'I Can't stop eating' Club

Hey girls, what’s up?

.Rainie, are you ok? I've been screwing up since last weigh-in too, can you believe it?! After losing all that weight I probably just gained it all back, it's as if I can’t stop sabotaging myself, I just keep choosing to give up because honestly staying fat is easier, I can come up with a million excuses of why I can't lose weight and then just hate myself and be miserable about my lack of willpower but come onnnn we can't keep this up!!!
We need to be able to lead a healthier lifestyle, we need to be happy with who we are and that's what we're here for, no matter how many times we screw up, we're gonna get this right.

Gaining weight wasn't something that just happened to us overnight, it was a process, we kept making the wrong decisions for a long period of time so if we want to lose it we're gonna have to make the right ones for more than a few days too. It's gonna be hard but as long as we're here for each other and we realize that we don't have to go through this alone we can do this.

The other day I read something in the forum that really inspired me and it has helped me through some rough times:

"I see so many people make progress and then lose focus or give up just because of one bad meal, one bad day, or one bad week.
You're not striving for perfection, just health. Thankfully, a few mistakes here and there won’t put all those pounds back right away.
Remember, it was a long series of bad food and fitness choices that lead you to where you are, not just one.

This is a learning experience and a lot of times you can’t learn without a few mistakes.

We'll be okay, we're gonna achieve our goals, we just have to stay positive and keep trying no matter what, it's not about being perfect, like Jae0 said, it's about health :) and feeling better about ourselves.

Hope to hear from you soon girls, take care.
Thnx so much Cam for encouraging me.. think I'm just a bit emotional because it's almost my bday and still not losing anything and still overeating so much... and then because I'm emotional I start eating even more...

Of course staying fat and eating unhealthy is so much easier.. doing the right things is much harder.. and I think sometimes we compare ourselves with everyone and everything around us... we DO want to be perfect.. maybe that's not the good attitude either.. I think I have put on the weight that I lost too :( why is this journey so long and so difficult.. sometimes I wish I was there already tomorrow.. but I know it's impossible... I have to find my willpower back...

dificulties at work


I'm new here, my name is Benedita.

I'm leaving in France, recently moved, and have started working in a hotel as receptionist. My problem is to resist to the croissants, pain au chocolate and everythng else that is availabe. In fact now the hotel is quite and i don't have anything to do, so i think about food and eating all the time and the worst is that when i start i can not stop and eat saulty, sweet... everything.

I do sport, i eat very well at breakfast and at lunch but when i on my shift, arround 6/7 pm i start feeling ungry and i think i'm going to eat a fruit and a yogurth or a ham & cheese sandwich i end up taking one croissant, anther one, and the another, and another;...... rrrrrrrrrrrr

I am someone used to eat litle at dinner, i can not cook at work and we don't have complete meals available. I think i should take a meal from home but my problem will always be there.... after my meal i will feel a litle chocolate or another treat ......... and here we go again.....rrrrrrrr

On the top of this i have to fight with my loneliness here is this foreign county, so sometimes on my days off i spend them at home eating. I'm trying to make some friendships over the net to see if i can get some distraction or meet someone nice.... but i'm having difficulty to meet anyone nice.

I really hope i can ge some help from this forum.

Targets for Today:
what i will not do - eat croissants/pain au chocolate.
what i will do - have a balanced meal at 7pm.

When I go food shopping, i can only buy food for the next day or so- otherwise I'll eat everything within a couple of days...I have NO self control....I once tried buying enough food to last 2 weeks, and I ate everything within a few days...
If I open a bag or box of somthing, i tend to eat it ALL in one sitting...
Limiting my portions is a problem- i'm an emotional eater too, and eating lifts my spirits when i'm down, and eating puts me at ease when i'm nervous,and eating calms me when i'm worried..

I'm new here, my name is Benedita.

I'm leaving in France, recently moved, and have started working in a hotel as receptionist. My problem is to resist to the croissants, pain au chocolate and everythng else that is availabe. In fact now the hotel is quite and i don't have anything to do, so i think about food and eating all the time and the worst is that when i start i can not stop and eat saulty, sweet... everything.

