Weight-Loss Go Group 3!!

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Ok, so I weighed in at 185 :rolleyes: Thats a 3 pd gain. But i'm not upset about it.

My goal is to be at 179 at the end of the challenge!! I have decided to do the special K challenge for the 2 wks. I'll replace 2 meals w/ a bowl of cerial. Your supposed to loose 6 pds in 2 wks....we'll see!

Also, I have felt like, I've just tinkered around w/ my weight loss in the past. It took me a whole year to loose 30 pds. Well, I am serious about it now!! Spring is just 3 mths away and I"M GOING to loose this weight by then!!! I want to be so hot come spring, and this is my last chance. I'm going to need every day of the next couple months to get this weight off.

I'm going to do it ladies!!!
newbride02 said:
I'm going to do it ladies!!!
Hey, I'm offended by that! :( (not really ;))You have at least one on your group that does not belong to the fair sex. And that's me.

So, what does cubi weigh at the moment? *goes to the scale to check*
That wasn't a cheerfull sight seing the pin move. In fact, depressing. I need some comfort food :( Seriously though, I'm now at 98.7 kilos, with pants and all. I once dropped 700gram from taking off my t-shirt :confused: dunno how much the pants weigh, but I'll do my weighing dressed at the end as well so I don't think it means anything. If I loose a kilo of fat, it's a kilo less with or without clothes, right?

My simple strategy is: Heartache and money shortage. What better way to loose your appetite then being depressed? For me at least it works wonders. Kills appetite for food as well as life :) And if I for some reason fixed those problems, there's always the empty wallet to keep me on a strict 17th century prison diet of bead, water and spiders. Mostly the latter.

Another good thing with being depressed is my way of handling it is walking. When I'm done posting this, I'll walk my troubles away, and the pounds with 'em! :D

I lift weights three times a week, don't know how much that does for weight reduction, but I figure I burn some calories there. I also do my depression walking, which usually is schedueled for every day except when I lift weights, but I've been too happy lately to stay focused. Starting again today though.

I have an unrealistic goal, and that's 5 kilos down over the next two weeks. That's 11 pounds. I can manage, but I'm not sure how hard it'll be. I want to do this, for many reasons. I want to loose this weight, and if I can do it in 2 weeks I'll... I'll feel pretty good. I've done it before, but I had a much higher bodyfat % at the moment.

Do you think I can do it? I'm having some doubt about it, but I'll try. And if I don't succeed... well... then it's back on the horse and try again I guess.

It's not so much the weight I care about, it's the blubber vs muscle. I have enough blubber to loose 5 kilos though, so I want to. It's about time I follow the example of my wallet, and loose some weight!

Good luck lads and lasses! You can do it!

(In the future, maybe I should think before I sit down to write a post... Instead of starting to write, and put in ABSOLUTLY EVERYTHING that pops into my mind. At least I spared you my crack itch... ooooooooops!)
My last post was messy, so I couldn't even find where I wrote my weight :p

I had a little striptease for the scales, and ended up at 97 with boxershorts and socks (if I am to loose more clothes then that, I better get paid! :cool: ).

Off to loose some weight :)
ha ha! too funny cubi!

sorry, didn't realize we had a 'he' w/ us!

I think you could loose 11 pds in 2 wks. I really do. It will not be easy, thats for sure! But you can do it!
103.8 is my start weight…ouch that hurt:(
Im just going to stick to weight watches and exercise.:cool:
Good luck NB with the special k diet.:)
Wow 11 pounds cubi glad your on our team (ps how much did you want) starts stripper music:D :D :D
rosered said:
103.8 is my start weight…ouch that hurt:(
Im just going to stick to weight watches and exercise.:cool:
Good luck NB with the special k diet.:)
Wow 11 pounds cubi glad your on our team (ps how much did you want) starts stripper music:D

I'll take the boxers off for a sandwhich, but the socks are gonna cost ya ;)

Ahh.... the sweet hunger :) It's weird, but right now I enjoy the feeling. It's a sweet feeling of rumbling tummy.

Glad to be on you and Newbride02's team :) I'll even give you some discount (half a sandwhich ;) but the socks are still gonna cost ya :cool: ). For the group members that haven't posted yet, I'm glad to be on your team as well. Being the bugger I am, I hope we'll all get to know eachoter better. Since I'm a newb, it doesn't take much.

I'm sure I'll have loads of fun loosing weight with you guys (is it just me, or does that sound weird, and ever so wrong? :confused: ).
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Ready, set, go!

I'm off to a good start today! I pretty much stayed on track (except for that one cookie) and even exercised for 40 minutes. That's quite an accomplishment for me! I have the feeling I'm gonna be able to do this!:rolleyes:
Either my scale is having moodswings, or I've lost 2 kilos since yesterday afternoon. Might also be the socks though. I had socks on yesterday, but not today :cool:

Feel like I have to ask... am I the only guy here? :eek:

Benhereb4, you ARE gonna do this! Just continue with the same motivation and dedication, and try your best to drop that cookie. Not easy, I know, but who ever said it would be?
You can do it! YEY!!! ;)
Glad to hear from you all :)

Cubi...whats your weight in pds?? I'm blonde,you have to spell things out for me. Oh, thanks for your sence of humor, its too funny...and your not the ONLY guy, but one of them ;)

Benhereb4...whats your weight, you didn't list that yest.

So thats everyone but Sheidi huh? Hope she shows up today.

SO, ok, yest. I started the special K challenge. I had a bowl for breakfast and lean cusine for lunch. The thought of having a bowl for dinner was too much for me. I was SOOO Starved! By dinner time I had only had 300 cals or so, SO when my hubby suggested pizza for dinner, I jumped on it....not my hubby, the idea of pizza, lol.

