
Your posts helped me to make a difficult phone call before I headed out on my walk yesterday!
Oh, well done! Much nicer walking without the extra baggage.
The sky was heavy and dark, but didn't rain. It was really beautiful and I had my usual sort of feeling of being in a beautiful cathedral.
That sounds wonderful. I walked along the Danube for a while today and it was such a deep green with the waves all wearing their white lace Sunday caps. Nature is lovely.
4 good days in a row? Excellent!
That walk sounds lovely, Liza. These are good to use when hiking. I must fish mine out.
There are walking sticks that fold out into 3 legged stools, too. The artist friends we'd sketch with on Cape Cod used those, and they were great if the ground is fairly level. I love the imagery of walking in the forest seeming like being in a cathedral. When I was little the cats and I would crawl into the asparagus ferns that had leaved out and gotten tall enough to make tunnels, and we'd sit under them in the shade, and it looked like a big, feathery, green cathedral in there.
Oh, well done! Much nicer walking without the extra baggage.

That sounds wonderful. I walked along the Danube for a while today and it was such a deep green with the waves all wearing their white lace Sunday caps. Nature is lovely.
Oh that sounds lovely along the Danube. And yes, to getting the phone call done before the walk--I realized I didn't want that hanging over me!
4 good days in a row? Excellent!
That walk sounds lovely, Liza. These are good to use when hiking. I must fish mine out.
Yesterday another good day so now it's 5! Thanks for the tip about the mat--I know a friend of mine uses that sort of thing but not sure if these trails would be much good for that--I think those are probably better for where the ground is more clear and even--not all muddy and covered in plants etc like these trails are.
There are walking sticks that fold out into 3 legged stools, too. The artist friends we'd sketch with on Cape Cod used those, and they were great if the ground is fairly level. I love the imagery of walking in the forest seeming like being in a cathedral. When I was little the cats and I would crawl into the asparagus ferns that had leaved out and gotten tall enough to make tunnels, and we'd sit under them in the shade, and it looked like a big, feathery, green cathedral in there.
Oh yes i can well imagine the cathedral feeling of asparagus ferns--i have a nice patch like that that would be wonderful for a small kid to sit inside of.
Thanks for the walking stick fold out idea. I will look around for that and other ideas. My most ideal would be to set up fallen logs in areas I would like to sit in so I don't have to carry anything besides a plastic bag (or one of those mats) for when the logs are wet....we'll see...

Got out for my walk-run yesterday. I added a couple of rounds on--i think i got to 7 rounds of jogging. I sort of lost count as I ran into people I knew and stopped to have a chat. I find even these short sessions really uplifting--combining the brisk walking with a bit of a jog seems to help boost it into a bit of the joy levels...and then of course just the joy of the promise of a return to proper runs...

Interestingly my back was a bit twingy when I had set out for the walk-run after doing the physio and then straightened out during the walk-run session--so something to ask the physio about...

Ate well in the morning, but really over-indulged in sugar in the afternoon. I would have gone over calories but I didn't eat in the evening at all. So calorie-wise came out ok, but I do need to prioritize the healthy foods...especially protein. I'll be sure to take my protein drink today.

Walk-85 min
physio-long session
calorie deficit-390
Your walk/run/chats sound lovely & I'm glad they're bringing you joy. I used to use my mat to sit on top of wet logs. It kept the damp & cold away.
I think I'll make a protein bar soon to take to golf. I'll search for recipes tomorrow.
The mat idea does sound good for putting over wet logs and such. I find that gentle movement sometimes helps my back to relax again if it isn't already too stressed. Glad the walk/jogs are making you feel better and feel joyful! Does the protein help much with the sugar cravings? I've been eating a lot of protein lately, but still crave sugar, so I don't know what's up with that.
Your walk/run/chats sound lovely & I'm glad they're bringing you joy. I used to use my mat to sit on top of wet logs. It kept the damp & cold away.
I think I'll make a protein bar soon to take to golf. I'll search for recipes tomorrow.
Yes I think that's the thing--there are no logs where I want to sit--otherwise I could just use a bag for the wetness(although I'm sure the mat would be more comfy!)...but I could possibly move some logs into those areas to make a place to sit...
I imagine other people wouldn't mind having a nice place to sit too.
I did some googling and see there is a little 'retractable telescopic stool' that I could also buy. Folds up nice and small...we'll see..
The mat idea does sound good for putting over wet logs and such. I find that gentle movement sometimes helps my back to relax again if it isn't already too stressed. Glad the walk/jogs are making you feel better and feel joyful! Does the protein help much with the sugar cravings? I've been eating a lot of protein lately, but still crave sugar, so I don't know what's up with that.
I don't know about the protein helping with sugar cravings--I don't really get that many cravings--it's more that I just have trouble stopping myself once I start eating sugar. If I don't have it around me, I'm totally fine...the protein I just want to be careful to keep getting at least close to the goal set by cronometer--just for general health stuff.
Well done on the walk-run session, sounds good, and it's nice to run into people too. Hope you had your protein drink today.
I do love running into people and having a chat :) Nice to be having some weather where it's nice enough to stop for a bit.