I do sport, i eat very well at breakfast and at lunch but when i on my shift, arround 6/7 pm i start feeling ungry and i think i'm going to eat a fruit and a yogurth or a ham & cheese sandwich i end up taking one croissant, anther one, and the another, and another;...... rrrrrrrrrrrr

I am someone used to eat litle at dinner, i can not cook at work and we don't have complete meals available. I think i should take a meal from home but my problem will always be there.... after my meal i will feel a litle chocolate or another treat ......... and here we go again.....rrrrrrrr

On the top of this i have to fight with my loneliness here is this foreign county, so sometimes on my days off i spend them at home eating. I'm trying to make some friendships over the net to see if i can get some distraction or meet someone nice.... but i'm having difficulty to meet anyone nice.

I really hope i can ge some help from this forum.

Targets for Today:
what i will not do - eat croissants/pain au chocolate.
what i will do - have a balanced meal at 7pm.


Hey Benedicta! :)
Welcome!!! I know what u mean about the being alone in a foreign country part.. and just keep eating.. maybe you should walk around and try to do something.. go explore the city.. which city are u in france? there is plenty to see in a foreign country.. anyways.. dont be too hard on urself about the croissant/pain au chocolate... if u used to eat 5 of them per day... then try to tell urself first day only 3, 2nd day only 2 per day etc. dont stop it completely otherwise if u screw up u'll end up eating more then u normally would have..

can u also tell a bit more about urself? How much u weigh and length etc?

Hey Bene welcome! Rainie gave you some good advice, it's never easy to just stop completely and don't feel bad about yourself if you can't get it right immediately just keep trying harder and don't give up.

Rainie i read something about emotional eating that got me thinking, check it out:

"When weight loss professionals discuss emotional eating, you hear a lot of talk about stimulus control, stress management techniques, and cognitive reframing. This is all well and good (and you’ll be hearing some of that here), but it doesn’t quite capture the actual experience of being caught up in an episode of emotional eating. In a recent post here on the Message Boards, an SP member got much closer to capturing the experience when she described it as “waking up the Slumbering Beast” we have inside us.

This really is what it feels like, at least in my experience. You’re doing OK, cruising along, when suddenly something happens that stirs up a bunch of feelings, and all of a sudden the Beast is awake and eating everything it can get its hands on. Or maybe it isn’t always that dramatic—maybe you just get bored, or start feeling a little anxious because there is nothing going on to distract you from that vague sense of impending doom that always seems to be lurking just under the surface. Even that little bit of free-floating anxiety can be enough to wake the Beast up and set it on the prowl for something to eat. Or it might be as simple as getting home from work or school, or finding yourself alone for a little while, after a hard day. Whatever the trigger might be, the Beast isn’t about to go back to sleep without doing some serious eating first. Or so the story normally goes.

There are two basic and complimentary approaches you can use to tame the Beast before it trashes your food plan, and you’ll need both for long-term success. The difference between them is the same as the difference between emergency medicine and preventive medicine. The main focus here will be on coping with the immediate emergency. You’ll find more information about the preventive approach, aimed at putting an end to the problem for good, in the links at the end of this article.

When the Beast is Loose: Getting It Back in Its Cage

The bad news here is that will power has little effect on controlling emotional eating. From a psychological perspective, the shift into emotional eating mode is usually a “state-dependent” event, which is a fancy way of saying that it involves shifting into a different state of consciousness (or persona) with its own independent set of emotions and related thinking patterns. For a little while, you literally aren’t your normal self, and the normal tricks you use to manage your behavior and thinking may not work.

The good news is that your Emotional Eating Beast is a pretty dim-witted critter, and you can trick it into going back where it came from without too much effort, if you know how to do it. Here are some tricks that usually work:

1. Play the Stalling Game. Your Beast has a very short attention span, and if you can manage to stall it for just a few minutes on its way to the kitchen, it will often forget why it woke up in the first place, and happily go back where it came from. So, instead of trying to fight it and tell it that it can’t have what it wants, just tell it to hang on for five minutes and wait until you’re done doing what you’re doing. If necessary, you can usually get away with stalling like this 2-3 times before things start to get ugly, and most of the time, that 10-15 minutes will be plenty long enough for your Beast to forget the whole business and go back to sleep.

