Which weight loss program should I use?


New member
Hello All,

I am new to the site and trying to get back into shape. I need help in decideing how to lose weight and get built at the same time. I want to lose fat and gain muscle. I am sure I will have start some cardio and work out routines. Just a fyi I barely do cardio, nor do I work out.

My current specs:
-Height: 5'4 inches
-Weight: 165 lbs

My goal is be around 135 lbs and be tone, please advise on which weight loss plan I should go with. I am hoping to get in shape for a wedding I am attending in May of this year.
Cut your calories. I suggest starting with a food diary for least a week. When you look back and see what choices you are making, you can make better choices.
The best "weight loss program", whether it's one you make up on your own or not, is the one that teaches you the most about yourself so that you make permanent changes.
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the best weight loss program is to commit yourself to loose weight.... as only a bit of distraction can ruin your weight loss plan....
follow basic steps like consume healthy diet, drink a lot of water, exercise daily....
the best weight loss program is to commit yourself to loose weight.... as only a bit of distraction can ruin your weight loss plan....
follow basic steps like consume healthy diet, drink a lot of water, exercise daily....

trueeeeeee... with cardio excersizes
Are you going to join a gym? You could do cardio by walking or running, but I find that using exercise machines gives me the best workout without hurting myself too badly. I also improve my workouts faster and it's easier to increase and decrease difficulty while using them. Also, I highly recommend using GOOD quality exercise machines, like the ones you'd find at a gym. So if you buy one, make sure you DO NOT buy a cheap low end machine, because it not feel good, and it will not be enjoyable to use, and it will quickly become an expensive clothes rack!
Above all, discipline is very important. If you're determined then you'll reach your goal. Gym instructors also provides you with the appropriate training program for your health...
Actually, as someone who lost 60 lbs without any cardio I dispute the fact that you will need it ;)

Mind you, if I had it to do over again I would do twice a week weight training in addition to the dieting, but exercise is not strictly necessary. The best thing about exercise is that people who work out - whether they're doing weights, high intensity, low intensity, whatever, is that they tend to pay better attention to their diet. (This is assuming they're on one, cardio only weight loss plans have been shown to have their own pitfalls)

Like Jericho suggested, start with figuring out what and how much you eat now, and then see what kind of better choices you can make. When you realize that some tiny meal packs on 900 calories it gives you a hint to find something else to eat in its place ;) Once you get a feel for that, you can start making tweaks based on what works for you.
From working with clients in your position, the first thing you'll want to look at is how much carbs your eating. If it is alot (every meal you have its containing some form of carbs) then you are at risk of storing fat due to increase insulin production. As a foundation look at having some form of protein every 3 hours (either meat or nuts etc) along with some form of green leafy veg. If you are to have carbs, refrain until after your workout so it is just for replenishment.

Workout wise, try a combo of short burst cardio along with resistance within a circuit. I disagree about using exercise machines. When your using free weights (dumb bells, bar bells, bodyweight etc) you are recruiting those small stabilizer muscles as well so increasing the effectiveness of the workout. An example of a workout that I would use on my clients would be;
- 20 bodyweight squats
- 20 press ups
- 20 modified chins
- 200m run or row
- repeat 4 times record time.

hope this helps
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Hi H2O,

Welcome! Congratulations on your journey to health.

Having experienced yo-yo dieting and eating disorders for years, I've found the only way to successfully lose weight and maintain it is to adopt a healthy, whole food (no processed foods) diet that I can eat for life.

Dieting doesn't work. There are many physiological and psychological reasons why.

I love that you want to drop some pounds and get fit for the wedding. But what happens after the wedding. You need to create a program that you can adopt for life. Move your body and eat in a way that fits your lifestyle and personality. That helps with compliance.

Eating a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of food, but less of it will allow you to lose fat. It's really all about creating a calorie deficit. I don't believe in restriction or deprivation. It screws up your body and your head.

Cut calories and move your body.

I would definitely incorporate resistance training as you need to maintain your muscles mass as you lose fat. Cardio is good, but I would ramp it up and incorporate some intervals into your cardio workout to increase intensity and burn more calories.

If you've never trained before, I would suggest that you look at finding a good trainer to get you started and who can work with you on proper form for lifting.

An important point in any calorie restricted diet is to make sure you're not eating too few calories for too long. After about a week of eating below you basal metabolic rate, your body will begin to slow your metabolism, store fat, and make you feel more hungry so you will feed it.

I would suggest that you pick a day a week (Saturdays are usually good) to eat normally. Not PIG OUT! But get more calories into your body to keep your metabolism and hormonal levels normal.

The most important thing is to find what works for you. Everyone responds to food and exercise differently. Find your fit and you'll be on your way for life!

Hope this helps. Cheers!

Thank you all so much for your responses. I never got an email notification stating someone has responded, I finally got one this month. I am going to read through all of the responses. I may have to ask a few more questions. Regarding diet, I dont know but I love bread. I eat bread everyday, as for cardio I do not work out. What kind of items should I be eating for my diet, and how long should I be doing cardio exercises.
Try the methods what u like most i was swimming every day and running .But thats up to you .THE IMPORTANT THING WRITE A LETTER AND PUT IN THE WALL WHERE U CAN SEE EVERY DAY and remind you and track your postive result ! I can write it in 3 steps
1.Make a list
Successful weight loss involves more than changing your dietary habits. You need to find a balance in your mind, body and soul. So pause for a moment and make a list of everything that is preventing you from enjoying your life.

2. What have you eaten?
It is easy to be tempted by quick fix meals, but by eating natural, fresh foods every day you can prevent weight gain.

Give this routine a try and begin feeling the difference of natural weight loss, increased energy levels and the desire to exercise:

- Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day
- Swap sugary snacks for a piece of fruit
- Eat smaller portions: 5 to 6 300 calorie meals a day
- Chew slower
- Use natural sweeteners instead of sugar
- Ensure you receive plenty of sleep
- Cleanse your body of toxins
3. Exercise
One of the easiest ways to improve your quality of life and experience lasting weight loss is to exercise.

Yet it is important to remember that everyone is different. Just because your friend can walk 10 miles a day, does not mean you will be able to do so immediately. You need to exercise at your own fitness levels and gradually build up your routines at a pace that is right for you.

Try starting with a 15 minute walk every day, before slowly building up to 45 min. As you exercise more, you will be able to challenge your body further and increase your weight loss successes.

Other good methods include riding a bike, going swimming or doing cardio/strength building exercises. Just remember to make sure that you do routines that interest you. If you enjoy it, you will stay motivated towards doing them every day.
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