LiveFromNY's Exercise Log

Yeah but at least you did something - many would've used the sickness as an excuse not to do anything, so good on ya.
A broken toe, yes. Itchiness? Tiredness? Nah...........
Sorry to hear about your "itchiness" it can't be pleasant. Hopefully it will pass quickly for you. Congrats on the weight loss, looks like you are back on track!
It was sort of a rough weekend; Saturday night DH decided to be “treated” for the scabies so I had more washing up to do. With all the commotion at home, I forgot to go on the bike completely, after Friday afternoon…and even so, being that I didn’t want to put my exercise shorts in the dryer, I had to exercise pantless for several days, and that’s not attractive !

Sunday, I did an old Karen Voight workout, Firm Arms and Abs, with 10 lb weights, and thankfully WITH the shorts that had been washed 2 weeks ago and were (hopefully) safe!

Monday, Aug 6, 2007
U.R. Dance Bound. I hope no overeating today, and bike later.
Tues Aug 7th
Kari Anderson's 30 minute Tone it Up with 10 lb weights rather than the intended Dyna Bands. Going to a wedding tonite so no bike . . and it prob. means I'll eat more than I want to - it'd better be good!
Wed Aug 8th

There was a huge, quick rainstorm and the subways all but shut down. I did the U.R. Kick bound, but hardly got out after that.

Thurs Aug 9th

Karen Voight’s Core Essentials Pilates with 10 lb weights, but I was a little tired even though I didn’t do anything much the previous day and blew off some of the ab work and all of the stretches!


So, prob. NO bike later.
Friday Aug 10th
I most def did NOT make it to the bike Thur night; with all the scabies cleanup I barely managed to stay awake until DH had my bed vacuumed, Lysol’d, and freshly made. I don’t even remember what I ate for dinner, but I def did NOT overeat.

I did a short U.R. routine, Latin Bound, in order to finish the laundry before work. I did make it to the bike later, thankfully!

Sunday, Aug 12th
I was tired from the weekend and after doing Corey Everson’s 30 minute Get Hard Shoulder and Arm workout with 10 lb weights, and doing some errands with the shopping cart, I slept all afternoon. I was too tired at night to bike, also. BUT at least I did not overeat!

Monday Aug 13th
U.R. Hi Lo workout, it’s one of the longer ones at 35 minutes. Some walking later.
Live, how many videos do you own? :D

A couple of shelves worth, why?

DD has decided to firm up her abs so I bequeathed her Kari Anderson's Curl and the Firm's 5-day-Abs. (Curl almost did her in, lol!)

Tuesday, Aug 14th

Karen Voight's 40 minute Core Essential Pilates with 10 lb weights. Hopefully bike later, I've got the dr and a plumber coming later .
Wed Aug 15th

Did NOT get on the bike Tues night, am fighting a cold or allergies or something...and the plumber didn't return my calls either. DS got the pill of choice from the dr, though. Apparently it has enough side effects - enough for the rest of us not to want to take it . . just hope he can beat this thing. As for the rest of us, right now we're gambling with it . . .

Made DD's Good Luck dinner - she's taking her last Regent on Thursday and I promised her a good family dinner. (We aren't home Wed. night so we had it on Tues. night.)

In the morning, i did the U.R. Interval Bound from tape #2. It was a pretty intense 30 minute workout!

No bike later; I'll be doing some walking, hope it won 't be too hot. Have to get DS's Joe Satriani tickets later; is anyone here a fan? Or even know who he is?
Ah, Stingo's on the ball.


I ate a little something in my office after work, went uptown ( I should have walked there, would have been great exercie although it was a warm night) and then got in line.....and stood with the other music lovers for a good long time! Boy was I sweaty by the time I got home!

Thursday aug 16th
Karen Voight's 30 minute Get Firm Fast. I have an extra copy, if anyone wants it . . . .
I got on the bike Thursday night, thankfully.

Friday Aug 17th
Anna Benson's G-Force #2, an alternate U.R. workout for me. (She started The Firm and the set is similar.) It's about 35 minutes long. Prob bike later.

DS did NOT get the right scabies treatment (the pharmacy gave him 32 pills instead of the one we were expecting; tottaly have to check on that!!!) so his saga is still ongoing . . . at least I didn't kill myself with laundry last night.

The plumber is still nowhere to be seen.

Oh, and as a treat, DS got me a diet Danish. I never had one before.....if i cheat, I cheat, ya know?
I was sure I posted since the last time, don't know where my posts went, so I'll report quickly . . .

Sunday Aug 19th
Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight #2, 10 lb weights.

U.R., the workout with the red headed twins who were Rockettes, and bike later; no overeating.

Cindy Crawford's Shape your body with Radu workout #1. RAn around with DD in the cold NYC rain, had a wedding later and just collapsed at night....

Wed Aug 22nd
Could not exercise; chills and feverish. Not enough to blow off work, but enough to stay in bed another hour. Some walking, though.
Do you notice progress from doing so many different workouts? Like the next time through being easier than the last?
I don’t, really, Stingo . . think I should?

I am going to Washington (DC) for a few days next week, so I’ll see you all either late next week or so . . .
I don’t, really, Stingo . . think I should?

I am going to Washington (DC) for a few days next week, so I’ll see you all either late next week or so . . .

No idea - I just know with the strength training I'm doing, I stay on the program for a month and I can see and feel definite progress in the amount of weight I use and the way I lift them.
It was an okay visit; DD and I walked to the park and of course in shopping malls!

Thursday, Aug 30th
Kari Anderson’s 30 minute full body Tone it Up with 10 lb weights and bike at night.

Friday, Aug 31st
U.R. 23 minute workout Ballet Bound, bike later.
Labor Day Weekend
It was okay, some overeating but not too bad comparatively.
Did a new Tai Chi workout.

Tues, Sept 4th
Back to work and a regular schedule
U.R. Box and Bounce…prob bike later. Ate well.

Oh, I sold the extra Karen Voight DVD I had; I had offered it to you all here but no one took me up on it . .
Thanks but I've enough work between NROL and intervals to do a DVD on top of that.

It's been a while since I've done Tai Chi - I kind of miss it. What sort of workout was it?