
Our squash gets blossom end rot from all the humidity, so I just tried one zucchini this time. If you find a solution for the zucchini, I'm all ears. I bet your tomatoes will take over the empty spaces really quickly. Glad to hear you have a happy stomach and nice worked out legs!
Yay for a pretty looking stomach! I can only dream, hahaha.
Ah, garden dreams...I hope I can follow you with the debloated stomach soon: I'm experimenting with 4 smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones but today threw things off already.
Yes I think I would do better with smaller meals as well. And probably slowing down my eating...i tend to eat a whole lot in one sitting and eat way too fast! I was noticing myself doing that yesterday and wondering why I do that. Like I'm not rushing off to anywhere after the meal and yet I seem to want to get it in me as fast as possible. I can see that when I've let myself get over-hungry but I do it all the time.
Our squash gets blossom end rot from all the humidity, so I just tried one zucchini this time. If you find a solution for the zucchini, I'm all ears. I bet your tomatoes will take over the empty spaces really quickly. Glad to hear you have a happy stomach and nice worked out legs!
Yes humidity too for the squashes is a problem isn't it? I grew up in a region that was hot and dry and perfect for all the things that struggle in this region I'm in now...but I keep trying anyhow! I will let you know how it goes. Now I feel super-inspired to make a real go of it!
Yay for a pretty looking stomach! I can only dream, hahaha.
Well I'm not sure about 'pretty' but I do like it flattening out!
Well done on the hard bike ride & yay for a good-looking stomach. In my dreams! That all sounds like a good day, Liza.
Thanks Cate. Feels great to be getting back to more of the intense/fun exercise again!

Well I went looking for cherry tomato plants and zucchini but wasn't happy with anything I found. So I will keep looking and maybe just get some zucchini seeds and start them from seed instead. I got a couple of regular size tomato plants. Next year I am totally going to start my tomatoes from seed though. Usually I find some good deals on starts so I don't bother but if you wait too long (like I did this year) there just isn't much selection around...oh well. I have one more place I can try so will see if I can get some still...

Yesterday was pretty good overall. Lots of walking in just for errand stuff, ate well, but still way too much sugar. As soon as I start I am having such a hard time stopping. I think I will buy some healthy oils maybe today and see if that helps as I see on cronometer that I am actually often low on fats and especially low on healthy maybe that's why I have a hard time stopping on sweets--just my body looking for fat.

I was disappointed to see that my favorite protein powder was out of stock too, so I will have to try and find a different one to use in the meantime. I hope I can find one I like as much as this one.

walk-2 hours
sugar cals-599!!
calorie deficit-150
Yes I think I would do better with smaller meals as well. And probably slowing down my eating...i tend to eat a whole lot in one sitting and eat way too fast! I was noticing myself doing that yesterday and wondering why I do that. Like I'm not rushing off to anywhere after the meal and yet I seem to want to get it in me as fast as possible. I can see that when I've let myself get over-hungry but I do it all the time.
Yes, I do this too! Sometimes I think my head is so messed up, I don't really allow myself to enjoy food, one of the true pleasures in life. It's an interesting one! Let's work on that!

I do find the more exercise I do, the more I can consume so much sugar and processed food. Whereas when I was losing all that weight earlier this year, I wasn't doing much exercise (but I was fairly active in terms of being out in the evenings) and I lost that hungry feeling. I don't know what the answer to that is. It's so hard to have the perfect diet and I think we have all been conditioned to adore sugar from a very young age. It's a hard habit to break.
Eating quickly really messes with my digestion. Thankfully I'm a slow eater by nature.
Yes eating fast is so unhealthy! I do feel like I was sort of trained in childhood to eat fast. Meals often seemed rushed.
I hope you find some veggie seedlings soon, Liza. Yesterday sounds like a good day :)
Thanks Cate...I will try the local market today to see if anyone has any plants left...
Yes, I do this too! Sometimes I think my head is so messed up, I don't really allow myself to enjoy food, one of the true pleasures in life. It's an interesting one! Let's work on that!
It was so funny as yesterday I really had it in my head to eat my lunch slowly and mindfully, but as soon as I sat down to eat, it was like my brain switched off and I found myself inhaling it again! wtf?? This morning I did better with breakfast. Just sat and ate slowly as I looked out the window at the lovely springtime greenery. Much better.
I do find the more exercise I do, the more I can consume so much sugar and processed food. Whereas when I was losing all that weight earlier this year, I wasn't doing much exercise (but I was fairly active in terms of being out in the evenings) and I lost that hungry feeling. I don't know what the answer to that is. It's so hard to have the perfect diet and I think we have all been conditioned to adore sugar from a very young age. It's a hard habit to break.
Very true--I definitely want more sugar when I exercise more...well unless I'm just eating sugar to calm my anxiety...then the exercise helps settle that...yes a hard one to get right!

