Cate's Diary

I know it’s not the same thing but going to the dentist has been super weird. You obviously have to take your own mask off and then these two people dressed like surgeons loom over top of you and go into your mouth.
Around here the dentist was mostly the same before the pandemic. But it does feel freaky to take of your mask and breathe with an open mouth while people are so close.
Everything is super weird now. I wonder if life will ever go back to how it once was?
I think most things will feel normal again just a couple of weeks after things calm down. With occasional reminders of how abnormal normality is, like when you suddenly realize you're swimming in water you went iceskating on in winter.
I think most things will feel normal again just a couple of weeks after things calm down. With occasional reminders of how abnormal normality is, like when you suddenly realize you're swimming in water you went iceskating on in winter.
I am starting to wonder when that might be. A lot of my life hasn't changed, but I have retreated a lot since covid & really must be careful not to become a hermit.
The place down the road that we went to a couple of Saturdays ago & listened to free live music is having another gig in a few weeks & I have booked tickets. I'll take our picnic chairs this time & we will rug up. The first show I think was a practice run & it went well. They are only charging a small fee this time, which I think is a good idea as tickets have to be limited with covid restrictions. Our GS said he might go too, with a GF.
I have been putting eye drops in every 4 hours in preparation for the cataract surgery tomorrow & feel a little less nervous. My asthma is my biggest concern. I have discussed it with the surgeon already & the hospital are ringing today to discuss my medication & any health concerns. I'll spend today at home again, but will go for a walk with Archie after the call.
Thanks, Skurgeon. I have had the weirdest day & been really stressed out. G got a call from a guy he played pool against yesterday. This guy had woken up this morning feeling very sick & has tested positive for Covid-19. G did a rapid antigen test & it was negative. I did too & also negative, but I did have to tell the eye hospital so it could be their decision. I told them we would test again early in the morning & let them know if either of us test positive 🤞🤞
Normally it would take a couple of days after contact until you test positive or get sick. Telling the hospital is all you can do. Same with the asthma worries, really. Best of luck!
Hi, LaMa. I didn't have contact thank goodness & they don't classify G's contact as close contact. They seemed happy that I am testing us both & will again in the morning. The main thing seemed to be if we had any symptoms. They will obviously be well protected. She seemed worried about us travelling in for nothing if I got tested there & I was positive, but I said I would be more worried if I had covid & passed it on.
My day has improved somewhat. I relaxed & read after lunch & then took Arch for a nice long walk. I'm now sitting having a 200 ml piccolo of bubbly.
I had trouble with changing over my car insurance on Friday & got an email today saying it was all sorted. It had been a nightmare of a call, which lasted well over an hour.
There is other stuff going on, which I won't go into here, but I think it's getting better too. R has split with his GF. They have different goals in life & are at different stages. It wasn't going to work out, so had to end. I hope she will be ok & find the right person for her.
I almost forgot! :svengo: I hit the next decade down this morning, after a mushroom omelette, 1/2 a pot of espresso (& a BM) & am now down 7 kg since 23/11/21. It looked so good! It's the best motivation.
So wonderful on all the weight loss! I completely understand about anxiety with the cataract surgery. I had to take my mom to the emergency room a few days before her cataract surgery because she had been holding her breath and getting very dizzy. It turned out to be anxiety, and the people at the hospital said this is very common. I agree with LaMa, that every single person I have known who got cataract surgery was nervous beforehand, and everyone was so so happy once they got it! I hope that the stresses you were going through are over and you can do lots of relaxing Wordle and nice things. Sorry to hear about R's girlfriend, but it sounds like the jealousy alone was going to be a problem. I hope the puppy is helping him cope. Big hugs, and I hope you get some really good relaxing time to yourself!
Thanks, Marsia (& LaMa). I don't feel stressed this morning, even though I woke many times during the night. Not being able to drink even water from midnight last night was difficult though, so I moved my water bottle into the bathroom, so I wouldn't get mixed up & drink some while half-asleep & I just swished it around my mouth & spat it out. I drank only enough to get my morning pills down. We both did a rapid antigen test & both were negative & no symptoms. I'm feeling confident that all will be well.
I think it is sad that R & H were not better suited to one another, but I think ending it now was a kind thing for him to do. It was very hard. Thanks for the hugs xoxo
I'll be heading off soon. My stomach isn't rumbling too much.....yet.
Thank you, Tru, Floater, Marsia & anyone else who reads my diary. I decided not to try posting after the op & I had to leave early again this morning to see the Ophthalmologist to make sure everything was OK. I was very blurry & had a lot of discomfort when the local wore off, but got a really good night's sleep & my eye was much better this morning. He said my pupil is still really dilated, but every day for the next couple of weeks my sight will get a little better. It's much better already.
We had a good morning. I was in & out of the eye institute before 9 am, we did our fruit & veg shopping & I bought a liner for the boot of our "new" car & a couple of felt bags to fit stuff in neatly (shopping bags, Archie bag & a picnic bag) to leave in the car. I am not used to so much space. It is also very comfortable. It will take Arch a while to get used to it as he used to be able to nestle down on a cushion & see out the front, just touching our arms. Now he's a long way back & there's a big gap. He'll get used to it I hope. I may have to look at doggie arrangements for back seats so I can get him higher.
I may not get around all the diaries today, maybe just have a look. Tomorrow my eyes won't feel so tired.
So happy everything went so well and that you could even go out shopping the next day! I laughed at the idea of a doggie booster seat so he can see out the windows well. I like the little ways you pamper him! Happy resting up, and it's nice to hear how you are enjoying your new car!
He said my pupil is still really dilated, but every day for the next couple of weeks my sight will get a little better. It's much better already.
That's great. Eyesight is so important.
It will take Arch a while to get used to it as he used to be able to nestle down on a cushion & see out the front, just touching our arms. Now he's a long way back & there's a big gap. He'll get used to it I hope.
I hope so too because a pillow wasn't exactly the safest solution for him 🙈
Take all the time you need to recover, I am glad it went well
Thanks, Tru.
Yay for modern medicine!
So happy everything went so well and that you could even go out shopping the next day! I laughed at the idea of a doggie booster seat so he can see out the windows well. I like the little ways you pamper him! Happy resting up, and it's nice to hear how you are enjoying your new car!
Thanks, M. Archie is also going for a beach holiday with us next month. We were going to stay at a place that isn't dog-friendly as another couple were also going to stay there. They can’t go now, so I have rebooked. I am much happier when he’s with us. I can't believe how much more space we have in this car. It's nothing fancy but suits us well.
That's great. Eyesight is so important.
Thanks, LaMa. It sure is!
I hope so too because a pillow wasn't exactly the safest solution for him 🙈
He is always attached to a safety dog harness & lead attached to a rear seat belt. I hate seeing dogs loose in a car. The rear seat in our little car was so close to the front seats. I used to have a cane basket wedged between the back seat, on top of a raised console, with a cushion jammed into it, that he could lay down on & he would be only just touching one of us. I'll work out something. I just fell down a rabbit hole looking at dog booster seats :ROFLMAO: I'll check out some next time I'm near a pet store.
He is always attached to a safety dog harness & lead attached to a rear seat belt.
I should've known that. Sorry for doubting you.