Tic's Reflection

Real nice work you're doing here.
6/22 Monday: Chest​

Wt in morning = 173.2 on empty stomach.

The minor headachne / tension head pain was most likely from lack of fluid b/c I felt better after I got home and drank 1/3 of a gallon of water before bed.

Did mostly chest with only 5 sets of tricep to finished. Didn't wanted to leave my mom home alone too long, she has a wicked stomach flu.

I did my MAX chest flat bb press again today:
315x1x3.5 (3 + 1 with help)

I could have probably done 2 but spent a lot of energy on first rep since it was a new high for me. Best of all, I am still really tired from the weekend's leg routine. My legs are super sore still especially the upper part of the leg + butt. On top of that I still feel some residual illness. I am just amazed that I can press 315, much less 325!!!

Yesterday, I saw a white guy that did not look very muscular or that big at all bench press 405 lbs!!! I was like WTF... wow... He was wearing a regular t-shirt but did not look huge or super cut-up either... Dang... That motive me to do 350 now!!! One thing though, he as super chicken legs!!!! LoL. I think my forearm might have been as big as his calves.

Beast of a lift, Tic, 325 pounds! Good job! :)

Strength isn't "necessarily".....related to the size of the individual.

Keep up the fantastic work! :)

Best regards,

6/24 Wednesday = Rest Day

Thank you for all the encouragement guys. I owe a lot to you Chillen, you really helped me from the beginning weight lost to muscle gain to fat loss process man. Really appreciate all that you have done and next time that I lift and feel good, I will push out 335; just to catch up to my idol. You truly are an inspiration, a friend, and a mentor!!! Thanks. btw, what have you been up to lately, have not heard from you much?

PB, I might actually pull off my new year's goal of benching twice my bodyweight by end of year. :)

Hello Johnysolo.

Btw, I killed 2 phones in the past 3 weeks or so but now I got the new 3G iphone!!! Yeah!!! Gonna be much easier for me to take pics and do weekly updates with them or bi-weekly.
6/24 Wednesday = Rest Day

Thank you for all the encouragement guys. I owe a lot to you Chillen, you really helped me from the beginning weight lost to muscle gain to fat loss process man. Really appreciate all that you have done and next time that I lift and feel good, I will push out 335; just to catch up to my idol. You truly are an inspiration, a friend, and a mentor!!! Thanks. btw, what have you been up to lately, have not heard from you much?

I am glad I was able to help you, tic. :)

I sincerely appreciate your comments.This is what the crust of the forum is about. Keep believing in yourself, and carrying out the functions necessary to secrete realities of this belief.

I read your post in the COL, and see that you read the comments I made about the various projects I was responsible for the past couple of months.

With work responsibilities, training, dieting, and just enough time to sleep, it pretty much took all of my time. With the amount of hours I was working, and the available time I had left (to train, etc), I had to adjust my time focus, to keep myself inline with my goal. So most my energies when into this. I will show the results this coming weekend, or close thereto.

One pic is in the Avatar, though it doesn't show much.

Pffffft...........335 is cooked already! Its already weeping from anticipating you spanken'-dat'-ass. :) Hear the iron weep, baby.

Much success and happiness your way, young man.

Best regards,

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6/25 Th

6/25 Thursday = Leg day

wt in morning = 173.6 and 173.0 (after #2)

Did good leg session.

Squat BB free:
375x1x5 (only can do partial motion)
375x1x5; 315x1x6; 225x1x7 ( got deeper as weight lowered; supersets)

I cannot decide if I should flip the switch and start weight lost or continue muscle gain. 4th of July is next weekend so if I do flip, I can only eat the BBQ as a cheat meal which means less than normal. If I continue to bulk, I can just eat all day long!!! did I say day, I mean weekend long.
6/26 Friday

Chest + trap + shoulder​

Wt in morning = 173.8

Flat BB bench
335x1x0 (failed, will explain)
315x1x2; 225x1x6

DB military press

225x1x8 (close grip)

Tried to do a new max press but I cannot move the bar up. I held it in place and budge slowly and at mid-point, my tricep was just shaking too much. Spoter help me up lightly, I am sure I can do 330 but 335 is over my limit. Oh well, almost time to cut phase. Nice to know that I can do 315 for 3 reps now instead of it being my max; decent gains.
Wt in morning = 175.2 (probably 174 on empty)

going to start my cut-phase this afternoon. Trying to figure out how my iphone works. Btw, iphone sucks as a camera. It's decent but not as nice as my old Sony Ercirson 801.1, which was 3 years old.

Pictures updates!!!

The foream shot is for you, Wesrman.

