Cate's Diary

A shame A couldn't make it but it sounds lovely nonetheless! Worth a sleepless night, although I hope the next sleep will be better again.
Happy golfing, and it's so nice to hear about the celebration! Crossing fingers for you having a great night's sleep!
I'm glad the get together went so well. I hope you find some good nap time somewhere in between the activity!
Thank you, my lovely forum friends. :grouphug:
While my week seemed daunting it was really good. Golf on Saturday was fun as I was with some of my favourite people, the 90th was wonderful & yesterday was a beautiful day up the mountain. It's Monday morning & I am feeling very content after another good night's sleep. A day at home will be lovely though.
I think I should play golf as often as possible until I have my foot operation so I might even play with the vets tomorrow and the women on Wednesday. There's a new system at the golf club & the guy who knows how to use it will be away for a couple of weeks & G has enough to do as it is without trying to do that. He doesn't touch a computer. I was going to go out in the afternoon tomorrow anyway to heat the afternoon tea for the 90th birthday "boy".
I was going to go out in the afternoon tomorrow anyway to heat the afternoon tea for the 90th birthday "boy".
Heating the tea? Are we talking about food or do reheat actual tea???

I'm all for playing lots of golf but don't aggravate your foot too much please!
Edited at 5.01 pm as Llama has just posted. I'll heat the savoury food & I have decided I won't play tomorrow as my foot hurts xoxo
Thanks, Llama & Vic.
I have had a lovely, relaxing day at home, took Arch for a 1.5k walk & have decided not to play tomorrow as my right foot is hurting & I think a day just pottering about in town for a few hours is a better option. I need to do some shopping & think I'll sit down & have lunch somewhere.
Something very funny happened today. I answered a call from a number I didn't know, against my better judgement, thinking it may have been from one of our old friends regarding our friend who died last week. I didn't understand a word & said "Sorry?" & the person repeated whatever was said initially (I think) to which I then said "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand a word you just said". I then did hear him say "Well are you fucking Cate, or not!" This tickled my fancy. Some poor spammer was having a very bad day. I blocked that number of course. I can imagine some poor bugger in a call centre being paid a pittance trying to con people. I wasn't rude at all. I think I must have a weird sense of humour.
If you can laugh at the ridiculousness of people getting mad because you're hard to scam I say you're doing something right. Heating the food makes a lot more sense than heating tea, thank you!
I didn't understand a word & said "Sorry?" & the person repeated whatever was said initially (I think) to which I then said "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand a word you just said". I then did hear him say "Well are you fucking Cate, or not!" This tickled my fancy.
lol that made me laugh too!
I was going to go out in the afternoon tomorrow anyway to heat the afternoon tea for the 90th birthday "boy".
Heating the tea? Are we talking about food or do reheat actual tea???
There's another one of those differences in terms--tea meaning food! I know they use that in England as well...
I think a day just pottering about in town for a few hours is a better option. I need to do some shopping & think I'll sit down & have lunch somewhere.
That sounds really nice--I hope you enjoy it :)
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em. It really made me laugh & still makes me smile. I must have been the last straw for this guy. I honestly hadn't understood one word he said until the last bit. So funny!
Scammers are rife here. I never click on links in emails. I have been getting one regularly which I thought was genuine, but looked up my banking details and I don't have an account ending in the numbers they quoted. I then checked the current banking scams & this is definitely one of them.
I'll have to leave soon so won't get around the diaries. I'll come back tonight when G goes to 8-ball.
My foot is bruised & I remembered I stubbed my toe badly in the middle of Friday night.
That's so funny you discombobulated a scammer! That would make the best cartoon!! Here when people get excited they talk fast and slur all their words together, so if they suddenly decide they like you, you can't even figure out where one "word" ends and the next begins, like Boomhauer in King of the Hill
. Hugs to your foot. I hope it feels better fast.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Marsia. I didn't play golf yesterday & didn't walk much but my feet hurt last night. I rubbed some Arnica cream into them when I went to bed & they didn't hurt during the night & feel good this morning. I want to play today as 2 of the women are sponsoring the day & one of them has bladder cancer & will soon be having an op to remove the tumour. I have my foot protected. You don't play every shot in the game we're playing today. I must tell the story about my phone call after golf today.
I have an ap't tomorrow with a podiatrist & will ask her some questions about the bunion op.
Thanks, M :grouphug:
My feet are throbbing after playing golf today & I might soak them tonight in some 'lectric soda & rub some more arnica cream in. They loved it last night. I will only play golf once in the next week. I now know that I must have this operation.
This morning we had a random draw for the Pinehurst comp with each of the 1st division players then being drawn with one of the 2nd division players to show them how to play the comp. I was hoping that I wouldn't draw P, but I did. She & I don't get along. Today we did. We also won the day with a cracking score. Once again I was in a group with J1 & she was fine too. I feel much better about playing with the women. I can still be myself, but I am also more tolerant.
Glad to hear a day of rest and a nice massage helped your feet. Fingers crossed they hold up during the golf.

Edit: I just saw they didn't :grouphug: Glad you got along with P despite expectations though.
I was hoping that I wouldn't draw P, but I did. She & I don't get along. Today we did. We also won the day with a cracking score. Once again I was in a group with J1 & she was fine too. I feel much better about playing with the women.
That's great to hear Cate. So good that you are all getting along better and that you had a good win as well!
I hope you can find good ways to soothe that foot while waiting for the operation.