Why aren't we checking in everyday?


New member
Why aren't we checking in everyday?


Ok Guys...I know I am kinda still new to this forum...a month now. But I noticed that not everyone is checking in at all times. I come to this forum everyday to read for new inspiration....That is how it works right..That is how it works. To tell you the truth I usually see the same people posting. This is a new year and I think we need to motivate each other not just when we remember to check the board, but everyday. I am already on this board everyday and promise to stay on this board at least 5-6 times a week. Anyone else with me on this? Please we are here for a reason....We don't have to pay to join Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers...We have our support right here...Just eat right, exercise....and come here for support...
I'm with you hottopic. I'm on here everyday more than once, mainly because frequently posting in my diary keeps me on track, and I won't forget anything that I've eating, so I have to account for everything that goes in my mouth. For a few days I didn't post and I fell of the wagon. This forum has helped me a lot with my self-control because its all there in black and white, and when you get feedback, its even better. I have noticed, that people who post maybe once a week its too say "oh god I messed up and I need to start again" yet the people that post all the time are like "heres the food I ate, here's the exercise i've done and I'm feeling pretty good about it".
I am glad I am not the only one to feel this way...I keep an at home journal.. I bring it with me when I feel I might fall off the wagon.
Hello, I'm new also and this is only my second post. I agree that visiting this forum often will help keep me ontrack by seeing everyone elses posts and knowing that we all have certain issues that we need to rise above. Glad to meet you.
4me said:
Hello, I'm new also and this is only my second post. I agree that visiting this forum often will help keep me ontrack by seeing everyone elses posts and knowing that we all have certain issues that we need to rise above. Glad to meet you.

Thanks for checking in
I hope checking in will help to keep me on track. It's and extension of the food group chart i have on my fridge, at the moment it seams to be working
I'm with you,too. I check in almost everyday and check out all the new posts. But sometimes I'm pushed for time and don't have time to post myself. I will try harder to post a little something everyday! Thanks for your words it really put me in check.
I'm new too and I will check in everyday unless i'm too busy with the children! It's just my nature to check forums etc I'm in all the time otherwise I could miss something :)

I'm looking forward to some reading and writing...

Ok...I'll promise to check in daily. I've been reading the boards daily (lurking) but not posting...I'll start posting!!!
