Working out around ankle injury?

Hi! So, I am undergoing ankle surgery on Friday and am trying to figure out what kind of workout and training I can do during my recovery time to avoid being set back too far. I generally do a lot of plio work and martial arts based training and conditioning and am not as familiar with weight training and things like that.

Help :( Thanks!
Be sure to ask the doctors what limitations this will put on movement etc. when they have operated, plyometric work is intensely high impact so this will likely have to be shelved for a while.
Get their guidance in as much detail as possible and come back with it. Make a nuisance of yourself to them then to us, the doctors are being paid well to be harassed and we can take it. Jrahien is one of the best here regarding recovery, he's incredibly well read on the topic and very up to date. I have been through a lot of the treatments because of stupidity and read quite a bit on the topic, but my information is not as up to date. This means if we give guidance that disagrees follow his not mine.
Buttering me up... :)

Your surgeon and/or rehab team should be able to tell you exactly what limitations you have in terms of impact and weight-bearing, both of which will probably be limited by necessity for the first little while. That being said, plyometrics will definitely be cut out. Range of motion will be limited for a short time as well, but that's something that will probably be more prudent to start training again right away.

My suggestion would be to become familiar with weight training that does not involve in loading through your leg (lying or sitting exercises) as well as to find a mode of cardio that won't stress the ankle. Rowing might be a good idea unless the ankle needs to be absolutely immobilized and protected.
I'd also suggest starting with light weights that can be done seated or lying down. I would assume you're ankle will be immobilised for at least a few weeks so cardio wise I'd use the arm bike. It's a killer but a decent workout. But all of this is dependent on what your surgeon says you can or can't do. If they want you to rest then rest. Pushing yourself too early will likely prolong your recovery
keep on running...