Marijuana and exercise

Loving life.

Don't listen to that other guy "I_love_Muscle", he is just being biased. You deserve THE TRUTH about marijuana. It's 2012 now, and yes, it is legal in America BTW for some people who are really, in denial. I smoke pot everyday and I'm in the best shape of my life. My family has a history of smoking pot and my grandpa smoked weed everyday of his life since 13 and he lived to be 98 years old, and he's not the only one. So please, spare me on the old "Reeder Madness" bull****. Excuse my language. The real facts are coming out finally, big pharmaceutical companies don't want pot, anywhere that sells alcohol doesn't want pot, the government and so on, because they are enjoying making all that money selling their own drugs.


Please just think for yourself and do your own research, there's plenty of people who workout everyday and drink beer still right? Well, if marijuana SAFER than alcohol, which is A FACT, you put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Thanks! Go have some fun and love life! Be proud not to be part of the SHEEPLE!
Really? Pot is gateway drug?

So milk leads people to beer?

I barely glanced at your argument and it's astounding the lack of simple knowledge on the subject.

"carnage on the highway" This is simply comical.

Please people do your research

Alcohol kills more people every year than all known drugs combined. FACT. (All drugs, yes this includes heroin, LSD, Marijuana, Cocaine, etc.)

I drive high everyday, never been in a wreck my whole life. Same with the rest of my peaceful loving family.

In fact my grandpa who smoked pot everyday, died because of a drunk driver, not a "high" driver.

I'm not saying pot is for everyone, but people shouldn't be saying it's bad for everyone. It has helped me and so many other people, it should be recognized as a miracle cure-all-drug.
Made this just so I could reply to YOU! <(*-*<) <(*-*)> (>*-*)>

I'm dead-set against anything that is habit-forming or addictive because the social costs are too high.

Our body is a temple and that we owe it to ourselves to treat it as such. Putting garbage (marijuana) into our bodies isn't exactly a smart thing to do. And smoking isn't healthy. In fact, it's downright stupid. It is virtually impossible for me to respect a person who willingly does things to themselves that aren't healthy.

Reality check: You are smoking drugs. If you think that's healthy, apparently your perspective is flawed. You can try to convince yourself that smoking marijuana is a healthy choice. But you're not fooling anybody. I believe it's called "denial".

Haha you do realize that ANYTHING can be habit-forming and/or addictive. So you've never ingested anything processed? You only eat the finest organic fruits and vegetables? No man made sports/dyed beverages? Because chances are you have and that processed foods have all kinds of bad things for you not to mention the petroleum derived food dyes.

Yes marijuana has 400 toxins while cigarettes have 4000. You can't even begin to compare marijuana to cigarettes. Like saying a caged, **** fed chicken lays the same tasting eggs as a cage free vegetarian fed chicken.

Us living on this planet is slowly KILLING US ALL. We do stuff to ourselves that isn't healthy every single time we breathe in the air we're only polluting. Are you going to change that to keep your temple safe? Didn't think so.

Using marijuana is better then using all the man made pharmaceutical that doctors keep trying to push onto us and our kids.

The Government used to give morphine out like candy to KIDS! They used to sell almost every drug known to man over the counter in the 30's you think they might be a little off about this drug? I do because I don't trust them greedy bastards worth ****!

Side Note:

Weed doesn't make you lazy YOU MAKE YOU LAZY! Weed doesn't make you gain weight YOU MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT! Weed doesn't make you stupid YOU MAKE YOU STUPID! They need to stop blaming the drug and blame the real problem THE PEOPLE.
Any one who think its bad it really not I feel the Munchies is what h

I'm not sure where you live but in America its illegal
"I think smoking bus and working out is a great way to work out. I do it when I want to make the gym more interesting then boring. MY ear buds always fall out of my ears so no music beside the crap te gym muscle get really relaxed and happy with a lot of energy. The best part is when I do any work put from cardio from running and crunches and sit up ands lifting weights like bench press and thrusts you feel all you muscles burn and it feel good.All im gonna say is bud and exercise can mix.
If you're smoking dope every night, you've already made it a habit. And that's pretty stupid. The reason you don't think it has any effect on your workouts is because your brain chemistry changes when you smoke dope. THC is a neurotoxin. Didn't you know that?

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but I can't find any medical or pharmacological website stating that marijuana has no toxins. In fact, similar to cigarettes, there are over 400 toxic substances in marijuana.

I don't take Advil. I don't take Tylenol, either. And yes, in excess those drugs can kill you. But so will smoking cigarettes and/or marijuana. It just takes longer.

