bypass buddy's wanted

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Hi all,

I'm in Uk, i was on waiting list at St Georges, Tooting, London for a year from dec 2009 to dec 2010, my BMI went between 42-44 and when accepted on the list the minimum BMI was 40 they then changed that in dec 2010 to BMI 50 so immediately i didnt fit the criteria and wouldnt be automatically considered for surgery. They advised me to get my GP to apply to the PCT for funding which could take a year and i may or maynot get it.

I was devastated and decided i couldnt wait another year to be told no so went abroad and paid for gastric bypass surgery (just over £5k) best thing i ever did, im 26 days post op and have lost nearly 28lbs.

These forums are my lifeline, my GP is amazing and i have contact with the surgeon who answers any questions is can thinnk of but its here and another uk site that i get most of my support/knowledge.

I know it is a long and continuous journey but a life giver and the best decision i have ever made.

All my very best wishes to everyone here, Roberta x x x
Hi, there I new to this forum, I have just had a gastric by pass two weeks post op, looking for help and advice if anyone has been thru this or going to have the surgery, I don't regret having it done even though it is early days, I must admit, I do not feel in the best of health and feeling 'what have I done', if there is anyone who can help or have any suggestions I would be so grateful. Anyone that has had it done - how did your family and friends react? I am really upset, as someone who I known all my life has turned really funny, and I am upset. What do other people cope with reactions from friends and families. To be honest, I have only told my closest. Anyhow, I am waffling on. lol, How do you manage with food and diet to get you thru the first couple of months, I would love to hear from anyone with advice or help. Love n hugs Grace
I agree it will be so nice to have the chocie of how much to eat taken away and not have to rely on willpower alone. hope to hear from you soon.
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