Wrist sprain

Hello, I have a mild wrist sprain, which I've had for about a week now. Got it because of improper form during an incline press, although there was no swelling after it happened. I read that wrist sprains, even mild ones, will have to have about 2-10 weeks to heal. I don't want to risk any further injuries, so I'll stop lifting until it completely heals. Any suggestion on what I can do til then? I was on a mass building program, and it sucks because this is setting me back. ANy advice would be appreciated.
Other things that you can do

One item that you could do is more cardio, also lifting with your lower body would be possible. Once your wrist starts to heal you will want to slowly start back into lifting with it. You should always listen to your body and if it starts hurting you should back off. Start back with lighter weights. One thing you should do as you get back into it is wrist curls and wrist extensions this will help build up the muscles in your fore arms and help rehab/prevent this injury in the future. You always need to use proper form, once your muscle fatigue that you start to lose your form the exercise has become unsafe and you need to stop. This will prevent the injury from happening again.