What equipment is the best for exercizing at home?

I know where you are coming from. I am a working mum of 4 kiddos. I choose to put myself first when it comes to fitness. The nearest gym is 45 minutes away, so I bought a bench, a dumbell set, , a few tae-bo videos, and I run when it is nice out. I agree with what some have said that it is a conscious decision, when you decide to exercise you will. You really need weights to see good results, cardio alone is not as effective. For what it's worth I am happier making time for myself, which makes my kids happier.
If money is a concern, I would add a piece of equipment at a time. Then when you health improves and you see the results you are getting, you will be more apt to buy other equipment as you go. Just for the basics though I would suggest a pair of adjustable dumbbells, a yoga dvd, and a yoga mat. If you can only get one piece of equipment, get the dumbbells. A good dumbbell workout can work the total body and you do not need a bench (although it would help). I would stay away from gimic equipment like the gazelle or anything that has "blaster" in the name. :)
If you want the absolute best piece of home work out equipment all you have to do is look in the mirror.

See that amazing machine called the human body is all you need to become strong, and fit. Why buy a bench and weights when you can do push ups any where anytime? Grab a door jamb and do pull ups, lunges, squats, burpees the list is endless.
My all time favorite piece of equipment was an expensive treadmill. I could stay on it at a fast pace for about an hour watching sports. Then I moved onto an old Total Gym - a great inexpensive piece of equipment to keep toned. I have a Swiss Ball which is the best way to do situps that I've found (because of its core strength training), and I was just introduced to Kettlebells, (I'm going to purchase one). That will be perfect for me to add to my workout regimine at home -- they're different than standard weights, and they target the core as well.

Now, post divorce, I lost the treadmill, and just picked for free a slightly used Nordic Trak pro, which I'll use until I can afford another expensive treadmill, since I'd prefer not to have to think when I'm doing a mundane workout, and like the option of sprinting on them.
get a bike and ride to the places you need to get to if its within your range. It's a good cardio workout, burns fat and improves your overall health.
You need a portable Gym look into JourneyGym i really like their product. It's a group of resistance bands attached to a portable case. It folds out into a platform to workout from. I get a huge pump every time i use it!
Rowing Machines are good if you want one piece of equipment that provides a whole body workout.