fact it has been known for so long that the term laying on of hands referred to in the new testament for Christ has been seen in other references of the time to mean massaging with oils and the most common of these was cannabis oil because it helps inflammation and does literally make people lamed with arthritis etc. able to walk.
There is a down side to using this but nothing a level of moderation I don't possess couldn't assist with. The pain killing effect is greater than that of the anti-inflammatory component, so while you are more mobile, you aren't as mobile as you think you are and can cause more damage by acting as if you are. This doesn't detract from the benefit, just makes it something to use sensibly.

Long term usage. You have been a daily user for 10 years, I have known people who have been daily users for decades and can identify them instantly. Ironically the usual thought is that they would be more chilled etc. but I find they are more paranoid and riding the centre of a see-saw where balance can be knocked easily. While life goes their way things are good but the neural system is inhibited to a point where they have to stay in this safe zone, moves outside it are less easily adapted to than by those not using.
Nothing comes without a cost and as with many things the danger of this is made worse when the people paying it don't notice this cost. This is the case for daily alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, even caffeine users. I am not innocent here, my drugs are biologically produced by my own body but considering one of my old favourites was adrenalin this is far from safe. Long term adrenalin chasing elevates blood pressure to such an extent I knew far more dangerous sports fanatics who died from heart disease than the sports themselves, and these were fit individuals.

We all make our choices but the best thing to do is view all sides, including those 'scare sites' declaring why not to do things before making a choice. When you have made it you can of course give your experiences but need to remember not to encourage others to follow without finding out all sides first.
If you can't handle what those against the substances have to say, it suggests you have issues with your choice that you aren't willing to admit.
I know many of my choices have been stupid and try to help others avoid some of the mistakes I made by explaining what happened and the odds against me coming through unscathed. Narcotics isn't a path I have taken, it was always there but when I realised how alcohol, a substance I had seen enjoyed my whole life, affected me, I wasn't willing to risk anything else. I did however watch many who enjoyed narcotics and others who were controlled by them, the trip from one to the other is most often easier to see from outside, and unlike the scaremongers I will not declare it's automatic, having seen many enjoy class A drugs as occasional fun for years and who could stop for a year or more without issue.
Make your choice, but choose carefully.