Sport Why we shouldn't eat bread?

Sport Fitness
It is said by many that if someone is having wheat allergy or trying to lose weight then that person should not eat bread, but why we shouldn't eat it and what could be the other alternatives of bread which are good in taste also?? please suggest
If you have an allergy to wheat or gluten, then I obviously suggest finding alternatives to bread. For me, I find that lettuce is an alternative. I enjoy lettuce turkey burgers and tacos. However, if you are just looking to loose weight, I wouldn't suggest cutting out carbs entirely, rather just eat them in moderation and in healthier forms. Our bodies need healthy forms of carbs in order to convert them into energy. Instead seek out healthy whole grain and fiber rich alternatives.
There is a LOT of info posted about the problems with gluten consumption (read Wheat Belly!) and also the fact that grain crops get DOUSED in powerful pesticides. I got a lot of info off of Kimberly Snyder's site Glow bio; highly recommended.
I have to agree with FitTwit's comment about pesticides. I honestly think that a lot of our grain issues come from this very problem. Whole wheat is a natural God-given food that was designed for human consumption. The problem I believe, lies in something deeper related to the quality of the grain and also the combination of other poor quality foods that Americans put into their diets. We have some of the WORST quality foods in the world with ingredients that have been outlawed in other countries. Corn is horrible as almost all of it is GMO. My family eats wheat on a regular basis, but we have our own wheat berries which we grind fresh. Whole wheat flour should never be stored more than a week in an airtight container on the counter top. After this it starts to oxidize, and then it begins to lose its nutritional value. It will keep up to 5 months or so in a freezer in an airtight container. Most flour in bought breads is no good due to all the preservatives and also the fact that even some "wheat" bread has been stripped of all the vital nutrients that make it healthy. Wheat flour was never intended to be "white" or to be consumed without the complete package of what comes in it naturally. Just my thoughts. If anyone thinks differently or has other information, I'm always open to reading and considering it.
Because bread just like any other baked food it cake, biscuit or pizza, it is Wheat based Food. Which leads to much higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources. You know frequent eating of Wheat based foods can contribute to Faster Aging, causing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes..and other digestive issues particularly if your are Gluten Intolerant or Gluten sensitive..
I always eat bread during my diet. I just try to replace it some days by something with less calories. For example I used to have bread with cheese for breakfast. Now I often eat greek yoghurt or overnight oats instead because it makes me feel full for a longer period of time and has fewer calories.
But I haven't cut it out from my diet completely, because I think as long as you eat a balanced diet you can include everything you like (as long as you don't have a certain disease/allergy/etc.).
@marcosmith120 Thanks a lot to you for giving this useful and very informative answer. Actually you're right say and from here I knew much more things that exactly help me so much.
Lettuce turkey burgers and tacos are one of the best alternatives which I found till now. Heavy consumption of wheat bread leads you to various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity etc
Lettuce turkey burgers and tacos are one of the best alternatives which I found till now. Heavy consumption of wheat bread leads you to various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity etc

I agree that lettuce turkey burgers and tacos are good options... But what makes you say that wheat bread in particular leads to diseases when there is no evidence that supports this? There are many factors that lead to type 2 diabetes and obesity, but singling out wheat bread does not make sense.
Here's the thing, everything that you take excessively can be bad for you, because everything needs to be in moderation. So why deprive yourself from eating bread. Bread gives you energy. If you think that bread makes you fat then you have to burn it. You think sweet foods makes you fat, then burn it. Exercise! The problem is people complain about the food they eat but they do nothing about it. They put all the blame on the food, funny right?
Before cutting out any food from a diet I'd recommend taking a food intolerance test. It literally changed everything for me!