2. Play the Distraction/Substitution Game. If your Beast doesn’t fall for the Stalling Game, you can still use your superior mental capacities to keep the upper hand. The key here is to keep in mind that what your Beast really wants isn’t food, but emotional comfort. If you can find ways to comfort yourself that don’t involve food, the need to eat will go away very quickly. Find something you enjoy doing that’s simple and easy to do right away. Listen to soothing or inspirational music, take a hot bath or a nice walk around the block, logon to SparkPeople, grab the phone and chat with a friend, or do some inspirational reading—you get the idea. Think of the Beast as a young child who just woke up from a nightmare, and of yourself as the parent looking for a way to help your child calm down and realize that it was all just a bad dream.

3. Play the Good Beast/ Bad Beast Game. Even though the Beast may seem powerful and overwhelming, it is just as afraid of you as you are of it. It knows full well that you can and, someday, probably will just tell it to go take a hike, and that will be the end of the game. To postpone this unhappy day for as along as possible, the Beast is always willing to negotiate with you if you can muster up enough nerve to stare it in the eye and demand some sort of compromise you can live with. If you keep your kitchen stocked with healthy snacks that won’t kill your diet and your self-respect, and you let the Beast get its hands on them, then you can both stay relatively happy—until that day when you’re ready to finally toss the Beast out and change the locks.

Once you have the immediate situation under control, you can start working on ways to prevent this problem from happening in the first place, by learning how to handle stress and powerful feelings without relying on food."

It's a bit long but quite helpful, good luck girls, talk to you soon :)
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4th Weigh in!
Thnx Cam for the interesting article.. hahah comparing emotional eating with a beast.. but if u think about it its kinda true.. next time I'll try to keep it in mind.. anyways.. today it already our 4th weigh in!!

its pretty bad this time.. gained back all the weight that i lost since first week in :( really unhappy.. and additional.. its my bday tomorrow !!! why is the gaining part much easier & faster than the losing part :(

27/09/2009: 78.5 KG (173 pounds)
05/10/2009: 76.7 KG (169 pounds)
11/10/2009: 76.4 KG (168 pounds)
18/10/2009: 78.4 KG (173 pounss)

well yeah I told myself that Im going to start a new life after my bday... its going to be a whole new start... dont really feel like my bday at the moment :( hopefully I'll be doing better coming week...

good luck this week girls.. :)
I'm going to tame the beast !!! :smash:
Oct. 9 138.2
Oct. 18 135.2lbs. ..... YAY! Although i didnt completely control my over eating. I seriously must have toned down.
I was just cleaning my closet... I found this really really really amazing ball dress which I bought like 2/3 yrs ago.. which I never ever fitted.. I bought it to motivate myself.. and I think it even became more unfittable, not even close... :p hahahaha.. (if thats even english.. ) anyways... It's sooo prettyy... sighhh I told myself that I want to wear that dress with Xmas prom this year!! 2 months to go.. hopefully I can do it.. hahaha

Thank you for your messages of support. Yes i am definitely a emotional eater and i know it, which bad enough. Shopalocolic i am leaving close to Nice, it' been 5months i arrived and i'm tired of visiting things on my own, before leaving home i am alredy thinking how fed up i am to do things alone that i prefer not to go out as i know i will not enjoy.

Phycologic i am starting to improve, trying to get a routine, fortunately in the hotel they have put me always with the same rota, still fighting with the croissant and pain au chocolate but the fact that i do a decent meal before or when i arrive at work is helping me a lot. I am confident that i will get there.
Since i arrived in France that i don't weight myself, i don't even have a scale, when i arrived i was weighting 50kgs, it has been just the last month and since i started working in the hotel that i started put on weight and stopped doing exercise..... so i should thing that i have put 4/5kgs.

