Hottopic's Journey


New member
I thought I started a journal but I can not seem to find it anywhere. So I decided to start another one.

1/06/05: I almost caved today with my diet. I been going to the gym for the pass month now and eating healthy, but still I only lost 2lbs. What the heck is up with that. :confused: I am soo mad right now. After I left the gym today I almost bought KFC, but somehow I talked myself out of it. I thought to myself, "Teneice, maybe because you are weight training you are not seeing the results on the scale." But I can see it in my clothes. What gives...I told myself to stop looking at the scale, but I can not help it...I think it just going to end up doing more damage than good. Instead of KFC I went to Polo Tropical...Then went to 7/11 and bought mixed fruits and a slurpee small. I am so fustrated. I am glad I did not throw in the towel today though. But something tell me I am going to come close again...Just hope I don't give into the urge to just stop working out and eating fatty foods all the time again.
Scales are so outdated, they don't tell you any thing useful. You've been exercising and are becoming more toned, as a result you are gaining muscle, which is smaller but heavier than fat. This is a good thing. If you loose 10lbs of fat but gain 10lbs of muscle at the same time, you will be the same weight, but have lost inches and will be slimmer. Thats the real goal isn't it?
I'm glad you didn't give up, because you would have thrown away a lot of hard work. Don't let it faze you. I haven't lost any weight or inches yet and I've been dieting for 6 weeks now. When you loose weight slowly, you are more likely to keep it off for good. Keep up the good work, and maybe try some relaxation and positive thinking techniques. Good luck, you will get there.
jennylee said:
Scales are so outdated, they don't tell you any thing useful. You've been exercising and are becoming more toned, as a result you are gaining muscle, which is smaller but heavier than fat. This is a good thing. If you loose 10lbs of fat but gain 10lbs of muscle at the same time, you will be the same weight, but have lost inches and will be slimmer. Thats the real goal isn't it?
I'm glad you didn't give up, because you would have thrown away a lot of hard work. Don't let it faze you. I haven't lost any weight or inches yet and I've been dieting for 6 weeks now. When you loose weight slowly, you are more likely to keep it off for good. Keep up the good work, and maybe try some relaxation and positive thinking techniques. Good luck, you will get there.
Thank you Jennylee I really needed to hear that today....I am not going to give up. As long as I can see it in my clothes I decided that I should be fine. Jennylee don't you dare give up. It can take us 1 year 2 years whatever to lose the extra pounds, but we are going to lose it. This is not a diet....this is a change for good....Now I just have to keep telling myself that and I will be fine :rolleyes:
Today I washed my car. That was a workout for today. Trust me. I hardly ate anything though. Maybe because I thought I did not go to the gym...therefore you do not eat. I know I know that is bad, but it was just one day. Plus I am starting to have a hard time figuring out what I want to eat. Plus I am suppose to stop smoking starting tomorrow, if I get my patch. I heard that when you stop smoking your metabo slows down. That means I have to set up my workout. I am more worried about my eating habits than my workouts.
Yeah I lost 4lbs....Finally...Now all I have to do is continue to do what I am doing and in 4 months 1/2 weeks I would have lost 20lbs. Then in the summer ge the lipo on my tummy ( it runs in the family). Now I have to STOP SMOKING. Today Iam eating 1bs of fruit salad, 12 inch sub on wheat bread, with turkey ham, beef, 1 slice of swiss cheese, this morning I had 1 slice of pineapple with a handful of banna chips, for a snack today I will have cheese nips 100 cal bag.
Great to hear!! Keep up the work and remember, its how you feel that counts, not the scales!
Today I ate Jerk Machine (Jamaican Resturant) Jerk Chicken with rice and peas, One fried dumplin. For breakfast I have one muffin. Did not work out today, because of school starts tomorrow and I had to get everything ready. I will do 50-70 crunches before I go to bed though. Oh and I am taking movement and pilates class Mondays and Wednesday. So that is cool.
Oh man I wish they gave pilates classes here! I'd love that!! Just adding my 2 cents...I've heard that muffins are one of those foods, thought to be good for you but really if you check the nutr. info. they are bad news. Maybe yours are fine, but I thought i'd throw that out there!
Guess what???? It sounds like you are really enjoying your self and enjoying the challenge of your new life style :cool: . Your doing excellent keep up the good work :D
Thank You! rosered and newbride02...This board is keeping me motivated and so are the memeber. That is why I am so pumped right now, I just hope I don't quit.

Well school started today and I have don't know how I am going to doing it this semester
MON,WED,FRI I have class at 9:00am-9:50 am, 10:00am eat breakfast or snack, 10:30am-12:00pm class movement for the actor; 12:05-12:50pm lunch; 1:00-1:50 pilates, shower, then work at 3:00pm-11:00pm.

