Weight-Loss 10,000 Challenge!!!

You are doing great while contending with those weather / atmospheric conditions. Well done.

Monday 07/09/2020............................. 19,691 steps
Tuesday 08/09/2020............................. 20,602 steps - part done at gym
Wednesday 09/09/2020...................... 20,550 steps
Thursday 10/09/2020........................... 21,219 steps
Friday 11/09/2020................................. 19,858 steps
Saturday 12/09/2020............................ 21,375 steps
Tuesday 15/09/2020............................. 22,100 steps - including some salsa :)
Wednesday 16/09/2020...................... 20,551 steps
Incredible job Omega!

I feel fortunate to have had intermittently clean air the last two days:
Tues: 12,315 steps
Wed: 10,776 steps

(the dogs sure love it too)
Yeah, it has been nice lately. You never realize how much you take for granted until its gone...

11,577 for the day.
Sometimes exercise isn't reflected in steps at all... I know that happens when I go to pilates... You do stuff that hurts and you know that it is doing you good and you get no steps...

Thursday 17/09/2020........................... 21,072 steps
Friday 18/09/2020................................. 20,992 steps
Saturday 19/09/2020............................ 20,533 steps
Sunday 20/09/2020............................... 20,671 steps
Monday 21/09/2020............................. 23,000 steps
Tuesday 22/09/2020............................. 21,873 steps
Wednesday 23/09/2020...................... 20,781 steps
Thursday 24/09/2020........................... 21,173 steps
Friday 25/09/2020................................. 22,928 steps
Saturday 26/09/2020............................ 20,787 steps
Sunday 27/09/2020............................... 21,274 steps
Monday 28/09/2020............................. 19,227 steps
You are doing great - I'm sorry about those wildfires.

Tuesday 29/09/2020............................. 18,994 steps
Wednesday 30/09/2020...................... 14,728 steps
Thursday 01/10/2020........................... 20,805 steps

We have a fortnight of very wet cold weather forecast (and winter will only get worse) and full lockdown looking more and more likely where we live.
We already have special restrictions in place and virus figures here are about five times the national average...

We are preparing as best we can so had a funny couple of days Tuesday and Wednesday where we hired a storage container and have put the furniture from a couple of rooms into storage so that we can repurpose those rooms for a full lockdown. We got the Reebok treadmill out of storage... I am light enough to be able to use it... My husband is still theoretically about 70 pounds above the upper limit - but he got on it and it seemed ok... He has lost about 100 pounds this year.

We are still trying to sort out the Tunturi treadmill - but are currently waiting for something to arrive in the post that we have been told might help...

All in all - it really had am impact on my steps on Tuesday and Wednesday - but our time was invested well in our project.
9/28: 11,243
9/29: 12,370
(return of unhealthy wildfire smoke)
9/30: 6,070
10/1: TBD

10/1: 3,253 (smokey)
10/2: 1,904 (smokey & lazy)
10/3: 4,114 (smokey)
10/4: 10,586 (air quality finally dipped into "acceptable" range after dark, though it still irritated my throat)
I couldn't cope with bad air quality like you are contending with... Well done for managing a 10K steps day.

Friday 02/10/2020................................. 22,313 steps
Saturday 03/10/2020............................ 20,993 steps
Sunday 04/10/2020............................... 20,906 steps

Did all our Saturday walking on the Reebok treadmill. The rain was constant and heavy and it was such a delight to stay in and look out at it through the window.
Well done Err :hurray:

Monday 05/10/2020............................. 19,802 steps
Tuesday 06/10/2020............................. 19,731 steps
Wednesday 07/10/2020...................... 19,808 steps
Thursday 08/10/2020........................... 20,789 steps