FatFatFatFat to FitFitFitFit

After nearly a month of dieting, fasting, and exercising I'm officially back down to my starting weight!

Happily, I am seeing some changes in my body. I feel like my 2nd chin is starting to shrink and I definitely have more muscle especially in my shoulders.

The meal prep service has been a god send and really help eliminate the parts of trying to lose weight I always struggled with. It really feels like I could keep this way of eating + exercising up forever.

Also here's where my calories have been at the last week. Could be more maybe but my protein is on point so not too worried about it.


Down to 258.6lbs this morning! Nice to see the scale keep moving in the right direction. The lowest I've been since my late teens is 257.9lbs which was like January 3rd of this year so that means after I lose .7lbs every fraction of a pound I lose after will be essentially a new low weight.

I'm also going from a 4 day body part split for weight lifting to a 6 day push/pull/legs split which I'm really excited about. I'm really hoping it'll help blow up my strength gains over the next 8 weeks.

Still fasting and eating clean. Still trying to add some cardio to my fitness routine.
My scale hasn't moved in 2 days (other than going up a little this morning).

And yea, yea it's just water weight and eventually you get a swoosh day and i shouldn't worry about it but holy shit is it frustrating.

If you told me 5 weeks ago that after putting in all the work I have the scale would essentially show no difference (going from 260 to 258) I don't think I would've bothered. I think maybe I'll make Saturday a cheat day if I haven't seen any movement between now and then.
So according to my (probably wildly inaccurate) bathroom scale my body fat % has dropped nearly 7% since November even though my weight hasn't budged. Pretty hard to believe I've dropped 17lbs of fat while adding 17lbs of muscle in that short amount of time.

Not really sure where to go from here. Maybe my complete inability to get my weight to go down is blood sugar related? I took a few readings and my blood sugar was at 134 last night ~90 minutes after eating which is normal but was 164 when I woke up this morning and 147 five hours later both of which are in the higher range for fasted blood sugar.

Scale's still not moving so here's what I'm going to do in addition to the fasting, dieting, and weight lifting:
  • I got a doctor to prescribe me some metformin to get my blood sugar under control. I'm starting off with 500mg 2x daily but might up it to 3x a day after a week depending on how I react to it.
  • I've also started an EC stack of 24mg/200mg 2-3x a day. Hoping this helps kick start some weight loss or at the very least makes fasting and exercising easier.
  • I'm going to make a conscious effort to get in 10,000+ steps a day in addition to the lifting. I started this yesterday and don't think it'll be that hard. I already pace around the house a lot now I just need to make sure I've got my phone or Apple Watch on me when I do.

If that´s what your doctor thinks is right for you I´m sure it´s ok. I hope you don´t get any of the nastier side effects of the ephedrine.
If that´s what your doctor thinks is right for you I´m sure it´s ok. I hope you don´t get any of the nastier side effects of the ephedrine.

So far it's been fine and I have way more energy. I'm already at 10k steps for the day and it's only 3pm!

My weight was back at 260 this morning and I wasn't really feeling hungry today so decided to go on a water fast for as long as possible. I'll probably just check to see how I'm feeling everyday around 1pm (when I usually eat for the first time) and see if I think I can go another 24 hrs.
I am 40 hours into an water fast of indeterminate length.

Was able to hit almost 16k steps yesterday and think I'm going to focus on that rather than lifting weights since that doesn't seem to be making the number on the scale go in the right direction.

Sleep wasn't great last night, tossed and turned for ~2 hours even after taking a melatonin but woke up this morning and weighed in at 257.4lbs which is lowest I've been in a decade.

64 hours into this water fast and feeling pretty normal. Sleep sucked again last night, went to be around 10:30 and don't think I knocked out till after 1am, and got to 11k steps but it felt more like a slog than usual.

Woke up at 254.5 this morning though which is really exciting. Still deciding if I'm going to try and stretch the fast another 24hrs, it'd be nice to head into March out of the 250s all together.
89 hours in and still going strong. Was able to get a decent nights sleep in what seems like years.

Weighed in at 252.3 a few hours ago and pretty excited about possibly being out of the 250s in a day or two! Think I might be able to take this fast all the way to the end of the month.
Broke my fast at 98.5 hours since I started to feel a little nausea. Had maybe 2oz of tilapia and a few bites of rice before I felt absolutely stuffed.

It's already 8pm here so I probably won't eat anything else today before heading to bed in a few hours. I'll have to decide tomorrow if I want to try another extended fast right away or give myself a few days back at ~1600 calories/day before giving it another go.
Interesting - were you taking in any electrolytes?

I wasn't just a multivitamin. The whole extended water fast was kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing and I always assumed that by the time I got some off Amazon the fast would be over. I just ordered some though and it should be here Friday so if I try again I'll have some handy.