Floater's diary

Agreed! And I'm also glad you're treading carefully. Especially with someone who feels the need to sneak out of the house to visit a friend after his mom falls asleep 🤦‍♀️ If that's the relationship he has with his parents he needs to not live with them.
Very tired, but in a good way, not the depression way. Picked up Nera's kibble and a new toy for her from the post. I've had a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast and am now making pasta, planning to just have a simple bowl of cheesy pasta. I need to go grocery shopping later today. I had such a great time with my friend yesterday.
My day was good. After my evening walk with Nera (and some idiots already shooting fireworks, despite it being forbidden) I was feeling cold and famished with not a lot in the fridge to do stuff with. So I decided to Google if tomato based egg drop soups are a thing - and they are! I modified the recipe according to what I had available and was very pleased with the end result.

Sauté 3 cloves of garlic and one shallot onion in sesame oil. Add 200g of cherry tomatoes and fry, high heat, until they start to wrinkle up and pop. Add a bay leaf, a kaffir lime leaf, and half a teaspoon of salt, and stir. Add 4 dl of water, bring to boil, and reduce heat until the broth is simmering. If you so desire, at this point you can add a dash of mirin and soy sauce, and some white pepper.

Let simmer for 20 mins.

When the broth is done, chop up some scallions and put them in a serving bowl/bowls. Whisk two eggs in a cup, turn up the heat so the soup is at a slow boil, and stir in the eggs. Pour in the bowl/s, serve immediately, add condiments to taste.

So easy and comforting on a cold winter's night!
Tomato egg drop soup sounds great!

I've been hearing fireworks pretty much daily for over a month now and I was sick of it by day 1. I do like the colors but loud noises can just disappear from this earth completely if you ask me. Must be hell for dogs. Thankfully my parents' pups aren't sensitive.
That soup does sound yummy. Look at you finding a way to eat healthily & creatively using just what you had! :iagree: with LaMa. Loud noises can disappear from the planet.
I'm so pumped that I finally get to bleach my hair back to blonde on Monday. Especially now that I save 60€ compared to the usual cost. New year, new hair! Pastel dyes have been fun these past few years, but I want a more adult look for a change 😂😂

Feeling lazy in a good way. I think I'll have cheese pasta for breakfast and start to clean up so I can welcome the New Year in a lovely, tidy apartment!
Happy New Year, Floater. I hope this year sees you get closer & closer to your dreams (the good ones) & goals & that you will be happy & safe :grouphug:
Thank you so much @Cate , have a happy new year and may your dreams, big and little, also come true 🥰

(I'm just sitting at home watching Netflix and waiting for the fireworks to be all done with so I can take Nera out to pee.)
Sigh, just attempted to take Nera out but she was shaking, drooling and burping and refused to step outside. Poor thing. The legal fireworks shooting window closed an hour ago, but some morons are still going on. Guess I'll stay up late tonight, watching The Sinner on Netflix.

I feel like congee but it's bad luck to eat it on NY. Of course, the Chinese NY is a different date altogether but best not tempt fate. I'll make polenta instead 😂
I came back to report that she finally peed! It took some real encouraging and soothing... People are still going bang bang boom. I'm scared too because it's 3AM and the lot of them must be drunk to the gills. I wonder how many people end up in the ER with eye injuries and missing fingers this year. Laser lightshows would just be so much better... Average consumers and explosives do not mix
Average consumers and explosives do not mix
That's one of the things I expect young people in 50 years to look back on in disbelief. I'm glad Nera calmed down a bit. Happy New Year and all the health, wealth, and happiness you can bear for 2022!
Fireworks are illegal here for the general public to buy, I do miss setting off fireworks but not near poor animals. I am glad your dog is a little calmer. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year @LaMaria !
Happy New Year @Trusylver !