Well here I am.


New member
Well the first pic is what I looked like over a year ago. I weighed about
130lbs. The second pic is what I looked like about a month and half ago, but I can't remember what I weighed at that time. Currently I weigh 189lbs and I am 5'9". I have already reached one of my goals which was to get under 200lbs. Now my next goal is to get to 170lbs. I am not sure how far I am going to go after that or if I need to. Oh and I have also gotten contacts.:)
Do you mean 230lbs before? (not 130.. lol)

Lookin good!! :)
I can see a great difference, you look younger too! Well done and keep up the hard work!:)

P.S. Out of interest, how old are you, if that's not a rude question!:D
Mrs Bear said:
I can see a great difference, you look younger too! Well done and keep up the hard work!:)

That was my first thought as well... very cute and lookin' good - you've worked your butt off (and your tummy, and your double chin... :) congratulations
Mrs Bear said:
I can see a great difference, you look younger too! Well done and keep up the hard work!:)

P.S. Out of interest, how old are you, if that's not a rude question!:D

I am 26. I will be turning 27 in January.

That is impressive! Wow! I would have guessed you at 40 in the first pic, and in your early 20's in the second. Great job. You should be very proud of your hard work!
jayknight5girl said:
You really do look nice! Wow what ever did you do?

Well for one thing I quit drinking anything with sugar in it and switched to water. Sodas and sweet tea were really killing me. I have also cut back on food intake and quit eating fastfood for lunch. I make myself a turkey sandwich everyday for lunch now. I still eat a normal dinner, but I use a smaller plate and I don't go back for 2nds, 3rds or whatever. I also workout in the mornings before work. MWF I workout with machines and do crunches. Tuesday and thursday I run on a tread mill running anywhere from two miles to three. I just started running saturdays and I run outside for about 5 miles. It was very hard for me at first because I loved food. Anything I would see in front of me I would eat.lol
Wow, gives me a lot of hope for myself. Thanks for sharing. What have you done mentally to control your eating?
Pineola said:
Wow, gives me a lot of hope for myself. Thanks for sharing. What have you done mentally to control your eating?

I would say it is mostly motivation and self control. For one thing I have a bone spur on the heel of my left foot. The weight was really aggrevating it and making me limp around. Sometimes I could barely walk. Another thing (don't laugh) is imagining myself having a hot women as a girl friend. Hey you have to dig deep down sometimes for motivation.:eek: For example when I am running on the treadmill and I feel like getting lazy and getting off, I imagine myself running into the arms of a girl I have a crush on. I ended up running three miles straight this morning by doing that.lol But really you need to dig down really far inside of you and see what is going to motivate you. But now I have been doing this for a while and I think my stomach has gotten smaller. I eat far less then I use to, but it also takes less food to feel me up now. I have also learned to hate the feeling of my stomach hurting from eating too much. I use to treat it as a good feeling. I now treat it as a bad feeling.
I think that is such a good idea - focussing on something you really want to get you motivated and keep you going, whatever that may be! :D

I know for me that focussing on getting pregnant and having children helps me because I want to be as healthy as possible, and also do not want to pass my bad eating habits onto my children. So this is the perfect time for me to change my habits.

Lastly, I know exactly what you mean about your stomach hurting. When I have cut back for a period of time, my stomach is so much more comfortable and I can't believe how I used to make myself feel!!!

Keep up the good work ;)

sdimedude said:
I would say it is mostly motivation and self control. For one thing I have a bone spur on the heel of my left foot. The weight was really aggrevating it and making me limp around. Sometimes I could barely walk. Another thing (don't laugh) is imagining myself having a hot women as a girl friend. Hey you have to dig deep down sometimes for motivation.:eek: For example when I am running on the treadmill and I feel like getting lazy and getting off, I imagine myself running into the arms of a girl I have a crush on. I ended up running three miles straight this morning by doing that.lol But really you need to dig down really far inside of you and see what is going to motivate you. But now I have been doing this for a while and I think my stomach has gotten smaller. I eat far less then I use to, but it also takes less food to feel me up now. I have also learned to hate the feeling of my stomach hurting from eating too much. I use to treat it as a good feeling. I now treat it as a bad feeling.

So I am curious if your motivation has come true yet?? You deserve it!
Small Update: Well I just lost alot of weight too quick I think. I also think it might be that when I weighed myself at 189lbs I just got done with a meal. Anyhow I just weighed myself this morning and I weighed 180.5lbs. It seems like life has gotten real good for me lately. I am now wearing size 34 pants and size medium shirts. I finally asked this girl I have a crush on out to lunch. She didn't hesitate at all when I asked her.:) I think she has a crush on me too.lol I feel like I am way younger now. I also have found that I have alot of energy now. Oh and I took my shirt off in front of my parents today to show them what I look like. They couldn't believe they're eyes. Well I think I am going to take it a little easier now with my weight loss since I have lost about 50lbs. I am still having a hard time of figuring out what my final weight goal is going to be. At first I was thinking 170lbs, but that means I only have about 10 more lbs to go. Oh and I will have some more updated pics later on.:D Oh and does anybody know what I can use to atleast reduce the size of stretch marks?
Also here is a bigger pic of me before. Click on the pic to make it bigger. Also notice that I am hunched over in my pics. I have also been working on trying to correct my posture. I guess I hunched over to hide my belly.
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That is all so great, it sounds like things are really going your way these days ;) . With regards to the stretch marks, you cannot make them smaller, but they do fade over time. I have had stretch marks on my hips and arms since puberty, and they are white now and hardly show at all. And just remember, probably every single woman out there who has had children has stretch marks, and that is a hell of a lot of people. So try not to worry much about them too much ;)
Mrs Bear said:
That is all so great, it sounds like things are really going your way these days ;) . With regards to the stretch marks, you cannot make them smaller, but they do fade over time. I have had stretch marks on my hips and arms since puberty, and they are white now and hardly show at all. And just remember, probably every single woman out there who has had children has stretch marks, and that is a hell of a lot of people. So try not to worry much about them too much ;)

Yeah I guess I shouldn't worry too much I guess. Besides the girl I am seeing already has a kid. So she might not really care when she sees that I have stretch marks since she might have them also.