Official weigh-in 137.5 Glad to see it hanging around there when I felt like I was failing a bit with the whole sugar thing!

Couldn't find any good protein powder in the stores yesterday so will have to order a different one online and hope for the best. I did buy a good oil--a mix of omegas 3-6-9...and picked up some vitamins as well, so feeling like I'm on a health kick :)

Yesterday was back to feeling a little overwhelmed with that feeling of being behind on everything and still feeling like I am playing catch-up but not really a bad day. Today is normally the day I like to fit in a nice long bike ride or walk but I think I will be going into town instead to get to the market. Maybe tomorrow I can get an earlier start and fit in a longer walk or bike ride or run...we've gotten a spell of cool wet weather lately which is really great but also not as enticing for longer outings. Nice to stay home and be cozy!
I do that, too, set a goal to eat more mindfully, then either gulp my food down, or do that thing where you concentrate so hard that the chewed food feels gross. I think enjoyment is the key, like you are saying. My Buddhist teacher had a simple saying he always emphasized, "Enjoy yourself!" I think we was pointing to the more tantric non-sexual part of Buddhist philosophy that says that renunciation makes you want the thing you are renouncing even more, so you can learn to enjoy the thing instead, but in moderation. The balance point between grasping and aversion is so hard sometimes, and especially with potentially addictive things like sugar. I think you do really well with moderation in general, even if you can be a bit disappointed in yourself if you don't accomplish all that you'd like to. Is the omega oil you are getting a vitamin, or do they infuse that in cooking oil now? If so, does cooking with it make the ingredients less effective? We need more omega fats in our diet, but the heavy metals in the local fish are at a high level here, and fish has gotten expensive. I hope you find a good protein powder you like. There were hardly any veggie starts in the big box store that I always go to here, and what was there wasn't in 6-packs, so was really expensive. I am so glad I have a little garden coming out of my old compost pile!
It's interesting, isn't it? A bit of exercise helps ease the anxiety and cravings but then too much of it makes me more anxious AND stupid hungry. Great to hear your weight didn't go up!
It's like that here today too - raining all day. I'm trying to enjoy it!

Hope you have a good day at the market.
The market was great--I should be making that a weekly thing. Lots of good produce (mostly greens right now) and then some yummy baked goods, and wonderful artists. This week I just went in and out real quick but I think I will budget in some time and money to be spent there. I did get some lovely cherry tomato plants for a good price too from a really lovely local farmer.
Is the omega oil you are getting a vitamin, or do they infuse that in cooking oil now? If so, does cooking with it make the ingredients less effective? We need more omega fats in our diet, but the heavy metals in the local fish are at a high level here, and fish has gotten expensive.
The oil I get is oil that you don't cook with (as yes, you don't want to heat it) I find it lovely to put over salads and stuff. You can also buy it as a vitamin supplement but I prefer to eat it on my food. It's expensive though.
I am so glad I have a little garden coming out of my old compost pile!
That is definitely the preferred way--nice little volunteers popping up!
It's interesting, isn't it? A bit of exercise helps ease the anxiety and cravings but then too much of it makes me more anxious AND stupid hungry. Great to hear your weight didn't go up!
Yes back to that whole point around balance. A hard one to get right! Yesterday was one of those days...

Started out great. Ended up doing a lovely meandering walk over to the market, then got to the market and found those lovely cherry tomato plants. And it was such a good vibe at the market altogether. Like I said above--I will definitely try and get there more regularly.
Then home for a second breakfast and a second coffee before heading out into my garden and doing a good amount of work out there as the rain had stopped. Trimmed back the over-growing bushes. I find that to be a challenging job-to bring the garden into a balance of wild and cultivated. I don't like things over cultivated but also not too overgrown...I think I did a fairly good job. Came in and got a lovely nice big nourishing meal...but then somewhere in there, fatigue and anxiety hit. I would have benefited from a nap but I didn't have time before the online family meetup. The evening after that was mostly ok but yeah kind of exhausted by the whole anxiety thing. Oh well so it goes.

