What do you think of this?

im starting to weight lift... im not new it to so i know what im doing, but.. not very good at making a reutine, my friend has made this up for me...


Chest & Triceps
4 x 10 Bench Press
4 x 10 Flat Bench Dum Bells
4 x 10 Incline Bench Dum Bells
4 x 10 Flys (rotate incline and flat weekly, decline optional)
Burnout: Pec Deck
4 x 10 Tricep Rope Pull Downs
4 x 10 Tricep Pushdowns (Coathanger Attatchment)
4 x 10 Tricep Kick Backs (Alternate with Tricep Dips weekly)


Back & Biceps
4 x 10 Lat Pulldowns, Wide Grip
4 x 10 Behind Neck Lat Pulldowns, Wide Grip
4 x 10 Close Grip Lat Pull Downs
4 x 10 Seated Rows (Alternate Attatchments)
4 x 10 Lying Down Rows
4 x 10 Z Bar Curls
4 x 10 Seated Hammer Curls
4 x 10 Standing Dum Bell Curls

Shoulders, Traps, Forearms
4 x 10 Shoulder Dumbells
4 x 10 Bar Behind Neck
4 x 10 Lateral Raises*
4 x 10 Side Raises* (* = Raise them past your neck and this also does your traps)
4 x 10 Bent Over Reverse Flys (For rear deltoid)
5 x 10 Shrugs
5 x 10 Reverse Barbell Curls
4 x 10 Sitting Down Wrist Curls
4 x 10 Reverse Sitting Down Wrist Curls

just wondering what yous think of this?
Well theres plenty of volume! :)

But where's your leg routine? Its almost essential to workout your legs, otherwise this will also slow dont upper body gains. The more muscle's you work the more testosterone will be released in your body.

Definately include a leg workout. Id add squats and Deadlifts. If your wanting to do 4 sets for almost everything, id up the weight and lower the reps to maybe 6 or 8. This should increase strength better whilst your still getting your volume.

Also Remember, make sure your diet is good. Depending on your goals. Are you wanting to build muscle mass?
Squats and deadlifts are important. They work so many muscle groups. I agree with Tom you should fit them in somehow.

Also ditch the tricep kickbacks and do skullcrushers. I sound like Karky LOL
Well theres plenty of volume! :)

But where's your leg routine? Its almost essential to workout your legs, otherwise this will also slow dont upper body gains. The more muscle's you work the more testosterone will be released in your body.

Definately include a leg workout. Id add squats and Deadlifts. If your wanting to do 4 sets for almost everything, id up the weight and lower the reps to maybe 6 or 8. This should increase strength better whilst your still getting your volume.

Also Remember, make sure your diet is good. Depending on your goals. Are you wanting to build muscle mass?

mainly im wanting to build muscle mass and loose weight at the same time, i want to be slim but bulky if you get what im saying?
So you want more muscle mass but to stay lean. Dont we all :D

To build muscle your still going to need sufficient calories or else youll get nowhere really. If your BF isnt too high, id just bulk and eat high protein, high calorie, high carb foods. With lifting you wont gain as much fat as you think.
mainly im wanting to build muscle mass and loose weight at the same time, i want to be slim but bulky if you get what im saying?

For optimal results you must choose only one of the two.
So first you need to bulk i.e gain weight (gain muscle) for a few months, and then cut i.e lose weight (burn the excess fat). That will produce the best results.

Way too much volume in your routine., I think that you might overtrain with the routine you're doing. I suggest you cut down the volume a bit.
I mean....3 exercises and a total of 13 isolation sets for your forearms?
I haven't done a single isolation exercise for my forearms and they've been growing pretty well, keeping up with the rest of my body.
20 sets for your back, followed by 12 sets for your biceps.
If you do 20 sets for your back, I doubt that you'll need to do any biceps work, you might throw in 3-4 curls at the end for some direct work on your biceps.
20 sets for your shoulders??
Also what's the difference between lateral raises and side raises?

Also replace one of the triceps exercises with close-grip bench press. IMO it's one of the best exercises for adding some serious mass on the triceps

You don't need to isolate each muscle, that's not how it's done. You need to do compound exercises which work several muscle groups.

There are some people who respond well to high volume... but not many.. if you think high volume will work for you than give it a shot..
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Thats not over training, its high volume,

20 sets per body part is not over training.

Also, you missing the big compounds
Bent over row
military/shoulder press.