200 plus lbs to lose club

I need to loose over 100lbs myself .. right now I'll be happy if i reach 200lbs which seems impossible :/

you can totally do it. i've found that having patience is actually harder than the work that's involved. sucks, huh? hang in there, b/c you're well on your way. i wish you lots of luck!
200 pounds here to lose too

Hi Guys

Just stumbled on this forum tonight looking for support in weight loss. You all seem like you're doing great and very supportive. I'm looking to lose 200 lbs too, seems impossible but I know it can be done. At my heaviest I was 400lbs. I've done the atkins for a few months and I'm still huge at 340lbs, but 60 lbs are gone forever........Hurray! I've just started to feel like I can move again and have joined the gym. Not sure where to begin--think I'll just stick to the tread mill for an hour or so a day and talk to a trainer I guess. What eating habits have you guys found successful....... low carbs? no carbs? a program like WW or JC? Any input much appreciated. Have a great day! :)
Hi, When I started on my diet I was 485lbs and I could remember saying to myself I have so much weight to lose and how am I ever going to do it. Now I know it's not about how, it's about change!!! I did not want to be 40 and 500lbs. I decided to change my life. I don't really look at it as a diet I look at it this is what I have to do If I want every thing life has to offer. I had 300lbs to lose to get to my goal of 185lbs, I'm now at 303 and I can see the end. Keep you head up !!!!:) It can be done. Start walking!!!! On my first walk I only got 1/2 block, now I'm about 4 miles a day or I ride the bike 12-13 miles a day. The hardest thing to do is start the diet and for me the little things like being able to buy a shirt at a reg store not a big and tall keep me going. also being able to put my seat-belt on was another biggie for me.

I know it is depressing when you have so much to lose,Trust me I still have over lbs to go and I know how you fill, but you can do it!!! Good luck
it doesnt really matter if its carbs or no carbs unless you have a preference, so long as your calories in are less than the calories out (this applies to ALL diets)

Good on you for loosing 60lb! thats fantastic!
Thanks Guys

Thanks guys.

What would you say your typical day of eating is? What do you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? How many calories a day?

Sounds like you've done a great job and losing weight........... I hope to post in the future about a tremendous weight loss like that too. Keep hope alive!

I stick to 1200-1500 calories a day, usually on the lower end of that.
a Usual day would be
2 eggs on toast OR 3 weetabix and milk for breakfast (about 300ish calories)
2-4 sammies spread out over 10pm-2pmish. Sometimes sushi or whatever else (about 300ish calories)
Then dinner i eat whatever the family is having to use the other 600 odd calories.

Im a night time eater, i get hungry and eat more in the evening. Im tending to stay away from processed foods though, so ill have steak but not sausages.
If i get hungry i snacl on either a piece of toast or fruit - whatever is more handy, or coffee/soup.
Just beginning

i'm 19 and weigh 418lbs. i'm pretty much sticking to a 150o calorie diet. I walk everyday to the library. Its like 6 minutes total to and from there. Today i added 10 minutes to it by walking around the block to the lib. instead of straight there. Overwieghtness runs in my family. But i'm the biggest of them all. I'd like to talk to people who could understand. I'd like to have your advice too. thank you.
how have you been doing on the 1500 calories per day - I was close to where you started and was well above 1500 calories a day - I was probably at about 2500 a day and have gradually dropped it - now i'm between 1500-1800 and want to go a little higher.

you don't want to starve yourself or stall your metabolism or even shock your body.

the walking is great - well done to you - it's great you're adding on some distance too...

you didn't get to 418lbs overnight -it's not going to come off overnight - but you're at the right age to get it corrected and be healthy for the rest of your life.

Why not start yourself up a diary and use it to record your daily intake of food as well as your challenges and successes... it's a fantastic place to get support.
I agree with Maleficient the diary is a great way to keep yourself accountable. All of you with a lot to lose, you can do it if you want to. Starting is the hard part, once you see pounds flying off you will be motivated by that to keep going. I don't have 200lbs but I do have about 100 lbs to lose.

Either way, it's a lot of weight and when I reach my goal I will still have to eat right and exercise just like you all while you're still losing. Did you guys watch the biggest loser this past season? I think the guy who won lost over 200lbs, if he can do it you guys can.
I have 246 pounds to lose myself. I started on March 6th, 2007 and am only down 15 pounds so far. It seems like it's going slow, but maybe I'm not being realistic. I started somewhat foolishly limiting myself to only 800-1200 per day. I lost weight (probably not fat) and then stalled for about one week. That's when I wised up and realized I need to increase my caloric intake. Now, I'm averaging approx. 1600-1800 calories per day. This coupled with walking EVERYDAY between 1 and 2 miles.

The success stories from this board has been a great inspiration to me.
I just started here everyone and i'm weighing in at 323 I was 343 but I have stoped lossing I cant work out to hard cause it hearts so I swim alot... I just wanna know can someone help me out and tell me how you did it? it's so hard andI just wanna say I have seen some really big loses her and i'm so happy for each of you ( I hope I can do it too )
I just wanted to show some support and let you know that what you are doing is possible and to not give up. One of my clients started at 308. She is now 210 and yes it will take some time but it is possible and she is looking more and more beautiful everyday.

Some tips-

-It is a lot of diet at this point. Keeping that diet right and NOT starving but eating smart is the big key.
-Stretch and walk. Be gentle on yourself, just walk and do a lot of simple stretches.
-Take this time and instead of exercising for 40 mins, learn something new each day about food. The more you understand about how and where you are getting those calories from, the more you can not be fooled and make informed decisions.
-Education, education, education is the quickest road to fat loss.

Good Luck! :)
Good for you,
Once you get started it does eventually get easier, it becomes a way of life :)

I was wonder if you could tell me you left me a message about weight loss and you said walk but i was in a bad car crash and that is the reason i have put on alot of my weight and my knee is not well.. but I swim alot and I do about 50 laps a day and sit in the sauna for 30 min is that good or should I do more laps? please tell me what you think thank you :)

wow, I really like this page, it is no fun being in XL sizes the selection is so limited, I just went by a store that goes up to 7X, I haven't been in there but am curious to what they have?? I have been overweight all my life, one of the lucky ones to be born that way, I did lose weight before, but have been slowly putting it back on over the years, I do not want to end up that 7X!!yikes!!
Ok I still have 244lbs to lose and I know this is going to take muck klonger then one of those "lose all the weight in 12 weeks" plans and I am looking for people to hang with who still have a long way to go even if its not quite 200lbs.
you can join any group you want :) Keep up with your diary -those definitely get more action than the groups do.. :)

and 244 lbs to lose is do-able... just concentrate on 1lb at a time... and all those 1lbs add up :D