At the end of the day, you have made your choice. I don't think it's a well-informed decision, but it's your life.

watch this clip and pls watch the whole clip! you need to change your mind set buddy. i am not saying go smoke some weed. if you dont, thats cool to but pls do change your mind set. and weed has been around for ages! people have been smoking for a long time! and as i recal, those people in the best used to live till their hundreds or more! but sinds it got iligelized, the rage that most people would get is if there are lucky 60. i smoke everytime before a workout. and i feel ****ing awesome and i dont want it any other way.
i dont drink. i dont take pills.. i eat pretty healthy and ofcourse i smoke my pot.. and my friend life is good ;)
i_love_muscle seems to have a holier than thou attitude. No one is perfect and some people struggle to see negative health effects in the light of a delicious doughnut or cigarette. It's very much psychological, and by judging them shows your own fears and weaknesses. Marijuana is fine for most people. It's used as a tool of the drug war machine that keeps our jails full of innocent people.

Personally I couldn't smoke and expect to workout with any great intensity, but it may help with the DOM's.

I hadn't tough weed for about 8 years until recently. I was all anti - weed, but i've have educated myself and changed my tune. All drugs have a place including the recreational ones.
watch this clip and pls watch the whole clip! you need to change your mind set buddy. i am not saying go smoke some weed. if you dont, thats cool to but pls do change your mind set. and weed has been around for ages! people have been smoking for a long time! and as i recal, those people in the best used to live till their hundreds or more! but sinds it got iligelized, the rage that most people would get is if there are lucky 60. i smoke everytime before a workout. and i feel ****ing awesome and i dont want it any other way.
i dont drink. i dont take pills.. i eat pretty healthy and ofcourse i smoke my pot.. and my friend life is good ;)

What clip?
I'm dead-set against anything that is habit-forming or addictive because the social costs are too high.

Our body is a temple and that we owe it to ourselves to treat it as such. Putting garbage (marijuana) into our bodies isn't exactly a smart thing to do. And smoking isn't healthy. In fact, it's downright stupid. It is virtually impossible for me to respect a person who willingly does things to themselves that aren't healthy.

Reality check: You are smoking drugs. If you think that's healthy, apparently your perspective is flawed. You can try to convince yourself that smoking marijuana is a healthy choice. But you're not fooling anybody. I believe it's called "denial".

On that note marijuana has no physical signs of addictiveness. Only the illusion of mental addiction formed from habit. its just like the tobacco habit. except tobacco is physically addictive. Marijuana is not. what seems addictive is haveing a blunt in your mouth.and as for being a drug, its a plant. and as for it being garbage, how do you figure?? it has been scientifically proven to help clean the lungs, and depending on the person smoking it and how long they hold it. it can actually increase lung capacity. its been proven to reduce cancerous tumors help promote deep sleep for added rest. and rest is whats needed for physical replenishment. along with healthy food of course. which marijuana can make taste better if for example you are just eating a plain salad wth no taste. smoke a little bit and it tastes much more tolerable if not enjoyable. what you have i think is a bias. if i had to guess i would say all your life you where raised with the drugs are bad talk. and its true. SYNTHETIC DRUGS are bad. Marijuana is natural. therefore not as bad as synthetic drugs.
I'm dead-set against anything that is habit-forming or addictive because the social costs are too high.

Our body is a temple and that we owe it to ourselves to treat it as such. Putting garbage (marijuana) into our bodies isn't exactly a smart thing to do. And smoking isn't healthy. In fact, it's downright stupid. It is virtually impossible for me to respect a person who willingly does things to themselves that aren't healthy.

Reality check: You are smoking drugs. If you think that's healthy, apparently your perspective is flawed. You can try to convince yourself that smoking marijuana is a healthy choice. But you're not fooling anybody. I believe it's called "denial".

yes your right our body is a temple, but your hurting your body by breathing poluted air, eating unhealthy foods, or lifting to much or just about anything. theres no way you haven't eaten unhealthy food and thats willingly hurting your body. So i have no respect for you
hahahahaha I love how this topic always comes up, anywhere.

I don't smoke, and I hate smoke. I had to breathe my mother's smoke passively through all my ****ing childhood and hate everything of it.

But dude, dman23, the polluted air thing seems not valid, not like we have a choice, if you have a job in town you just have to do it. Smoking is Intentional.

the Food thing is Right, as we can prevent eating ****. But even that, is hard nowadays, nearly everything is processed. So if you're an athlete or care about your health, both pollution and bad food won't be your fault, as anyway you'd eat healthy. It doesn't match the intentional smoking. It's like any other addiction, for example I'd say playing videogames all day is nearly just as bad. the Body consists of Mind too, without which you can't workout well.

