Work out plan + diet

Hi, thanks for giving a ****
Lets crack on

(body measurements from february but didnt change much)
Neck - 15 inch
Chest with shoulders - 42 inch
Chest - 36 inch
Waist - 34,5 inch
Hips - 38 inch
Thigh - 24 inch

Goals: V shape (!) , bigger torso, building muscle without intensive bulking, visible abs, mental and physical health

After quiting smoking and **** food/alcohol frenzy lifestyle I ve switched to organic food and exercise.
Cause of poor quality of meat, prices and availability of good ones I ve went vegetarian after 2 months.

Carrying on with that work out plan for 3 months now.
3 days per week (days may vary depending on shifts I am doing and time I get)

> Monday <

1. Bent over close to wide grip row
4 sets 10 reps
2. Bent over one arm dumbell rows
4 sets 10 reps right hand/12 reps left hand
3. Pull ups
max reps (2-3) ... awfuly bad in here
4. Goblet squats
4 sets 10 reps
5. Plank rows
4 sets 20 reps
6. One arm dumbell pull overs
4 sets 10 reps
7. Shrugs
4 sets 15 reps
8. Push ups
4 sets 10 reps

1. Dumbell curls
3 sets 10 reps
2. Hammer curls
3 sets 10 reps
3. Zottman curls
2 sets 10 reps

> Wednesday <

1. Two arm seated dumbell extension
4 sets 10 reps
2. Dumbell triceps kickback
4 sets 10 reps

1. Farmer Squats
4 sets 10 reps
2. Step ups with dumbells
4 sets 10 reps
3. Twisting lunges
4 sets 10 reps
4. Seated dumbell calf raise
4 sets 15 reps

1. Lying floor leg raise
4 sets 10 reps
2. Crunches
4 sets 15 reps
3. Lying leg scissor
4 sets max rep

> Friday <

1. Bench dumbell press
4 sets 10 reps
2. One arm press
4 sets 10 reps each hand
3. Dumbell bench flys + close press
4 sets 10 reps
4. Push ups
4 sets max reps

1. Seated wide arm press
4 sets 10 reps
2. Dumbell upright rows
4 sets 10 reps
3. Dumbel lateral raise (lighter dumbells)
4 sets 10 reps

Other activities:
Cycling to work around 3miles there and 3miles back approx. 4-5 days a week
Active work ( a lot of walking around )

Although when not working out and not at work mostly sitting.

glass of skimmed milk
1/2 cup of oats
apple, banana
handful of blueberries
blended nuts (almonds.brazil,cashew,pumpkin seeds,raisins etc I put it in oats, cookies and stuff for crunchines and all those nuts micronutrients)
full plate of coconut oil fried mashed eggs with onion,pepper,mushrooms,spinache,sesame seeds, frozen veg steamed
2 slices of selfmade bread with wholeskin peanutbutter
(bread ingriedients: eggs, bananas, baking powder, protein hemp powder, coconut flour, blended nuts, spoon of honey, shreded coconut, tbsp of coconut oil)

When at home(at least 2 days/week):
full plate of frozen veg mix steamed + peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinache, half can of tuna or steamed 2 whole eggs, sesame seeds, 1/4 cup of dry brown basmati rice, low salt soy sauce

At work(around 3-4 days/week):
teppan-fried rice noodles with egg, deep frieed tofu, chikuwa, beansprouts, peppers, white and spring onions, mushroom and garlic. garnished with fried shallots, pickled ginger, sesame seeds and coriander vinegar + salad leaves mix or bowl of edamame


rice noodles in a vegetable soup topped with fried tofu, beansprouts, courgettes, asparagus, red onions, leeks, mushrooms, mangetout and garlic. garnished with spring onions + salad leaves mix or bowl of edamame

Evening/after work/snacks:
around 100g 0%fat greek yog
optional half of teaspoon of honey
apple, banana, blueberries, sweet cherries
blended nuts
slice or two of bread with peanutbutter
raw fruits (orange etc)
ice cream (blended frozen fruits with little greek yog and a little of maple syrup)
self made coconut flour,blended fruits,nuts, spoon of honey cookies
bitesized white choc buttons ( self made raw cocoa butter, a little of maple syrup, vanilla extract)

Might sound pretty detailed but this is basicaly all that is. Just to give you an idea. Exact amounts of ingriedients if needed cause its real pain to keep it so strict although almost everything is organic/raw, maximazing on proteins, keeping low on sugars, fats only from nuts, peanutbutter and coconut oil.