Well I got a lot of walking in yesterday. More than I expected as I had a walk planned with a friend that went on a bit longer than I expected...and then got more walking in earlier in the day for some a very nice amount.

I am so grateful that walking is very doable for me--no foot or back pain even after 3 hours yesterday.

Was nice to catch up with this friend and have a good talk as well as it's been a while since we met up. Ate somewhat well but even with the protein drink I fell a bit short of my protein goal again, and yes overdid the sugar again...

But anyway it was a nice day.

walk-3+ hours
physio-short session
calorie deficit-200
That sounds like another lovely day. I'm so happy for you that you can walk for that long without pain. That's excellent, Liza!
Yay for lots of walking and meeting up with a friend! It's nice you can have sugar because you watch your calories so well.
That sounds like another lovely day. I'm so happy for you that you can walk for that long without pain. That's excellent, Liza!
I really am so grateful for walking without pain!
Yay for lots of walking and meeting up with a friend! It's nice you can have sugar because you watch your calories so well.
Yes it is nice to be able to include treats and not feel so deprived. But yeah as soon as I stop counting calories my weight does creep up as it is so easy to go over when one does include sweets!
I was saying to a friend yesterday how I don't trust myself to assess what I need to eat just on feeling alone. It's like I don't seem to know what real hunger is vs craving. It seems sort of unhealthy that I have to fill in my cronometer diary page to see where my calories are at and assess whether I really need to eat from that, but that is where I seem to be at...

Yesterday was pretty busy, but in a really good way. Was able to help an older friend out with some work at her place. We had a nice chat and some tea together as well.

We got some really nice weather too and I think we're in for some more so it will probably be nice to get back out into the garden again too. Hoping to possibly take my bike to the shop today. I really hope they can make the handlebar adjustment that I want. I am a little bit afraid that the bike is so old that they won't be able to...we'll see...

walk-45 min
calorie deficit-400
It's like I don't seem to know what real hunger is vs craving. It seems sort of unhealthy that I have to fill in my cronometer diary page to see where my calories are at and assess whether I really need to eat from that, but that is where I seem to be at...
You know you can be genuinely hungry without needing calories, right? If your body thinks it ought to be heavier than you are you're going to be hungry despite having eaten the amount of calories your conscious mind wants you to eat. If you're having calorie-dense food the volume is going to be lower than when you're having a bunch of veggies with your meal so your stomach won't be full when your calorie budget is used up. If you aren't getting the building blocks your body needs (like protein) it's going to try and make you continue to eat. That's not your body being untrustworthy; it's just trying to keep you alive with a cheat-sheet that's 20,000 years out of date because that's all it's got.
I hope the trip to the bike shop went well and was less scary than you imagined! Glad you enjoyed helping your friend out and having some tea together. You seem to be getting out there a bit more. That's great! I know you had it on your vision board.
I know what you mean about how darn hard it is to differentiate between hunger and cravings, and so hard to tell if portion sizes are right, too. I would so love to be able to lose weight or even maintain it without calorie counting, but I think I need to go back to calorie counting, too. That's wonderful you can see what's possible with adjusting your bike today. I hope it goes great!!
You know you can be genuinely hungry without needing calories, right? If your body thinks it ought to be heavier than you are you're going to be hungry despite having eaten the amount of calories your conscious mind wants you to eat. If you're having calorie-dense food the volume is going to be lower than when you're having a bunch of veggies with your meal so your stomach won't be full when your calorie budget is used up. If you aren't getting the building blocks your body needs (like protein) it's going to try and make you continue to eat. That's not your body being untrustworthy; it's just trying to keep you alive with a cheat-sheet that's 20,000 years out of date because that's all it's got.
yeah it's just that I can see that a lot of times it's not genuine hunger, but rather just feeling like eating more. I am astounded at the amount I can eat if I don't count calories, and then when i count them and see objectively that I've had enough, then suddenly it's like I realize I don't need to eat. I just feel out of touch with my body's needs.