SO, I blew it last night :( I'm real upset about it, but it just makes me all the more determined for today to be great. I won't let my team down!!
As far as I know, the magic number is 2.2

My 97 kilos yesterday, multiplied by 2.2, makes 213.4 pounds. My 95 kilos this morning, although I've cheated and not added the weigh of sock, makes for 209 pounds. I somehow doubt I lost 4.4 pounds overnight, but if it's really the case it looks like I'll be doing good! :)

Too bad about that pizza... I'd go for one myself right now, but luckly I'm all out of cash. I've never been on a diet, so of course I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I've noticed that if I eat a solid breakfast and lunch, the total amount of food that goes into my mouth during a day is still very reduced, as well as the craving for somehint in between meals is all gone. I'm not a breakfast person though, so I settle with a solid lunch (when I can afford it :p). If I eat an ok breakfast, the "solid lunch" doesn't take that much solids to make it solid. WHen it comes to lunches I live in a country apart from most, so I'm not going to start on what I eat, but it's not much yet keeps me going untill dinner without a problem. And after dinner, I usually don't eat anything more. 3 meals a day, old school :cool:

Since my sence of humor is too funny, I thought I'd leave it out. :)
Cubi ive had the misfortune of getting a smell of some men’s socks so I will gladly let you keep them :D . Fellas come on here ask is there any other fellas and then bolt, if they stayed there would be more than one:rolleyes: … men gota love em. Were ya from cubi?

Benhereb4 you’re looking good hun, gotta watch those nasty little cookies though they sneak up on ya. Good going on the 40 min of exercise mate:cool: .

N.B you don’t want me to convert my weight do you:eek: ….oh no. How did you go with the sp-k today? Next time have salad with that pizza lol.

Ok yesterday I did no exercise at all unless you count pushing someone off the road exercise:p ... I went out and seen my kids at camping it took us 5 hours to get out there and 4 to get back,lol we got lost on the way out but I will exercise today.:D
I like female company, so I won't complain about being the only guy here ;)

I'm from Norway. I don't expect you to know where it is, but if you don't I'll be hurt :( The cold weather has the tendensy to keep people inside, unfortunatly.

As for my socks, I doubt you've ever smelled anything worse ;) :D I have a pair in my gymbag that Al-Qaida would pay dearly for :cool:

Why do I always have to make myself sound disgusting? :confused: Maybe I just am.... :eek:
hard to say this...

My weight is 238 lbs. There... I said it. I'm off to exercise now. Hope ya'll have a successful day. So far I'm on track. All my baby steps have been in the right direction ... so far. Gotta move now. ;)
Lol well you have come to the right place for female company, if you start a diary you will get a mass of support from the girls. Lol yep I no were Norway is so you don’t have to be to hurt.
Question: how often do you go to the gym and why is it guys always have those sox in there bag …do you keep them just for the smell so you can see who can stink the most (like a scent) or is it just every guy is to lazy to wash them lol.

BenhereB4 I think my weight is something like that in pounds …I much rather kg, pounds sound soooo bad. OK so i found out how much i am in pounds... 228.8
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You guys are so funny! I'm burning cals laughing at you!

I'm surprised we havn't heard from sheidi yet. WHats up w/ that?

Did good today :) I'm proud of myself....oh and today is the first day i didn't weigh in! I'm going to only weigh myself once a week...gulp...wish me luck, lol!
Omg you’re not going to weigh yourself for the whole week, I would go nuts lol. That’s excellent you did so well today im proud of you 2. I haven’t heard from shidi yet either but im sure she will show up.
Thrice a week, and I keep them out of curiousity as well as bragging rights. What better way to show you're a man then to have all the other guys go "omigod! I thought mine were bad (alternativly: good)! Have mercy o smelly one!". See, the man in possesion of the smelly socks is the man in power. He rules the locker room, he decides when people are to move away from the bench (simply by walking over there, and driving them away with the stench), he is in controll. Everyone bows to the man with the sock that stink the most.

Either that, or we're all too lazy. Your pick. My version at least sounds a bit more mandy, gives us some weird credit for doing it :p

I'm down 100 grams since yesterday. Not exactly the 2 kilo drop from day 1, but at least it proves I did loose them. I don't feel too grand today, so my weightloss probarbly isn't going to be anything to brag off. Oh well... a little here and there makes a result in the end, ey? :)

....uhm... you DON'T want me to start a diary ;) I'll end up telling you my whole life story, and that can't be interesting :cool:
I have an unreal craving for Snickers right now... and what's worse, it's VERY easily available :(

Cubi wants candy :( I'd go get one so I could read the calory amount in an attempt to scary myself, but I'd just end up eating it. :cool:

newbride02 said:
wish me luck, lol!

I wish you luck, lol ;)
cubi you crack me up! (socks) Don't go for the snickers!! Go for a walk!

TOday is the 2nd day I havn't weighed myself (pats self on back) and I have done 30 min's on the tredmill already, sticking to my diet!! :)

Hows everyone else?
*pat pat pat* good NB, good *pat pat* :) I'd never survive a cereal diet, so I must say I'm amazed! In school I spendt a few days with an English family, and they served me cereal. It stayed down for about 5 min before I puked it up and went untill lunch on an empty stomack. I'm getting sick by the thought :(

Went for a walk. About one and a half hour (pluss/ minus 5 min). Guess what the only thing on my mind was!.....Snickers :rolleyes:

Two slices of bread for breakfast, three for lunch, a small chicken filet and pasta for dinner about 3 hours ago. How does that sound? I snuck in some mild for breakfast, being the Norwegian I am, is that bad considering the fat amount in milk?

For the record, I HATE white bread :) well, mostly that is... every now and then it's yummy :p
Now I crave bread as well.... how do you think snickers goes on a slice of bread? :) Put it on toast maybe? :)
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