Tue, Thur: Workout from 7:50 or 8:15am-9:30 am, shower, leave for school by 10:00am. Breakfast around 10:30 am..Class at 11:00 am-12:20pm, Lunch....Last class at 2:00-3:20 pm..then work from 4:00-12am Thurs. I am not going to workout. I will use it for sleep.

O.K It looks bad I know, but hi I am graduating in May so I can suck it up for one semester, right. The time now is 10:48 pm and I am still hungry, but I just ate the icecream about 30 mins ago. I will not eat again until tomorrow. The late nights are what kill me.

Today I worked on legs then took a hip-hop workout class. Oh my goodness can I tell you it was so good that about 50 people was in the class and the instructer went 30 mins over the time. We were all so pumped and it was soooo much fun. I forgot I was doing cardio...Well I would have if I did not smoke. I HAVE MY PATCHES. MY QUIT DATE IS TOMORROW. NO MORE CIGS! I hope.

Today I ate sardine and crakers, yogart, 10 1/6 calorie pringle, egg sandwich, and one smart one icecream. I forgot to add salad the mix today.
You can do it! I'm a smoker too, but am too scared to quit at this point. I quit for 6 months once, and after the 3rd or 4th day, you know you've done it, what you've got to watchout for is the "oh just one puff" no matter how long you've been smokefree, that one puff is enough to get you started again. Also, I recommend slicing up some cucumber and carrots and keeping them in the fridge with hummus to dip them in for those times when you're sitting down and need a ciggie in your hand. Sip water and nibble slowly on crunchy veges, it really does help.
Wow,,weight loss program, excersize program and no smoking...the picture of health baybeeee!!!!!!! Go for it, can do it. The hip hop sounds like fun!!!!
I am in the middle of searching for a quite smoking forum, I know I will be able to find the same support of quit smoking like I can here for weight loss.

**Today was a ruff day. I just started school on Monday and already I am tired. I brought my lunch to school so that I don't cave and buy cafeteria food.
Today I had: Lean Pocket breakfast, yogurt, pineapple cup, gummy bear 100 cal bags, fat free cheese and chicken sandwich, salad, 100 calorie bag oreos, Healthy choice dinner...And NO CIGS...
** I went to the gym this morning did cardio for 40 mins almost died...I guess because my lung is recovering... Had lunch with a friend who is a ballerina and is now on a diet???don't get that either. this girl is perfect, but whatever....She is moving to New York and would like to be in better shape.
Now I am at work..The place were I rack up the most ciggs during break time. I think I might take a walk around the parking lot instead.
Day 1 was a success. Your doing great. You will notice over the next few weeks a lot of coughing and general flu symptoms as the filtering hairs in your lungs start to stand up again.
Did you know, after 2 hours of being smokefree, nicotine is no longer affecting you,
After 24 hours all traces are out of your system.
After 3 Days your body beings to health itself, and you should be able to exercise longer and harder without getting exhausted or breathless and more exercise = more weight loss!!
You Go Girl, inspire me to do it myself.
jennylee said:
Day 1 was a success. Your doing great. You will notice over the next few weeks a lot of coughing and general flu symptoms as the filtering hairs in your lungs start to stand up again.
Did you know, after 2 hours of being smokefree, nicotine is no longer affecting you,
After 24 hours all traces are out of your system.
After 3 Days your body beings to health itself, and you should be able to exercise longer and harder without getting exhausted or breathless and more exercise = more weight loss!!
You Go Girl, inspire me to do it myself.

No I did not know this. Thank You for the information.
Wow to give up smoking (just the thought of it makes me break out into a sweat) is a huge achevement. That’s next on my list.Good on you.
This is the quit smoking forum that I joined today. I will check in and read everyday like I do this website...Everyday until.....forever or until the site goes down.
O.K I am on day two on not smoking. This really really really sucks!!! UHHHH. I want a cig sooo bad. I worked out my arms today, and did 20 mins cardio and I still feel stressed out. After my workout I was like "I need a cig." I went to all my classes and after everyone I felt like smoking. I drove to work and I felt like smoking.....It's really hard you guys, but I keep telling myself it will will will pass. I hope so. Well I did not break my diet either. It is harder, but nope I did not break. OK. I broke for like 3 pixi sticks(small ones) ,remember those. I had not had one in years...since middle school. They had them at work along with ice cream, cake, chips.....but I took the candy ran out and ate cottage cheese with pineapple. This morning I had belgium waffles 2 low fat with sugar free syrup and eggs with fat free cheese. For lunch I had the same thing as yesterday. For dinner tonight I don't know...