yoga for post-workout

Hey guys, I have recently wanted to do a couple of yoga positions after my workout and in the morning when i wake up.

What are some good positions for a post-workout, in order to become more flexible and agile?

Also I hear that doing a quick yoga routine in the morning is a good start to your day, so do you suggest any routines (easy/quick/beneficial) that I can do when I wake up?

Thanks a lot guys and girls!
Here's a good article on a before bed routine as well as one for starting the day. For post-workout there are numerous poses and stretches you can do depending on what muscles you want to stretch. This yogajournal site is an excellent one for researching what you're looking for.
Maybe you should hire a professional yoga instructor because, like weight training, yoga requires a lot of visual aid.
I go to the 24 hour fitness yoga classes. Personally, I love yoga and cannot deal with all the stress that I put my body through w/o it.

As for yoga poses, for me it varies on which body part that I worked out on that day or which one is really sore and want extra attention but here are some basic poses that I normally go through usually:

Cat / cow (great for clearing the airway and spine)
downward dog
reaching for floor (not a pose)
sleeping turtle
hollywoods ( yoga have another name but Idk it, but its twisting to stretch lower back)
reg. shoulder, tricep, bicep stetch
runner lounge

Depending on time and body condition, i can flow through those in about 10 minutes slowly while connecting breathe to movement (vinynasa flow). There is soo much more to yoga then just stretching; fyi but that is exactly how I got start was to improve flexbility!!! Definitely attend some classes with different teachers, each bring something different to the table and style. Fyi, you are much much more flexible in the evening but it's more benefitial to practice in the morning.