Weight-Loss Group 3 - We Rock ;) !!!

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New member
:p Well girls ! Here we go ! This time I am REALLY exicted about it ... I weighed in this morning at 195 - I am going to kick a@* this time! I am totally dedicated - I was last time, but a few slip ups here and there ... it all adds up! My goals for these next 2 weeks are :
1.) work out 6 days a week - @ least 3 of those days do strength training
2.) drink 100 oz. of water per day (this is where i've been slacking!!!)
3.) watch/write down everything bite i put in my mouth - NO CHEATING for 2 WHOLE WEEKS!
4.) support & motivate you ladies !!! =)

WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Let us all know where you need the most help & how ... what you're problem areas are .. etc. We are gonna be 5 lbs lighter So soon!!!!!!! :p
wonderwoman reporting for duty!

im here! not as excited as you, but at least im here LOL! :D your goals sound great, but you GOT to step it up on the water. it makes all the difference in the world.

my problem isnt food so much as it is getting some exercise done. most days i dont think im even meeting my calorie requirement and i know thats not good! my goals for next 2 weeks are:

1) exercise at least 3 times a week
2) drink 70 oz water a day
3) check in on my girls every day

i wanted to write no bread but i dont know if i can do it. unless you guys know of something i can use in place of bread? im tired of those pita roll up things.

oh and i gained a pound somehow. i was 136 this morning BLAH
It's ok WW - I gained a pound also somehow over the past few days! i was thinking about giving up bread too just for these 2 weeks. .. and switching to pitas. Hmm .. in place of bread have you tried rollups? I don't know really what else besides pitas. If I hear of anything i will let you know!
My problem is the actually getting up and exercising too ... but just think about how much better you feel afterwards. And also - if you don't want to exercise and can't bring yourself to do it - just think that only YOU can make these changes to your body. With exercise and the right strength training, you can totally transform your body. Ever since i've been working out, I feel so much stronger, healthier, toned, thin, sexy, ... it's just so much better! We will keep yoiu motivated to get out there and do it :)
I will up my water - does it really make a huge difference? I filled up a 64 oz jug of water and plan on drinking at least one and a half of them a day. I realllllly need help with this though, but i need to do it!!!
Good luck girl! =)
Woo hoo I have to say I am excited about this.
Im going to kick up the exercise
Drink more water
Start weight 234
Hey girls

starting weight 166 lbs this morning. I slacked during the last club so I have to stick with it this time. Im going to increase my excercise duration and quality. I also need to drink more water and stay away from caffine.

We can do this girls.
We can do this ;) Let's go! But you all sound dedicated so you already know this! haha*
Let's keep us all motivated and keep eachother going!
your darn straight water makes a big difference! i never lost any weight til i started drinking it regularly.

i'm not off to a good start, one of my kids was sick the past couple days and now today i woke up with my chest all congested and my voice sounding funny. i thought i was just a chest cold til i got nauseas and now im sitting here typing this with the trashcan beside me in case i get sick. there's more but i'll spare you the details as im sure you get the picture by now.

i am hoping however that i lose weight from being sick, i mean if i have to be sick that would be a nice bonus. well i probably wont be much help to any of you this weekend and i apologize. hopefully by monday i'll feel somewhat better.
Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and recently joined this challenge. I'm just starting the challenge today but have been on a weight loss regimine since April this year so I'm on track. I would love to meet the five lb goal. That would put me out of the 220's. I weigh 221 right now.
I look forward to being a part of this group! GO GROUP 3~!!!!!!!!

EDITED TO SAY::: Wonderwoman, hope you feel better soon! I had that nasty stuff a couple of weeks ago. :(

Starting weight:286
Current Weight: 221
Mini goal: 216
Final goal: 165???
Sorry girls!! I went home this weekend so I wasn't able to be online!
WW - I hope you feel betetr =)
Well, this weekend was FUn but .... haha* not good foodwise and exercise wise! But tomorrow is a new day - we can do it! Let's kick it up!
My number one goal of today is to drink ALL my water today, WW says it makes a huge difference ... and that is EXACTLY what I need :)
I hope you all have a successful & healthy day tomorrow! It looks like all of us want to stop up our exercise ... I know I do! ... so good luck withit! Let's take it one day at a time ... we can DO IT =) I'm waking up early tomorrow and getting an a.m. workout in! I just have to MAKE MYSELF ! haha
thanks girls..im still not feeling good. my appetite is gone and i feel very weak. so i just have to shut off comp and go rest. i have to try and get bettrr cuz i think hubby is coming home early sick from work :mad: it figures i'll get stuck dealing with kids.
I hope you feel better soon wonderwomen. I know there is a cold going around my work. I've been keeping up with the water, but I find Im still retaining so much water. I've cut down my sodium intake, I don't add it to anything I make and I try to buy low sodium products. Have any of you had the same problem? I've started taking B6, and it helps but I dont' want to rely on it. Other then that I think Im doing well.

How was everyone's day?! Mine has just been go go go all day long! So busy today - school & work all day long, I just felt so overwhelmed for some reason, like I just never had time to chill! Geeze. Time to go work out this frusteration ;)
How did you gals do today food wise & exercise wise? Just get out there and do it - it all will pay off in the end, thats what I have to ekeep rememberinvg!
WW - get some good rest! Feel better babe!
Lucygirl - yeah , you are doing the right hing with cutting back on your sodium intake, drink lots of water ... hmm* I don't know wha else to tell you but if i hear of anything that reduces the bloating ill let you know!!!
Also, I started taking some omega 3 pills today, i heard they are only beneficial so ... figured why not! And also some multivitamins! Ive been meaning to forever, so this is as good a itme as any!!!

For tomorrow (Tuesday) we should all have one specific, additional goal for the day that we can check in with eachother at the end of the day.
My goal is to go to an aerobics class & also my regular routine. I need some intense actaion to get me in full force! haha*
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Today I went shopping and then fishing so lots of walking. I got my exercise ball of lay buy so squats and sit-ups for me tomorrow, I hope everyone is going well.
Go Roserd =)
Good job! Yeah walking & fishing are definately some good movement! Better than sitting aroun dlike a lump on a log! Keep it up! Have a great day! :D
I haven't gone fishing in forever, it makes me want to go again. I did lots of walking today. I've almost got all my water in, I have a few hours before I head to bed to catch up. My boss brought in cookies today, I resisted the temptation :D but they did look sooooo go. Sweets are my weakness, what are everyone else's weaknesses? I haven't weighed in since last Friday so I don't know what my current weight is. How was everyone day?

Remember keep up with the H2O intake :D
ooohh ... weaknesses hehe* Mine are more salty foods rather than sweets, even though I do like sweets every now and then. I'm more of a Cheeto's kinda gal - biggg weakness for cheetos! haha*
I didn't weigh myself today either & im not going to lol* so i dont know how i'm doing, but i'm doing good calorie wise and tonight i got an awesome workout in - 20 min on tredmill, 10 on elliptical, and then strength training and then an hour long step/weight class ! i am BEAT!
How did everyone do today? Did everyone get some exercise in?
Lucy - fishing sounds fun!!! i havent gone in years!!! haha
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