Gender and Gyms!!

I think I'm totally sexy when I sweat! But I don't wear makeup to the gym so I really don't care what I look like. I'm there to work out ;)

When you're working out and sweating, your skin gets that beautiful glow, you get that pump, and your body never looks as good at home as it does at the gym. Period.

A little off-topic here, but have you ever been near some ppl with bad BO's? Generally sweat is not fragrant but some sweat just reek more than others. A couple of times I've literally had to hold my breath or get off the machine I was at to get some fresh air. While I was breathing through my mouth, stupid thoughts ran through my head like what if instead of the odor going in my nose, it's going inside my mouth down my throat !!

he he
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A little off-topic here, but have you ever been near some ppl with bad BO's? Generally sweat is not fragrant but some sweat just reek more than others. A couple of times I've literally had to hold my breath or get off the machine I was at to get some fresh air. While I was breathing through my mouth, stupid thoughts ran through my head like what if instead of the odor going in my nose, it's going inside my mouth down my throat !!

he he

A person would have to be pretty stinky to be called stinky in a gym. But BO? I've not experienced that yet. Some people might smell a bit sweatier or "ripe" if they've had a brutal workout, but nobody has BO. We're Canadian. We all smell good up here :)
Well it depends on the Gym doesn't it?
- My local council gym is populated by overweight, dodgy looking middle-aged guys.
- The fitness first I'm at now is divided 60/40 between really fit guys at the free weight section and hot cardio addicted gals. I'm probably one of the least attractive people there! :)
- My wife's suburbian health club is 90% woman. Man are a rarity there. When I visit, I'm always amazed by how pristine the place looks, coincidence? :)
A little off-topic here, but have you ever been near some ppl with bad BO's? Generally sweat is not fragrant but some sweat just reek more than others. A couple of times I've literally had to hold my breath or get off the machine I was at to get some fresh air. While I was breathing through my mouth, stupid thoughts ran through my head like what if instead of the odor going in my nose, it's going inside my mouth down my throat !!

he he

someone at my gym stank to high heaven last night. I noticed it when I walked in the back entrance and then went to the front to scan my card (stronger up front) and unfortunately it lingered through my warm-up and then whichever patron left, took it with them.

I think it was more unwashed gym clothes stink but who knows...
the one I smelled was more like armpit-stink....reeeeek!!! hell we all stink when we're sweaty (unless we're ILM!!) but the one I was talking about is likened to halitosis in bad breath. I'm sure he was a nice man but he was probably not aware of his own scent seeing as he was nonchalantly pedaling away on his bike while my face was scrunched up trying to hold my breath in :eek:

unless i haven't seen it, someone should start a thread about our pet peeves in the gym...
I have smelt it all....

Re-used dirty sweaty clothes / bracers (knee, back, etc)... blaa...
The smell of house or car that soak into the skin and comes out with sweats. Cigarette smoking, curry, animals, restaurants, etc
My nose becomes pretty sensitive and can smell some woman on their period at times.

Now, if you smell like you just took a shower and then sweat your butt off from working out then you do not smell at all. But please please wipe up after yourself.

Another reason why I go to the gym? To see myself flex because its the only place that I can do it in public without seeming too vain.
I go to the gym mainly because I think it is fun to workout and see myself get stronger. Then there are the obvious health benefits.

I sometimes postpone a gym day if there is some big social even, etc. I don't want to be the guy who sits at home with no friends because training is his life.

What do you mean by social gain? I don't go to the gym to make friends, although it sometimes does happen. I do notice though that in becoming bigger more girls are interested. (more men too, mainly Tom and Kraken)

I think it is pretty equal between the sexes in my gym.

Truth. Also, a few other things will keep me from going to the gym-- but they all boil down to me thinking they are worth doing more than training. School is the biggest one now.
Regarding gender and gyms: clearly there's a market for it with the success of female only gym chains like Curves. I'd suggest perhaps that women have smaller comfort zones when starting to exercise than men, so they tend to congregate where there are others like them (as at Curves). That said, I think there are a lot of women that train, and train hard, but are adverse to lifting weights (I'm guessing) for fear of bulking up. Being around heavier weights and bulky guys only gives reinforcement to that notion.

As for BO, I think the far larger problem would be perfumes, lotions, after shaves and that sort of thing. It's not unusual for me to be doing an endurance routine when a strongly-scented person gets on an elliptical just behind me and I have to catch my breath.
Why do you really go to the gym?
What may stop you going to the gym?
Is your reason for going a social gain?
Do more men or women go to your gym?

To get strong and fit.

The end of days.

Not really, but social gain is a consequence.

More women in the morning, and mostly men in the evening.
On the women being intimidated factor:

I once was doing a "fight gone bad" and to take my mind off the pain, I would make random animal noises and sing lyrics to songs. At the top of my lungs.
The girls in my gym would have thought you were on crystal meth, put you in a straightjacket and given you a nice ride to a really pretty room and given you free drugs :p

Your sex life would have picked up exponentially :D

J/K ;)
1. Train, train train
2. Chronic knee injury (stupid knee)
3. Hardly... I particularly despise it when people bug me while I'm working out, unless it's to ask for a spotter.
4. More guys than gals
Apparently, a lot of women prefer to have their own area, even if the equipment is lame.

One thing that I have noticed in a gym is that most of the women there fall into a stereotype:

1. Most do only cardio.
2. Many do cardio at a low intensity. (so-called "fat burning zone"?)
3. Rarely or never use the weight equipment. (don't want to get "too big"?)
4. Those doing something other than cardio are doing abdominal exercises only, usually dozens of crunches, or using the abdominal weight machine at a low weight setting. (trying to "spot reduce"?)
Yep. It's the same thing at the gym I go to. Women seem to have this bizarre idea that if they pick up a dumbbell, they'll instantaneously look like a male bodybuilder. So they walk or jog for hours on the treadmill or elliptical, maybe use the stairmaster for 4 minutes, etc. but they won't touch a weight (and they won't touch the rowing machine, either).

If they do touch weights, you can bet it's under 10 pounds and coated in purple or pink plastic. And that's for the heavy duty workout :D

If they use the machines, it's for circuit training only and it's at minimal resistance with extremely high reps. Then they'll jump on the bicycle at the lowest resistance level and pedal for 30 seconds, then go onto another circuit machine and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.

The thing is, you can't tell these women anything. They'll ask questions, get answers, and then keep doing what they did before and wonder why they aren't losing any weight.