But i getting into shape and already started my gym and jogging and psycologicly i feel very positive.

Kisses and "courage à tous"
Au revoir
hi everyone, I thought I'd join this club having recently gained back almost all the weight i managed to loose due to binge eating and anyway it's nice hearing from people who have similar issues

here are my goals/challenges this week:
Stick to my diet for at least 14 days
Go running

Good luck everyone :)
Hey everyone,
Sorry I didn't post yesterday with my weigh in. I had a bad day!!!! Luckily, I didnt take it out with my food choices. I worked out all week including sat kick boxing class and stayed on my plan all week and I gained 1 pound. :confused:I was working with weights a lot so maybe it is muscle gain but I was sooooo mad after working soooo hard. I vowed to stay with it this week and hope for better results. I won't hit the weights too hard and maybe that will make a difference. It just makes me crazy even though I worked so hard and to not have the results..:cuss:.uhhggg!!! Anyway I do feel better for working out oh well I won't let that one pound mess up my whole week.
Rainie, I hope you take a picture when you get into that dress for the holidays, I know you can do it!!!
Olivia, great job and great loss. i am going to get a better digital scale for a more accurate weigh in. Keep up the good work!
Cam, thanks for the article, I do know of the hunger beast when it comes to emotional eating.....we have to tame the BEAST:smash:
Hey Marissa and Bene, welcome
Titanicwreck.. hi and i so agree, I keep goodies in the house for the kids and it makes it hard when I want to cheat, stay strong!!!
Hey where are you Runningshoes, Jess, and Melissa
Everyone have a great week and let's hope for the best next Sunday!!!!
Hey Girlies!

Defintely have been slack on coming on the site, work has been hectic lately but finally had some time!

Newbies welcome! Bene I totally completely nknow your feeling with the boredom, when its quiet. I used to work by myself in a video shop and a counter full of lollies, chocolate bars, chips etc. Lets just say I got very well acquainted with stock lol.
Marissa. Binge eating and I go waaayyyyy back, unfortuently running does not, i hope it works for you as it hasnt for me!
Shopachocoholic: Dont lose hope! Every day is a new day, you cant beat yourself up for what youv said and done (or eaten and eaten some more lol) [][/B]
Neveragain: Love the beast again article so soo true as well, whenever i wait 5 mintues i eat much less.

Bit annoyed i just wrote this massive post and i accidently went back a page grr!!

But what i wanted to post about was what happened to me at work it was terrible! So i work in a retail shop so st5anding there, tidying or somehting and one of the guys i work with comes over, slim, about 25ish quite good looking, and with no warning he randlong like granbs my waist/stomach area and like squeezes my stomach fat and says " you need to lose weight, eat some vegetable and do some exercise" and as hes saying that he also like kinda grabbed my calf and said "look at that" as in like look at how fat your leg is!! I was soo hurt, but i just kinda rtetored like piss off or somehting and walked off but inside i was really upset. It was sooo bluintly honest, and cruel you knw? Particulary as I barely knwo the guy! But i think why it hurt the most, was cos it was true. I DO need to lose weight, i just spose it was easier to pretend that it wasnt that bad, and whenever you say it to yuor girldfrieds they play it down. But today in work, i realised i am fat, fat eneough that people tell me i need to lose weight you know.

And the firts thing i realised was i am so sick of ebing fat. I am so sick and tired of being fat, and feeling so bad about myself. I just want to be confident you know? I want to feel good when I go out. Im sick of going shopping and finding clothes that hidew the fat bits,not what emphasises the good bits (not that there are any yet) but im just sick of it in general.
And its funy cos normally my reaction to something like that, like when im having a fat day is telling myself ill start a new diet, and exercise then as soon as it comes to liunch binge eat, today i didnt want to. i wanted healkkthy food. Im tired of fantasing about this new diet where ill get skinny while i eat chocolate, sick of the charades. I WANT that fantasy, turn it into realisty. And while i hate the guy i work with for being so cruel, at the same time, mmaybe this was what i needed. A reality check. A goal, motivation.