I didn't track my food but I think I did all right. Not too much sugar and lots of healthy stuff. Oh and yesterday I also found a new protein powder that might work for me--the ingredients look good at least--vegan and no stevia (seems hard to find ones without stevia!) so we'll see how that tastes...

This morning is pouring (yay!) I think I will aim for a quiet morning at home. Do some crocheting, some essentrics, maybe my physio, maybe some piano...
The market sounds lovely & you have reminded me that our local monthly one is this coming weekend. I'm glad you managed to get some cherry tomato seedlings. I love the differences in our terminology. Starts/seedlings for example & self-sown/volunteers. I love volunteers. I'm going to use that from now on.
I also love that you said yay to the pouring rain.
Fingers crossed the protein powder will be tasty and easy on the stomach.
I hope so too! (yet to try it) I have one tub of protein powder that I had a reaction to and so now it's just sitting was one with so many things added to it that I'm not sure what I reacted to. I thought maybe I could just add small spoons of it to my other powder and see if I'm ok with it in small amounts...but so far I've been too afraid to try that.
The market sounds lovely & you have reminded me that our local monthly one is this coming weekend. I'm glad you managed to get some cherry tomato seedlings. I love the differences in our terminology. Starts/seedlings for example & self-sown/volunteers. I love volunteers. I'm going to use that from now on.
I also love that you said yay to the pouring rain.
I love the term 'volunteers' as well. I had only first heard it a few years back and was confused what people were referring to and when I learned what they meant I just loved the idea of it! So nice!
I am loving our cool wet spring. I really have a dread of summer heat and droughts now and so every day it rains I just feel a sense of profound relief and joy.

Well yesterday I just really had a day of pure relaxation. Didn't do anything in the morning except some crocheting. Afternoon I got my usual walking time in but that was it. The evening was spent on the couch. I really felt the need for pure rest as my brain has just been on edge lately and is just easily spiking into full on anxiety. Sometimes exercise is the best remedy for that but right now I feel it's more the rest and do nothing option that is the better one.

Food-wise I did semi-ok. Probably ate over maintenance though. But again, something I thought would do my stressed brain some good.
The market sounds wonderful and volunteers is such a cute word. A new one for me too.

Hope the evening's rest did you good, Liza.
The market sounds wonderful and volunteers is such a cute word. A new one for me too.

Hope the evening's rest did you good, Liza.
Thanks Emily--the resting has been good. I spent a good amount of time being restful yesterday. When I got home yesterday, I opened a cider and had some of that and just spent the evening watching dumb shows and playing chess and early to bed.

I did made it to my knitting group in the yesterday morning. Started working on a bird now. The mouse is pretty much done and he came out really cute, but I have some detail work to do on his face. I have to do that detail work at home though. I've tried out a couple of different eye options that I'm not crazy about so far. Eyes are important... I deviated a little from the pattern I was following and gave him some shoes so he could stand on his own (he's a standing mouse, rather than a sitting one) and I made a little coat for him since having shoes made him look like he should have other clothes. It's been fun. I like the room to improvise with crochet that I never got the hang of in knitting--it makes the whole thing way more fun rather than just following a pattern. It also makes it easier to work in a group setting as it doesn't have to be so exact.

Exercise was ok yesterday, as was food for the most part. I didn't track calories again though...I should do that today...I've been encouraged by the scales lately but I do want to keep it down so should be tracking here and there.

walk-1 hour
The mouse is pretty much done and he came out really cute, but I have some detail work to do on his face. I have to do that detail work at home though. I've tried out a couple of different eye options that I'm not crazy about so far. Eyes are important... I deviated a little from the pattern I was following and gave him some shoes so he could stand on his own (he's a standing mouse, rather than a sitting one) and I made a little coat for him since having shoes made him look like he should have other clothes. It's been fun. I like the room to improvise with crochet that I never got the hang of in knitting--it makes the whole thing way more fun rather than just following a pattern.
The personal touches are 100% the most fun part of making little figures. And the details on the face can really make or break a project. I really struggled with eyes at first but I think I'm getting better at them. If something is supposed to be cute you want them larger, lower down, and further apart than makes biological sense. And eyebrows can do a lot.
It seems like you have really good intuition about what will help your anxiety, and it's nice hearing when you know to slow down and relax and take it easy. The mouse sounds so cute!!!
The mouse sounds adorable with his little coat and shoes. So cute!!