Weight-Loss Final weigh in and results for July two-week challenge


Hypo Hippo

New member
Hey everyone! The 2 week group challenge is finally over. Everyone has done a great job! :D

I will tally the results and post them in this thread and in all group threads.
Originally posted by aussiechick in the Bellybusters thread:
aussiechick said:
Final weigh in is drum roll please.....211lb

Challenge start weight: 215
Final weigh in: 211

Total loss: 4lb
Starting Weight = 141.0
Ending Weight = 141.0
Total Loss = 0 :(
At least I did not gained.

Member - Spare Tire Deflaters
Gee I'm embarassed to post my results as you guys have all done so wonderfully!

Start weight: 270
End weight: 268

I'm looking forward to a second challenge if there is going to be another one!
Starting weight = 273
Ending weight = 274

Is my TOM a good enough excuse for wiping out my progress from last week? :eek:

I'm in for a new challenge if we have one. I desperately need another one! I am SO GLAD to see everyone doing so well. All the teams just totally rock!
Initial_C, your avatar looks so sad, she should be proud of herself... ya did good!!!

Way to go, Val nice job!!!

Dgilly i think it is a good reason, because it'll come right back off in a few days... :) don't worry about it..
Way to go Trucker. I told you that Termin-Eaters rock. :D Everyone else has done wonderful. Awesome challenge. Need to do this again and soon. ;)
Starting Weight - 226
Ending Weight - 218

Total Loss - 8 lbs
Member - The Belly Busters!

I'm up for a new challenge - but I leave today and come back Friday. If we keep the same teams, that's great, but if the teams get switched up which I think is cool too, just put me where ya want and know I plan on being *very* good* while camping.

I won't be able to send any post cards to the winning team until nextt weekend. (Or post my mailing info, if the case should warrant it) ;)

Thanks for setting this up HH!!