Workout for belly fat.

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Hello, I want to lose my weight very fast. So I've decided to do workout to lose my weight. I'm trying to follow some workout. I'll try them hard to get the result. I hope these exercises will help me to lose my belly fat soon.
1. The vacuum stomach
2. Side crunches
3. Planks
4. Side Planks
5. Push-ups
6. Leg extensions
7. Cardio exercise
8. Lunge Twist
9. Bicycle Exercise
10. Walking
Exercise, is certainly going to help build up your core muscles ( although I have no idea what the vacuum stomach is).
To loose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. 500-700 calories per day, will net about 1 lb weight loss per week.
When you start working out, your appetite increases, so in addition to exercise I suggest you look at your diet.
Bad news is you can't spot reduce, the weight will come off gradually, everywhere typically determined by our genetics.
I've been at it for just over a year, I'm 64, & have lost 50 lbs.
It's a matter of getting the body fat lower which falls back on your diet. So that's where you need to look 1st. If your calories are in check, then you just need to give it more time.
Good plan, see this: all types of planks will be very good
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