Marijuana and exercise

I've just recently started smoking marijuana again, and I'm wondering if it'll hurt my exercise progress. I mean the actual smoking part, not the additional food consumption.

I know smoking and working out seems pretty counter productive, but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with it. So far it's not hurt my motivation any, which was my biggest concern. I'm still working out every day.

:cool2: <-- couldn't resist. XD
If you got bad DOMS smoke it up.
jman knows.

This is like asking if having sex is detrimental to training. Work is work, play is play. If someday you become so elite that play needs to revolve around work, then by all means, cut it out.
Why would you even want to do this? I don't understand the mindset of people who willingly put toxins into their bodies. It's extremely counterproductive. I believe that if a person actually had any degree of self-respect, they wouldn't feel any need to "self-medicate".
Why would you even want to do this? I don't understand the mindset of people who willingly put toxins into their bodies. It's extremely counterproductive. I believe that if a person actually had any degree of self-respect, they wouldn't feel any need to "self-medicate".

ditto that
Marijuana isn't toxic in any way at all. In terms of the actual active chemicals, it will have no detriment whatsoever. You're lung capacity will be reduced by a few %, so basically a negligible amount. Good thing about pot is that its a bronchial dilator, which means its good to smoke and work out :D and it also means it allows your lungs to clean themselves out easier. There really is not any downside, plus its great for muscle aches and pains.

Its worked for me for years, no reason why it shouldn't work for anybody who choses for it to be so.

In conclusion, here's Joe Rogan, MMA trained fighter in great shape who smokes pot everyday

Nay-Sayers don't have the personal experience
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Why would you even want to do this? I don't understand the mindset of people who willingly put toxins into their bodies. It's extremely counterproductive. I believe that if a person actually had any degree of self-respect, they wouldn't feel any need to "self-medicate".

Yeah, I had a feeling I'd get a reply or two like this. Honestly, I had the same mindset as you until I started looking at the details and evidence and asking questions to those against it.

I don't mind that you're adamantly against it, I'd just like to know why exactly. How is it counterproductive? Have you had any experience with it? Any facts? Numbers? Examples? To me, it's nothing more than the old "Drugs are bad, m'kay?" argument.

I appreciate your response - that was, after all, the point of the thread - I was hoping for a more detailed reason not to do it.

Right now, I'm feeling great. I'm in the best shape of my life, working out or running 6 days a week and making good progress, all while smoking marijuana nearly every night. I don't want to make this a habit if it will seriously counteract my workouts, but it seems to have no effect.

As for self medication: Would you take Advil for a headache? How about Tylenol? Isn't that self medication? Each of those, in excess, can kill you or seriously injure you. Marijuana can't.
Smoking MJ before or during working out is "tarded"

A personal choice that is flat stupid.

I really don't have any other word, I could use for it.

You "will" have to worry about many other aspects of your diet and fitness training within your goal path, without this added into blender, I assure you.

I do expect, that I will see you remove it when you get "thumped" enough. If you learn from "thumps" in life.

Get rid of it.

Best wishes,

If smoking before/during a workout helps you, then go for it. Personally I just want to chill when I smoke. But everyone responds differently. That's not what OP is saying, anyway. Training is training. Smoking is relaxing.

Also, the only way that smoking weed can kill you is if you smoke something like 15 lbs in 10 minutes or something. At which point you'd die of suffocation long before you got close.

And as for this "toxin" thing...other than the act of inhaling smoke, there aren't any "toxins" in marijuana. The smoke itself is akin to living in high smog areas. And why do people live in these high smog areas? We assume they live there because they choose to live there. The benefits outweigh the costs for living there. Otherwise they'd move. Why do people smoke pot? Because the benefits outweigh the costs.

Do you guys think Usain Bolt gets high?

I'm dead-set against anything that is habit-forming or addictive because the social costs are too high.

Our body is a temple and that we owe it to ourselves to treat it as such. Putting garbage (marijuana) into our bodies isn't exactly a smart thing to do. And smoking isn't healthy. In fact, it's downright stupid. It is virtually impossible for me to respect a person who willingly does things to themselves that aren't healthy.

Reality check: You are smoking drugs. If you think that's healthy, apparently your perspective is flawed. You can try to convince yourself that smoking marijuana is a healthy choice. But you're not fooling anybody. I believe it's called "denial".
Right now, I'm feeling great. I'm in the best shape of my life, working out or running 6 days a week and making good progress, all while smoking marijuana nearly every night. I don't want to make this a habit if it will seriously counteract my workouts, but it seems to have no effect.

As for self medication: Would you take Advil for a headache? How about Tylenol? Isn't that self medication? Each of those, in excess, can kill you or seriously injure you. Marijuana can't.

If you're smoking dope every night, you've already made it a habit. And that's pretty stupid. The reason you don't think it has any effect on your workouts is because your brain chemistry changes when you smoke dope. THC is a neurotoxin. Didn't you know that?

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but I can't find any medical or pharmacological website stating that marijuana has no toxins. In fact, similar to cigarettes, there are over 400 toxic substances in marijuana.

I don't take Advil. I don't take Tylenol, either. And yes, in excess those drugs can kill you. But so will smoking cigarettes and/or marijuana. It just takes longer.

At the end of the day, you have made your choice. I don't think it's a well-informed decision, but it's your life.
:sad2: Self Medication as you call it can go alot deeper than having a level of self respect.

Please explain, NBS. I'm not a social worker/therapist. I just have great difficulty understanding why people choose to do bad things to themselves. I know that people do those things, but I don't just don't know why a person would ever get to the point where they actually do things to put their body in harm's way because I think it goes against our instinct to survive.
I would never fire one up before a workout. It makes no sense to me. But if I'm partying or doing yardwork or something then I love it.

The only thing I can see as being detrimental is it does throw off your heart rythm. There are studies that show it increases your risk of sudden cardiac arrest as much as vigorous exercise. Now I'm not sure if that study is done by an anti drug lobby or not. But I did read it.

Personally I could never work out stoned. Nor could I work out after having even 1 drink. it kills my motivation and endurance.

I'm not a huge smoker or anything. If I get an 1/8 oz it lasts me 2 weeks. LOL
These kinds of discussions are usually black and white. Either you are dead set against it and thing it's crazy to do drugs, or you don't think it matters/you do it yourself.

I don't think it's a big deal, I have zero motivation issues, in fact it just makes me enjoy what I'm doing even more. Like Kraken said, some yard work or hanging out with friends, it's great. To each his own.
Marijuana is not addictive by the way. It can be a bad habit just like eating junk food is though.

Most people are allergic to hard work, dedication, and doing "what it takes" to earn their personal fitness goals. Most persons "think" they know what "it takes", but they really don't "sink this in their mind and within their heart" and "really" and truly believe it, and then act on it--appropriately. They say they know, but they really don't. IMO, you have to pull this in your mind and your heart, to get yourself (and your body) to act on it. This is the "true criminal" to your personal goals. Most have a hard time dealing with the "realities" of diet and fitness as it personally applies to them, and "one" of these is weeding through the bull-sh^t of unhealthy personal choices.

Whether its a bad food choice or other habits, not thoroughly educating yourself on what you put in your mouth (or want to consume or inhale) can be a "slow internal death", and when "this" reality hits--one day, and you KNOW it was a choice you made, you may not be able to get "back" the most precious form of life we all covet: Our health (psychological and biological). Slow death isn't felt right away. But, when it comes calling, you would if you could, give up everything to get your health back. It is recreational activities change, and one gets "truly" motivated when their health gets pushed in the corner, and oh, the anguish when you learn it was an inept personal choice for a moment of personal so-called pleasure. Yes, it is truly each their own, and dependent on personal choices, you guide the ship on how much you pay.....with your health.

Your body is an accumulative result of its past history.

You wanna play? Well, do ya? Ha? Huh?

You may have to pay one day.

Believe it.

You are mortal. Don't let this reality "really" sink in.......when its too late. Some mistakes of the past cannot be correct in the present. Therefore walk wisely, carry a HUGE MENTAL STICK, and speak to your health.

Best wishes

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I had a boyfriend years ago that was big into marijuana and he was a huge advocate of its health benefits, how its not addictive, etc. etc. He smoked it all the time in high school and claimed there would be no ill effects whatsoever, it would be great for him, and he was also trying to work out while smoking regularly.

Now years later he is still scrawny, and he has a tumor in his throat. The doctor asked if he was a smoker, and he said "Well yeah, but just marijuana, there's nothing toxic in there that can cause cancer!" The doctor told him even just the constant irritation of the throat cells caused by smoking, causing them to have to regenerate and heal so much, puts you at risk for the cells to become abnormal and therefore cancerous. I have zero pity for him and his throat tumor. But that's not just because its probably his own fault, he wasn't a very nice person overall :p

I myself prefer to breathe air. You know. Like lungs were meant to. I figure they'll function to my satisfaction this way. But to each his own.