So far its effective but I am not sure if enough, its obvious that I am not gonna get huge and awesome sixpack straight away. I ve kept same weight while gaining little bit of muscles in arms. Not much change with back and stomach which should be much nicer to see progressing.

I ve been using around 3-4kg dumbells. Due lack of time for learning I am thinking about reducing amount of exercises while adjusting weight of dumbells.
Two weeks ago I ve changed weight for 6-7kg. Couple of exercises use 2kg dumbell cause of nature of the movement and simply possibility to do all the reps.

New plan !
> Monday <

1. Dumbell row
4 sets 10 reps each hand
2. Pull ups
max reps (3-4) ... not much progress
3. Plank rows
4 sets 20 reps
4. Shrugs
4 sets 15 reps
5. Push ups
4 sets 10 reps

1. Dumbell curls
4 sets 10 reps
2. Hammer curls
2 sets 10 reps

> Wednesday <

1. Two arm seated dumbell extension
4 sets 10 reps
2. Dumbell triceps kickback (using 2kg dumbells, otherwise it just too hard)
4 sets 10 reps

1. Farmer Squats
4 sets 10 reps
2. Step ups with dumbells (I think that one is least useful so it can be skipped to reduce overall wednesday work out time, let me know)
4 sets 10 reps
3. Twisting lunges
4 sets 10 reps
4. Seated dumbell calf raise
4 sets 15 reps

1. Lying floor leg raise
4 sets 10 reps
2. Crunches
4 sets 15 reps
3. Lying leg scissor
4 sets max rep

> Friday <

1. Bench dumbell press
4 sets 10 reps
2. One arm press (2kg dumbells)
4 sets 10 reps each hand
3. Dumbell bench flys + close press (2 sets with big ones, 2 sets with 2kg ones)
4 sets 10 reps
4. Push ups
4 sets max reps

1. Seated wide arm press
4 sets 10 reps
2. Dumbell upright rows
4 sets 10 reps
3. Dumbel lateral raise (2kg)
4 sets 10 reps

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong and if any of this exercises are obsolete cause time is important. All of that is result of doing some research online and putting it all together.

Thanks if you ve made it to the end o_O
You mention 2, 3-4, and 6-7kg DBs. Do you have limitations on what loads you can use? The weight you use shouldn't be the same for everything. Extreme case in point, as per my sig, I've deadlifted 190kg. However, there are exercises where I'll only use 1-2kg, and that's enough. So one thing that's probably lacking is consistent progressive overload, which is the continual additional of weight/reps/sets to increase your training stimulus as your body becomes ready for it. A certain degree of mastery at your current workload should always be assumed before adding to the workload, but you should find that there are some exercises where you can add a lot of weight to quickly.

In your exercise selection, there's a general trend showing in favour of anterior chain exercises (exercises fro the front of the body) rather than posterior chain exercises (exercises for the back of the body). You want to balance that out, so a higher volume of pull ups and rows would be advantageous, as would the inclusion of hinge exercises (eg deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, goodmornings, bridges).
I got 2 adjustable dumbells with 2x 1,5kg and 2x 2kg rings and 2 separate plastic 2kg ones. I ve increased the weight after getting better with exercises and only with these that I can manage to accomplish reps with.
What about adding couple exercises for back on leg and chest day to put emhpasis on that part?
In my opinion your work out plan is perfect. When i talk to a trainer he suggest me to exercise 4-5 days in a week. You are exercising 3 days in a week. I think it is perfect.
Great work out plan. I exercise for 5 days a week. I take gap on Thursday and Sunday.