Tic! :)

Superb progress, young man! Geesh.......you could shoe a horse with those triceps! Stay away from the stables, they may be low on horse shoes ;)

Are you sure you didn't put a baseball under the skin of your arm?! Wholly-crap-ola.........!! :)

You look great. Hard work and persistence in this hard work, pays off. When looking in the dictionary for the word: "Trenchant", one would only find your face and progress, and this defines all.

Good job, Tic.

6/27 Saturday

Thank you for the kind word Chillen. Just trying to keep up with an "old" man who is whooping my ass in strength, physique, and knowledge but I am inching closer.

Okay, so I blew a gasket at the gym today. There are sooo many freaking GAY men at the damn gym. After one and half hour of lifting and playing dodge the gay fools, I just lost it. In the middle of doing cable curls, I just SLAMMED the weight and made a loud ruckus. Why? Because an old ass fart, who has conistently purposely "workouted" next to me for the past 3 months came and I cannot stand it anymore. All he does is just stare/glare and eyes pops out whenever I bend over to pick up the weights. That and he hangs out with these other white folks that appears to be semi-white supremist who is just plain rude at the gym.

Well, you know how some people you look at and pass judgement and you KNOW that you do not like that person. That is the case here. Normally, I can tolerate it but today was dodge the butt-loader so I just blew up. I should not be judging but... still... AASSHOLLEE.

I do feel really bad b/c I startled and might have accidently offended the PT at the gym who was training her client right in front of me. I think I will wear headphones the whole next week just to avoid people at the gym.

Enough venting and wasting energy over people who does not deserve it.

Btw, I workout for a total of almost 3 hours and going to try to do weekly picture posts now that I got my camera phone to work.
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dude you are HUGEEE :D nice tricep bro thats epic hahha. beast.
anyways, im glad you made progress bro. im working really hard to increase my squat and olympic lifts.
you'r inspiring me, man. thanks! your a strong guy!!!
oh and thanks for the help
6/28 Sunday

NO weight training today.​

Never thought that I would be content without weight training; feels weird. Next week, I will take a better shot of my tricep; that picture was more of a forearm shot. God blessed me with good tricep but I wished that I have both PB's and Chillen's abs structures; those washboards would come in handy for all my laundry. :)

Wt in morning = 172.8
Wt afternoon after shower+lunch = 174.6

Went on a 6.5 miles hike that took about 2 hours and 15 minutes with total calorie brunt = 1,400 calories according to my HR monitor but it's more like 1,500 because I was carrying around an 8 lbs or so backpack plus the heat index. It pretty hot in SD even from 7-9:30 am; the sun was just baking me today. Peak HR was 148 bpm, with 52 being when I started; average HR was 120 bpm, and I kept my HR above 110 most of the time except for when I rested for 3 minutes when my HR dropped to 81 bpm.

Then proceeded to go to yoga class for 75 minutes. Now I feel great!!!

total calorie workouted ~ 1850 calories (that is my guess)
NO weight training today.​

Never thought that I would be content without weight training; feels weird. Next week, I will take a better shot of my tricep; that picture was more of a forearm shot. God blessed me with good tricep but I wished that I have both PB's and Chillen's abs structures; those washboards would come in handy for all my laundry. :)

I looked at your pics closely, Tic. And, its my opinion your abdominal structure is similar to mine and Jon's. When you lean down post bulk, I think you just may be surprised by your genetic structure young man. You have put on some impressive muscle weight this bulk period, and when you lean down a bit more the fruits-ripen, baby. Many rewards coming your way.

Keep Rocken'!

Best wishes

Alrighty guys, you motivated me to go anaroxic!!!! Just kidding but I will try to push my diet more. I thought I was pretty lean before but I might be wrong. Going to try to push the diet / excercise more Problem is that my mental capacity goes to crappier when I diet hardcore. Any suggestions to remedy this?

I do consume slow digest protein (chicken / cottage cheese), good fat (yogurt and almonds), carbs (fruits, wheat bread), and tons of fiber (brocilli / salad) while eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day but overall, I cut out about 1,000 calories (or I try to aim for that goal).
Alrighty guys, you motivated me to go anaroxic!!!! Just kidding but I will try to push my diet more. I thought I was pretty lean before but I might be wrong. Going to try to push the diet / excercise more Problem is that my mental capacity goes to crappier when I diet hardcore. Any suggestions to remedy this? 1,000 calories (or I try to aim for that goal).

I am not kidding, when I say you have a good genetic core structure tic. I am being honest. If I felt different I would tell you.

Have a couple of questions:

How do you respond with a straight-line deficit from MT-Line, with normal-like macro-nutrients? How long before it "seems" your metabolism slows and rate of loss slows in this sort of trend with no other manipulation?

How do you respond to carbohydrates when at MT line, when you lower them a tad below normalcy?

How do you respond to lowered carbohydrates, with a mild deficit?