My conclusion is, I actually prefer people that just wanna get high on a Saturday night occasionally, over cronic smokers of 20 cigs a day. Like my mother...
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watch this clip and pls watch the whole clip! you need to change your mind set buddy. i am not saying go smoke some weed. if you dont, thats cool to but pls do change your mind set. and weed has been around for ages! people have been smoking for a long time! and as i recal, those people in the best used to live till their hundreds or more! but sinds it got iligelized, the rage that most people would get is if there are lucky 60. i smoke everytime before a workout. and i feel ****ing awesome and i dont want it any other way.
i dont drink. i dont take pills.. i eat pretty healthy and ofcourse i smoke my pot.. and my friend life is good ;)

Judging by how you write weed can't be doing all that good..

And also, just because "something has been around for ages...", Sorry but what kind of pathetic and useless excuse is that?

Look mate, I wrote in my other post that I don't really mind.
What I do mind, is extremist points of view, and people that try to force their belief to be the RIGHT one. Smoke your stuff, no one gives a sad ****, but Please. Don't be Mr.Happy here telling us all how good life is! Peace and Love and weed, Go smoke and write when you're not high.
Being stoned whilst training is a bad idea. I have trained with a few I knew used it but never for long because as soon as they were under influence they were useless in the gym.
The effects last longer than most stoners realise, and well past the 'high' time. If you do exercise and smoke pot, your choice and at least part of your lifestyle is good. To declare it's better through combination is ludicrous.
Exercising at intensities out of reach of those on the 'magic weed' are brilliant at releasing high levels of endorphines, and I love those. The come down is also accompanied by noradrenaline a relaxant which has effects similar in limited ways to pot, but without the adverse effects or duration. Basically I am an addict but my body produces it's own drugs.
Vaporize and inhale Sativas only. i do it and i do crossfit and work night shifts. vaporizing just releases the good stuff without the carcinogens that cause strain on your lungs. i highly doubt ANYONE will argue against vaporizing also gives u a very clear headed high. and the Sativa is mental high which helps as a motivator and gets ur mind racing and thinking i love this pre workout because when i am high i feel inspired and the will to do whatever i need to. i just zone out to music and workout i loose track of the count but as im doing the workouts i forget about how tired i am and my body goes numb and auto pilot kicks in i feel no pain and just keep doing reps like if it was nothing Mind over matter is the way i see it.
I'm dead-set against anything that is habit-forming or addictive because the social costs are too high.

Our body is a temple and that we owe it to ourselves to treat it as such. Putting garbage (marijuana) into our bodies isn't exactly a smart thing to do. And smoking isn't healthy. In fact, it's downright stupid. It is virtually impossible for me to respect a person who willingly does things to themselves that aren't healthy.

Reality check: You are smoking drugs. If you think that's healthy, apparently your perspective is flawed. You can try to convince yourself that smoking marijuana is a healthy choice. But you're not fooling anybody. I believe it's called "denial".
@pleasantlyperverted Haha I love self righteous idiots like this. I am in the top 10% of my graduating class at my university, have worked full time since I was 18 and smoked marijuanna. I truly believe that ignorant preachy losers like this are what are wrong with society. I have also lost 80 lbs and am now at a healthy 170 lbs and its people like this that made going to the gym so hard. As long as people are benevolent you have no right to judge. What have you done to improve the human race again? I am a physics major and much more likely to aid in the progression of humanity than yourself. I sincerely hope for the sake of humanity your judgmental self is sterile (which unfortunately could not be said of your parents) .
In fact, i've done during these past days.

First of all, let me say my opinion here is as valid as the non-smokers. There has been studies that demonstrate MJ helps get leaner, is good for fighting back cancer, and along with other very good benefits, rather than what you usually learn from school about it.

Mj makes me shatter up my mind and stop focusing on pain; the only pain I feel is, in fact, very acceptable and I even want more.

I've found out my resistance has increased, as much as the weight I do lift.

It dries my mouth a lot, so, that's not very good.

It makes me slower in my moves, which helps me not rush up to finish everything soon, a mistake so much guys do while training (doing everything fast, without considering that you need to get the inertia of the movement to 0 while working out for the excercise to be way more effective).

Ironically, I could be lost in my thoughts with that pothead glare, but I can still make my body concentrate in my work out.

The munchis strikes you hard and, with a proper meal, you'll pack more proteins and vitamins to process them.
Why would you even want to do this? I don't understand the mindset of people who willingly put toxins into their bodies. It's extremely counterproductive. I believe that if a person actually had any degree of self-respect, they wouldn't feel any need to "self-medicate".

And i believe that you need some information about marijuana, it would help you so you dont write stupid **** you know.. :)