What is a good workout program for my goals?

I am a 19 yr old guy, currently 5'5" and around 120 lbs. I'm going for a certain aesthetic. My goal weigh is 114 lbs. I'd like to have, at that weight, defined abs, lean arm muscle and vascularity (but no bulk), skinny legs and slim hips. I actually currently have natural visible abs, not super defined, but there, and i got them from doing nothing at all, so i think i should be able to get good abs easily. I used to be a runner so I have remaining muscle in my legs which I am trying to relocate.

Would crunches, yoga, bodyweight exercises and simple cardio accomplish what i want?
I am a 19 yr old guy, currently 5'5" and around 120 lbs. I'm going for a certain aesthetic. My goal weigh is 114 lbs. I'd like to have, at that weight, defined abs, lean arm muscle and vascularity (but no bulk), skinny legs and slim hips. I actually currently have natural visible abs, not super defined, but there, and i got them from doing nothing at all, so i think i should be able to get good abs easily. I used to be a runner so I have remaining muscle in my legs which I am trying to relocate.

Would crunches, yoga, bodyweight exercises and simple cardio accomplish what i want?

I feel crunches and circuit training will definitely help you. Workouts like cable rotation,bicycle crunch,cross crunch etc for building your abs muscle.
I will recommend you bodybuilding exercise , i am also doing this exercise from last two months and result is very good , however you should also focus on your food .
Yes and one of the major exercise in body building is Plank exercise and now days Plank devices are available that make it more easier to work out and get that 6 pack abs and also a fit body and
no extra fat.
I hope you already got some useful tips from experienced members of this forum. You can simply try to follow their instruction and please share the result with us.