Have you tried a combination of the above long enough to see the bodily response? If so, what change did you make.

Additionally, it may not be necessary to cut 1,000 calories, it is possible to increase your food intake (like protein source), and have a 500c deficit (something like this), cut carbohydrates reasonably, and lower your glucose storage (a bit), and get TWO working forces in your diet instead of one.

We can work on some specifics of your diet if want to talk about it with me, Tic.

Best wishes

I am not kidding, when I say you have a good genetic core structure tic. I am being honest. If I felt different I would tell you.

Have a couple of questions:

(1)How do you respond with a straight-line deficit from MT-Line, with normal-like macro-nutrients? How long before it "seems" your metabolism slows and rate of loss slows in this sort of trend with no other manipulation?

(2)How do you respond to carbohydrates when at MT line, when you lower them a tad below normalcy?

(3)How do you respond to lowered carbohydrates, with a mild deficit?

(4)Have you tried a combination of the above long enough to see the bodily response? If so, what change did you make.

Additionally, it may not be necessary to cut 1,000 calories, it is possible to increase your food intake (like protein source), and have a 500c deficit (something like this), cut carbohydrates reasonably, and lower your glucose storage (a bit), and get TWO working forces in your diet instead of one.

We can work on some specifics of your diet if want to talk about it with me, Tic.

Best wishes


Sorry, I do not know how to break it up into multi-sections to answer.

1) I normally do the whole calorie flip on a macro scale. Normally, I severely cut back on carbs mostly while keeping my Protein intake the same if not more than before. Fat intake is about the same but I eat more almonds to help me stay full. This works out really well for me,

BUT my problems comes in when I workout nonstop for 3-4 hours and continue to eat very little carbs. After that long duration, I would eat a banana (potassium+carbs) and have a scope of protein shake. That would keep me full for about 1 hour and then I would get really hungry but I can manage. My issue is that after that long workout, my mind and it's reaction is slowed; the best remedy for it is to eat tons of fast carbs like fruits but then it feels like I would be putting on the calories back that I worked so hard to burn. Would be like a dog chasing his tail.

(2,34) I have tried to lower my carbs intake slightly only before but the body does not seem to shed the weight or at least as fast as I would like which is 0.75-1.5 lbs per week. I basically reduce my carbs intake by half to be effective. My body runs on carbs and I cannot cut it off completely or near complete otherwise I will always feel hunger and irriatably.

Overall my diet is effective (really effective), its just after a long (2.5 hrs+) training session where getting my HR even to 115 bpm is difficult (drops to below 110 even doing cardio), my mental capacity is awful for next hour or 2. As for over the duration of the day, i do catch myself making more "careless" mistakes that I do not normally make especially driving.
Thanks for the concern Chillen. When I hit my next real weight lost obstacle, I will post it here and PM you about it. Just started diet phase again yesterday + today; body is mostly carb-deplete thanks to the hike today.

I loved my nephew's quote during the hike, "Less talk, more walk."
6/29 Monday

Wt in morning = 172.2 lbs

ellyptical w/ arms for 250 calories.
Did moderate pace / weight / set for 35 minutes
Total workout time ~ 55 minutes (including cardio)

Then went on a hike for 3 hours and some odd minutes from 2-5 pm (roughly). Hiked pretty much nonstop with maybe a total of 10 minutes of total break time with Bill, my nephew. Traveled:

Service Road up Cowles --to-- Big Rock Road -- Cowles mtns -- View Pts -- back down Cowles Service road.
6/30 Tu

Wt in mornning = 171.1 (surprising low)

decent pace / sets / rep doing:

one arm smith rows (4 plates) x 3 x 12
DB curls 40 x 3 x 10

Sitting rows 165 x 3 x 10
DB curls 40x 2 x 10
Tricep ext 70 x 3 x 15

Lat pull down 170x3x10
military press machine 100 x 3 x 12
Ab machine sited crunch 155 x 3 x (20,15,15)

ellyptical w/ arms for 10 minutes
stairs machine for 10 minutes.

took 90 minutes break to do some chores then went back to gym:
ellpytical w/ arms and varying elevation setting for 55 minutes ~~ 700 calories (guessing)

I am kinda bored so I am going to try and guess tomorrow's weight to be 171.7 lbs; yes it will be up from today's 171.2.
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7/1 Wed

Did 20 minutes warmup, maybe 25 minutes on stairs machine. Then did 1 hour of yoga.

Wt after breakfast and yoga = 171.6

Todya is REST DAY... dieting and keeping intake low is HARD especially when the temperature is 90 degrees. All I want to do is eat ice cream!!! My right shoulder have been bother for the past 2 plus weeks now so I am going light on shoulder; if not avoiding it as much as I can.
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