wrapping knee for run.

Not sure if this should go here or running, but since it's medical...

I went to the Dr this afternoon to get a spider bite lanced... I didn't know the extent they would go to, and now my left kneecap is tore up. I don't want to get too graphic, but she was rooting around in there & there was blood almost a full inch up on the spreader she was using...

I'm hoping to run a 5k on Sat over in Memphis, and I'm wondering about the best way to wrap this up so it stays wrapped as I run. Or, should I take a break, not run on sat & resume my schedule on Tues? It's almost dead center on my left kneecap.

Your doc should have told you what to do.

You need to rest at least untill its healed. Just by what you said I would say a minimum of 1 month.
Then you need to go back to your doc when you feel your ready to run and ask if its ok. Then thay will tell you if you can start 'light training' again
her comment was "if it doesn't hurt"... heh... that's open to interpretation... but the way it's hurting right now I'm DEFINATELY not running on sat... we'll see how I feel at work... :sigh: