Journey, Not A Destination

Well it's about time you make me an aunty, mister man. ;) Congrats, Steve! I know... I know. You can kick my arse for going MIA. As for the RA, I know you all too well, that won't hold you back from anything. haha Ciao, homeboy.

Happy Bday, Doll!

Let it be known that even though I was MIA for a good year plus, I STILL remembered your birthday is on the 16th of this month. Only because mine was 10 days earlier. hahahaaa! Hau'oli La Hanau, e Nohea!!! (Happy birthday, handsome!!!)

Holy! I had to do a double take. How the hell are you, Sheryl? Talk about a ghost from the past. A good one.

We MUST catch up when you have the chance. I barely get on this forum anymore so hopefully you still have my email addy.


Krista wound up going into labor the night before she was scheduled to go in for induction. Pretty crazy. We gave birth to Johanna Irelia (combo of grandmother's names; Irene and Emelia) on June 7th.

There are no words for how happy I was... and still am. She added a whole other level of awesomeness to life I could never have predicted.
Wow, Steve!! What a BEAUTIFUL baby!!!!! So exciting!! Is she your 1st?? its AMAZING how being a parent makes a person see the world differently. Its been baby city over here for me...2 of my SIL's had babies too this past week...the one was 2 months early and only weighs 2 lbs...the other one, just like you mentioned, went into labor the night before she was to be induced as well...funny!

Anyways!!! Congrats on your bundle of joy! May God bless her, all of the days of her life!
Thanks very much, Korrie. She is my first. And she already has me wrapped around her little finger! I'm in trouble.
Ran across a post of yours today and was so glad to see you still swing by :) I just restarted and wondered where all my old fav mods went. Well not OLD but you know what I mean, lol.

And grats on being a proud new papa, she's beautiful!
Nice to see you... it's been a while. I haven't been around here much at all. I've had my hands quite full. But I'm planning on coming back around more regularly again.

Hope all is well and thanks!
Holy! I had to do a double take. How the hell are you, Sheryl? Talk about a ghost from the past. A good one.

We MUST catch up when you have the chance. I barely get on this forum anymore so hopefully you still have my email addy.

First and foremost, Baby Johanna is absolutely gorgeous!!! What a precious babygirl! Congrats to both you and Krista, Steve. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person, lemme tell ya. As for Irelia... that's a wicked name! Love it.

As for myself, Dude, you're telling me. I'm doing pretty damn good. I'm actually a manager at a pretty well known fitness chain. (Think "Biggest Loser") Regardless of what went down, I wasn't going to let that destroy me. :) But yah, man... I'm gonna have to get your email addy again, because my other account was shut down. PM it to me please. Miss BSing w you. TTYS.

Oh Steve, Johanna is absolutely gorgeous. That set of photos is amazing. I absolutely love the one where you're holding her.
I've followed a lot of your posts on here for a while, and I gotta say, you give some of the best, no-bullshit advice on this site. Thank you.
And congratulations on the baby, she's lovely!
I've followed a lot of your posts on here for a while, and I gotta say, you give some of the best, no-bullshit advice on this site. Thank you.
And congratulations on the baby, she's lovely!

Thanks very much, Rachel. I don't get on here as much as I used to but it's still a great community.
Training this week is very low volume and conservative due to the build up of volume and intensity over the previous 3 weeks.

Yesterday looked like this:

A - Pullups - BWx2x6
B1 - Suspended Pushups - BWx2x8
B2 - Cable Rows - 135x2x8

I followed this up with pushing the sled around the yard.

Feel pretty good and definitely need this conservative week.
A1 - Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 225x3x3, 2x5

A2 - Seated 90/90 stretch

B - Speed Deadlifts - 185x8x1

C - DB Walking Lunges - 45x3x10

D1 - Dragon Flags - 3x12

D2 - DB Suitcase Deadlifts - 35x3x10

I occasionally throw up what I'm doing to give people food for thought. If anyone ever has any questions about my training, please, by all means, ask!
Tuesday's training looked like this:

A - Barbell Floor Press - 205x3x3
B1- Supinated Cable Rows - 140x3x7
B2 - Band Resisted Pushups - Mediumx3x7
C1 - Face Pulls with external rotation - 50x3x12
C2 - Band Pullaparts - Lightx3x10

Wednesday I did some foam rolling, some dynamic mobility work, some jumping rope interspersed with sled dragging.
Yesterday was an off day for working out. I had a few clients in the evening but other than that.... it was a quiet day.

Tuesdays training....

A - Floor Press - 215x4x2
B1 - Band Resisted Pushups - 3x7, 1x10
B2 - Supinated Cable Rows - 160x3x7, 1x10
C1 - Facepulls with External Rotation - 60x3x10
C2 - Band Pull-aparts - 3x12