What's wrong with my legs??

I don't work out often, but neither do most other girls I know, and their legs look normal... I don't have any kind of eating disorder or other diseases that I know of..
Why is my knee so big and calves so weird looking?

Any advice would be appreciated..
Your leg looks fit and trim.
No.. I don't work out so how could they be?
My knees are like bulky and thicker than my thighs..

Perhaps you should have shown us your thighs, then. If your knees are thicker than your thighs (as mine once were), it's an indicator that your thighs need more muscle mass on them. Since your calves appear so strong, if your thighs really are as skinny as you suggest, then perhaps you have a gait problem, and are driving with your calves instead of your hip extensors.
they look healthy to me in my opinion..but as it was said above by blindside, everyones different..i guess you have good legs.