
Hey 4, I like the name, easy to remember and type. No risk of a spelling error.

You are doing quite well, in some ways I think the first 2 weeks can be the hardest, and that's done now.

I know you feel like you have a long way to go, I was in your position not so long ago. For me just focusing on staying on track one day at a time works pretty well. Do that and you will be surprised how soon the 2 years will pass and you'll be worrying about maintenance.

Understanding your binge triggers as best you can is a good thing, and you seem to be doing that. For me I seem to be able to binge most anytime for most any reason. Bingeing really has been my problem, without it I probably would not have to watch my weight so closely. You may find the same. Resisting a binge no matter how strong the urge or trigger is also important. Just because you feel like you want to binge doesn't mean you have to. I am not perfect, and still have the occasional binge, wish I didn't and maybe one day I won't. Enough about me, I sure hope you can find your way through this, I bet you can!
That's another thing that has been helping me, thinking that I'm the one in charge of my body, not my brain that doesn't always seem to have my best interests at heart.
Hear, hear! I must keep that at the front of my mind. Keep on chugging, 4!
I've also felt my brain working against me, not because I'm hungry, or there's some serious emotional issue waiting to get resolved. Sometimes it just throws a temper tantrum, and creates an urge to simply get what it wants - more and more easily accessible energy.
Don't I know it... I like your approach and I look forward to reading more of your thoughts
I don't have any plans to go out and meet people in the near future, so maybe that's created this great stress-free bubble that's finally helping me stay on course. I mean, I don't intend to become a recluse for the rest of my life, but it seems to be working the best for me for now.
Hey if it works it works. No need to fix something that ain't broke!
Trying to do everything usually ends with me doing nothing. Sounds like you're doing well!
Congrats on the binge avoidance. I do know how hard that can be!
I won this battle. Not the war, still, but this one battle was all mine. It's the little things.
Absolutely, not sure you ever really "win the war", but one battle victory at a time is great success. Keep it up!
Congratulations on winning that battle, even if it felt more like a skirmish in the moment.
it means I won this battle. Not the war, still, but this one battle was all mine. It's the little things.
That is a win. Well done. It's good to give ourselves some credit, even for the small wins :)
I understand that. I also tend to focus on what else I could be doing rather than on what I'm already doing better than in the past. Doesn't do any earthly good but I guess it's human nature. When something feels daunting it sometimes helps me to start out ludicrously small. What amount of exercise activity feels stupidly simple to you? Walking the stairs once more than you need to? Getting up from a chair five times? Walking to the mailbox? Raising your arms 10 times? It doesn't really matter where you start as long as it's something that feels easy, even if it's so easy it doesn't feel useful. Once you have a baseline of doing something, anything, regularly, it gets easier to add little bits over time. In the end weightloss is about habits and habits are easiest when you start out small.
All you can ever influence is what you do today and how well you prep for tomorrow. And it looks like you're doing great on both fronts!
I'm riding on a high mostly because I just started.
Yes, but that's normal and you have had a very good start. Do you feel like you are moving past the startup phase?

One way I have dealt with this is by keeping my goals pretty simple, just to do well today. I have not given longer term goals much thought. It has worked for me, do well today and all else will follow.

Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to many of us!
With barbecues and other parties it may help to allow for a non-weightloss but still reasonable (ie no weight gain except for gut filling and the water weight that comes with all that sodium) day. Slow weightloss is way better than binging, which is what I tend to do.