So girls, if your like me, your sick of feeling crap like me about how you lok, while i understand being on this site means your trying to change, i hope maybe what was said to me strikes a chord within yourselves, and gives you some motivation as well. Immsure people have had crueler and worse things said to them but this is what ive got.

I figure when i start forgetting what happened andhow i felt (thought that feels impossible) i can just reread this post and ill remember.
Cos like they say, nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels.

xx Stay strong, i may not be there yet, but the payoff when ur thin will be worth it, i promise


PS Sorry for the ramble lol
Talk to you guys probably tomorrow after i join a gym! Marissa youv inspired me to start doing this thing you call "running" haha
Lolz....he ya i am also facing the same problem....if i start eating i cant stop it due to that case i am gaining more weight with more fat....now my weight is 110kg.
Talk to you guys probably tomorrow after i join a gym! Marissa youv inspired me to start doing this thing you call "running" haha

Good for you :) I'm joining the gym too - I have my induction on Friday, however the signing up was the easy part, now i actually have to go there :S

On the food side of things, I am doing AWFULLY, I failed today, I failed yesterday & I failed the day before that, I ate so much crap - chocolate, cookies, cereal, you name it, I ate it. In the end I ended up making myself sick yesterday & the day before, something I havn't done in almost a year, so I'm disapointed in myself for that too :( I'm telling myself it's just due to stress

I hope everyone else is doing ok, hopefully tomorrow will be better xxx
Hi everyone!

So I have been a bad girl this week, the rampage began on thanksgiving when I indulged on stuffing. I have gained like 6-8 lbs so I am 175 now. I also lost my gym card and I was reluctant to pay money for another one, so I avoided physical activity to burn off the leftovers and other good treats. I dumped the guy I was dating, my little cousin had her 18th birthday and my mother works for an upscale dessert wholesaler, so she frequently brings home exquisite mousse cakes and two bite treats. It sucks. However, I found my gym card last night and I am going to watch myself for the next couple weeks. I just need to stay on track.

I wish everyone well this week!!!!! tty guys on sunday!
Hey Girls,

It has been a freaking hectic week.. so didnt really have time to check the forum :(anyways..

27/09/2009: 78.5 KG (173 pounds)
05/10/2009: 76.7 KG (169 pounds)
11/10/2009: 76.4 KG (168 pounds)
18/10/2009: 78.4 KG (173 pounds)
25/10/2009: 78.8 KG (174 pounds)

shit.. whats wrong with me :S
Hey girls, how's it going?

I've been doing awful to be honest, my weight's been going up and down like craaaaazy, last sunday I was 58kg again x_x but now im around 55,4 or so. I haven't been working out and justttt started eating healthy yesterday i think? I've just been soooo drained lately, I haven't been able to sleep at night so I'm either tired all day or I just don't get up, and seriously, nothing makes you fatter than staying in bed all day.
I know I HAVE to work hard if I wanna get closer to 50 and just get toned and ultimately be happy, that's what I want the most.
Anyway I hope you're doing better than I am, this emotional eating thing is just ugh, I seriously need to get back on track - I've been saying this for waaaay to long.

I'm cleaning my room right now (it's a mess :p) and I found a pair of jeans that I used to wear and I remember them being so tight when I was at my biggest, when I bought them they were a bit loose and I just could feel them getting tighter and tighter as time went by, I felt so miserable back then and just completely hopeless; I'm glad that at least I have hope now, I think I'm gonna hang them on the wall or something to motivate me, I don't wanna go back to that and I can lose weight, those jeans are a testament of my willpower I just need to believe in myself.
hey everyone,
well today i was 57 kg, which makes a weightloss total for the week of....nothing, ahh & i went running almost everyday this week :( Obviously I need to be a little stricter with my diet
Hi! I'm Amber, and this is the club for me, when I'm bored or tired.
Who knows why tired does it, but if I'm sleepy, I never want to sleep.
I much prefer eating anything that may seem tasty and staying on the internet,
then going to bed angry with myself.
I've finally noticed the pattern though, and am beginning to work on it (by noticing I'm tired and doing things to keep my mind busy).