I hope the trip to the bike shop went well and was less scary than you imagined! Glad you enjoyed helping your friend out and having some tea together. You seem to be getting out there a bit more. That's great! I know you had it on your vision board.
Thanks Emily! Yes definitely making efforts to get out there more! Before covid I was much more involved in the community and so at least I feel like I have a bit of a base to work from, like I'm not starting from scratch--it just means forcing myself to get back out there and tapping back into those spaces.
It's lovely to be able to help others. I hope you do get your bike fixed, Liza 🤞
The trip to the bike store went great. Such a lovely/helpful/friendly guy! I was the only one needing help too so I got a chance to have a good chat with him. He was able to make a simple adjustment for super cheap that he's hoping will make a good enough difference. He says if it still doesn't feel better, he can do more, but it would mean actually buying a new part and making some bigger changes. We had a nice chat about the bike overall and what could be done for it and what that would cost me...I was telling him that I am not sure about investing money into fixing up this bike more, or whether to go for a new one now I know I actually enjoy riding...Anyway, I feel like now I can ride this as it is for now while I consider other options. Another outing that proves I don't need to avoid the things that make me anxious!

I know what you mean about how darn hard it is to differentiate between hunger and cravings, and so hard to tell if portion sizes are right, too. I would so love to be able to lose weight or even maintain it without calorie counting, but I think I need to go back to calorie counting, too. That's wonderful you can see what's possible with adjusting your bike today. I hope it goes great!!
Yes! I am so hoping that one day I will be able to actually feel what my body needs and not just be eating for pleasure or whatever. Last time i dropped like 25 pounds, and then felt like I had a good grasp on what I needed to do to maintain that, but as soon as I dropped calorie counting, it crept right back up! I do feel like at least I am a lot healthier than before and am learning lots about my body's needs in terms of movement and better nutrition, but yeah i feel pretty out of touch in a lot of ways.

So yeah yesterday was pretty good overall with getting the bike looked at, and got some more peas planted in the garden and ate well for the most part. Anxiety hit later in the afternoon, and I couldn't seem to move past it as well as i have been doing in the previous days. So I did eat extra in the evening as a way of soothing it. But yeah I would say not a bad day really.

Walk-45 min
Bike 30 min
physio-long session
proetin-102% (yay!)
calorie deficit-100
I'm so happy the bike visit went great and that you have a great person helping you with your bike now! I think I may try to find a yoga person on YouTube who does sessions with body awareness in mind. I remember my first yoga teacher really talked a lot about holding stress in and it suddenly releasing sometimes after a year of solid yoga practice, and she also worked a lot with us about being in our bodies and really paying attention to how all the stretches felt so we could adjust properly and be safe, but also just for body awareness reasons. I love planting peas - it's nice to live vicariously through you while I have to make do with a few pots of veggies until we move. I did similarly - lost 50 pounds last time and gained a good bit of it back, so I am hoping we find things that work for permanently keeping the weight off!!
yeah it's just that I can see that a lot of times it's not genuine hunger, but rather just feeling like eating more. I am astounded at the amount I can eat if I don't count calories, and then when i count them and see objectively that I've had enough, then suddenly it's like I realize I don't need to eat. I just feel out of touch with my body's needs.
Ah, that I absolutely do get! Especially when it's calorie-dense, delicious food my brain does not want to admit that I could possibly be full...
Great to hear your bike shop experience was a positive one. Fingers crossed your back will be happier now.
I'm glad the bike guy was so helpful & kind. I hope the adjustment does the trick. It sounds like you had a good day overall :)
The trip to the bike store went great. Such a lovely/helpful/friendly guy! I was the only one needing help too so I got a chance to have a good chat with him. He was able to make a simple adjustment for super cheap that he's hoping will make a good enough difference. He says if it still doesn't feel better, he can do more, but it would mean actually buying a new part and making some bigger changes. We had a nice chat about the bike overall and what could be done for it and what that would cost me...I was telling him that I am not sure about investing money into fixing up this bike more, or whether to go for a new one now I know I actually enjoy riding...Anyway, I feel like now I can ride this as it is for now while I consider other options. Another outing that proves I don't need to avoid the things that make me anxious!
I just had a feeling you'd have a good time at the bike shop! 😏