Weight-Loss Cheat Days

Ok my question is, how come my cousins eat plenty of processed carbs, pretty much every single meal. (I consider those carbs, my cheat meals as well.) But how do they eat this every day and not get huge? when I'm told processed carbs are bad for you?
They don't do any exercise that I can really see either...

That's a really good question.

Only thing I can think of is their total calories for the day doesn't exceed what they burn. Processed carbs have a bad rap because they tend to be low in nutrition, high in calories, and hard to STOP eating once you START. In reality, it's YOU that's "bad," not the carbs, LOL ;) Not you personally, but you get what I mean.....

BUT...when I first started dieting there was NO such thing. I ate well for 6 months straight, and it uh. sucked to say the least!

But now I can take my cheat days and enjoy em =)
The weird thing is though after I lost all the weight, I really dont like sweets as much as I used to like ..reeses cups. dont really like em now. There's actualyl a lot of things I dont like now..which is a good thing..

I like saving up for CHINESE FOOD! hehehe There is my downfall!
I have never had a problem since though with my weight ... and I usually have at least one splurge a week (NEVER for the whole day though..either one meal or one dessert etc.)

Lovee it =)
I "cheated" and went for drinks with my friends tonight - had 3 glasses of wine. Not so bad really - but when I got home - I had TWO chicken brats on buns :( About 500 extra calories on top of the wine!!!

This is the first cheat in 3 weeks - but it still makes me feel like I negated everything I've done for the last three weeks. Logically - I know that's not true - emotionally it's not that simple.

Thats the bad deal with alcohol....you drink the alcohol then want to eat! Damnit! haha
I'm not going to lie...
This was a great help! I knew about the eat more - lose weight thing, but I did not know that cheat days helps me lose weight. Anyways, thanks.
the only thing is you should not weight yourself the day after a cheat day, and eat more fruits and vegetables for the next two days.
if you don't eat until you're full,you get used to it and you can't eat very much after that...try eating just alittle bit always,like 5 times a day and you'll see...
I kind of had a cheat day today. I had a lot of schoolwork to do for my last final of the year, so I told myself I'd give myself 3000 calories today, after cutting back just a bit the last 3 days. I ate 5 cookies a bit ago, and they were good. Can't tell for sure how many calories I have had, though. I think between 2500-2700. It's alot since all I did was sit/lay around and study.
i find that after i eat healthy for a while, i can't even look at other food, almost as if im scared to touch it
I think a cheat day or just taking time to enjoy a meal (as opposed to eating the junk mindlessly) is a great idea because it is going to happen once in a while anyway and it is much better to think of it as an allowed cheat rather than a breaking point and give up ... and the people who are saying they are afraid to eat certain foods etc that is not a lifestyle change I think is sustainable in the long run ... depends I guess ... I am looking for slow steady and maintainable results ... not instant right now results ...
Friday is my "cheat day" I used to do it on Saturday, but found that I would cheat a bit too much since it was a free day. Friday seems to work best because I go out to lunch at work (I bring lunch all other days) and then I get to have something I wouldn't normally eat with my boyfriend in the evening. By scheduling my cheat day like this I am able to get back on track come Saturday morning and not let the cheat day slip into Sunday or Monday for that matter!
heeeeelllp! im new i just started today.... 4/15/2009! i weight 278 lbs and i want to loose 100 lbs! anyideas? i would appreciate it!! ;(
hey nena, if you do an introduction post in the 'newbie' section you'll get a nice warm welcome and lots of ideas too. we're all in this to win this so just keep exploring the forum coz there's lots of useful info on here. all the best.

heeeeelllp! im new i just started today.... 4/15/2009! i weight 278 lbs and i want to loose 100 lbs! anyideas? i would appreciate it!! ;(
I agree with the people who say you gotta have "cheat days". we are all only human and for birthdays,christmas etc I thinks its healthy to eat what you want. But as alot of people are saying its a lifstyle change. Eat out once a week it thats your thing. Just skip the appatezier (sp?) and desert.

I'm kinda inbetween on this one. I try to avoid "cheat days" and just try to eat what I want within reason. For example if someone brings in a dozen cookies to work I don't feel bad or guilty if I eat one, or if I go to a cookout and bbq ribs are for dinner that is what I will eat. I just try to adjust the rest of my day to accomodate the indulgences. Workout more or cut out that 1/2 cup of ice cream/ eat a lighter breakfast. I like the term "indulge" better than "cheat" lol.

I used to do "cheat days" and once I did a "cheat vacation". 10 days of non-stop face stuffing, and that led me on a road to a 60lb weight gain. I find if I give myself free reign I really can eat a lot in a day... A day is a long time lol 18 hours or so. I work so much better if I just indulge a craving. IE if one day I'm really craving a DQ blizzard and I know i've been following my diet and excercise plan. Just to get it and eat it. If I were to declare the whole day a cheat day I would probably eat tripple the calories for the day and eat whatever was in reach lol.