143 pounds to lose....fast


New member
I gained 0ver 100 pounds during my pregancy of my now 2 1/2 yr old son. I am now in need of losing 143 pounds to reach my goal weight. I have tried every diet, pill and potion available I think, along with exercising. I am always tired and very depressed. After a month on a 1200 cal diet w/30-45 mins 4-5 times a week vigorous exercise I have lost only 12 pounds. Any suggestions of losing a lot of weight quickly? I know its bad to lose more than 2 pounds a week or whatever, but once its off I will make SURE it stays off, so thats not an issue to me. PLEASE HELP

current weight: 288 lbs (5'8", 27 yrs old)
goal weight: 145 pounds
Mate I wish there was some magic pill or something to make it easer and quicker but it seem the only thing there is now is persistence. 12 pounds in a month is terrific.
I have to agree...12 pds in a month isnt' so bad, just keep at it. That is what makes dieting so hard, Just Keep doing it, the weight WILL come off!! :)
There's one thing we can't do here, and that's wave a magic wand.. we are all working at this slowly... some of us are lucky to get 2 pounds in a week... but just think that if you kept with that for a whole year! that is 104 pounds! If you want to make a difference that will last a lifetime - than taking the time to do it right and to keep it off is worth it...

Sometimes it's hard and it's easy to get discouraged when there is so much to loose. I hope that you will stick around and start a journal on here... we are really great about encouraging each other through the rough spots...

set smaller goals for yourself... looking at a huge goal of 135 pounds or so is really hard to attack all at once. Give yourself a 25 lb weigh loss goal, and work until you get there... then give yourself another. gradually YOU WILL GET THERE!!!! =)

Good luck!!!
When I started my weight loss I was 300lbs my highest ever. At first I was on the scale everyday trying to see the difference wanting it to shed faster. Its not going to happen...I'm sorry but if your serious about losing weight it indeed is going to take longer to lose then how fast we put it on. Like alot of people including myself say that losing weight is a lifestyle change. WE have to make that change and just think of the the weight loss part of it as a bonus.
I co-sign with everything said here....however I gained weight like you, tried everything, and was so tired and depressed...after I had my first child.

Not saying this is the case but you may want to go and see your doctor for a TSH test to test if your thyroid is working ok. These are the classic symptoms of an inactive thyroid. If your thyroid is working ok...its just going to take some dedication. Pills and potions are temporary....start posting your daily intake and get feed back from the forum perhaps there is some things you could be doing to assist you weight loss.

By the way *hig hug* your weight does not define you,....your special in so many ways.
thanks for all the support, I guess I am just very frustrated. I have been trying for over a year now to lose weight and have had no luck. I have dieted and exercised seriously, I barely eat at all. Maybe a banana with a small glass of skim milk for breakfast, an apple and green tea for lunch a small cup of vegatable soup for dinner. If I eat any less, I wont be eating at all!
I agree with Jennifer, you really need to go to a doctor and have some testing done. My sister in law was having problems like yours and she found out she diabetes. She was told that, that was why she was having problems. Again, thyroids are a culprit in trouble loosing weight. So PLEASE go to the doctor :)
thanks...I go to the doctor monthly, as she's been supervising my diet. My bloodwork and tests all come back normal. She has recently put me on Dexadrine to help me lose weight, but I've only just started taking it and havent noticed anything. I found out online its an ADD drug that has a side effect of loss of appetite and weight loss, but I dont have ADD. whatever works I guess.
Hi B&S..I understand and feel your pain my friend...I have had 2 children, both c-sections and I was at my heaviest after my 2nd at 279... But believe me you just have to realize that you need to stay focused on the daily stuff..just making small changes in your diet and exercise is the biggest..you really need to do something everyday. I am now at 259 and I workout everyday. I am currently doing 40 min cardio 5 times a week, weights daily for 30 min and crunches everyday. When i get down and tired I just look at myself and say to myself that my health and my children are worth getting up early and walking or making that extra time for myself after work to go to the gym...whatever it takes. It is also important to find out what your Resting Metabolic rate is..you need to make sure you are eating enough food...if you eat too little you wont lose as your body will go into starvation mode and usually will attack your muscle instead of your fat. You will find that building lean muscle is the best way for long term weight loss..as 1 lb of muscle burns 50 cal (not sure if this is a day or an hr..but i think its a day) while 1 lb of fat burns like 5 cal...so its a big diff. I found this site very helpful and they have a calculator to tell you what your burning for calories according to your weight as well as how many cal you should be taking in each day. My RMR is 2000 so I usually eat about that or 1800 at least...I also eat 6 small meals a day so that im always telling my metabolism to work and burn something...eating too little makes your metabolism go into a sleep mode which is bad. Good luck sweetie..dont lose hope , we are all in the same situation! Let us know what we can do to help encourage you!
bigandsad said:
thanks for all the support, I guess I am just very frustrated. I have been trying for over a year now to lose weight and have had no luck. I have dieted and exercised seriously, I barely eat at all. Maybe a banana with a small glass of skim milk for breakfast, an apple and green tea for lunch a small cup of vegatable soup for dinner. If I eat any less, I wont be eating at all!

I understand the frustration of wanting quick results. One thing, that has already been stated is that you actually have to eat healthy to lose weight. If you eat too little, your body will not lose. The diet above seems a bit like a starvation diet. If you added a carb to breakfast, like a healthy cereal with the milk and a protein for lunch... maybe a turkey sandwich with mustard and low-fat cheese and a bowl of soup instead of a cup. :) Just a thought. Try adding a little more food, but keeping up the exercise and drink LOTS of water. :)
Well, again I appreciate all the advice, this has been a great help to me. My doc prescribed to me Dexadrine, I started taking it friday and I have never felt better. I am more alert, have boundless energy and no appetite at all. I actually have to force myself to eat. I have lost 6 pounds in less than 3 days. woohoo! :)
I feel your pain! But keep up the great work. I think I'll have to agree with everyone as well. 12 pounds in a month is great!!!! Wish I could do that. It is also great the 6 pound weight loss, so that is 18 pounds you down? great job :) I had a baby a lil over 8 months ago...still having trouble shedding pounds. I went to my doctor and he told me that I am eating too many calories. I am back at 1200 a day. I was eating 1400-1600. But do keep up the great work, you can do it!!!
I myself is trying to loose almost the same weight amount. However, Iim doing what I did around 7 years ago, when i suddenly ballooned up to 95KG, I got kicked out of modelling, so had to loose weight fast. What I did was, I ate only meat for breakfast (HUGE BREAKFAST) no lunch no dinner, LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER, 30 mins on the stepper machine ( the one with the handles that goes right and left) and 20 mins of STEP REEBOK with GIN MILLER. I had an even better body after that - loss aproximately 40 KG. Had a very very sexy body --- but then after 2 pregnancy - I ballooned again without bothering to loose weight, now, I just started to do what I did again, dont ask me how im doing, cause I just started today!
We all know how hard it is... all of us are so struggling everyday w/ our own battles..but by admitting it and trying everyday to succeed..you are on the right track. I think its great that you're pushing yourself to succeed!