Weightlifting,masterbation and sex

I just want to know if masturbation and sex gonna affect the muscle gain.
For example a person masturbate or have sex after 2 hours of workout.

Im just curious.Because i heard it can lower a persons testosterone lvl.
The fluctuations caused by ejaculation are negligible. But if you desired that extra ng/wk then ejaculation every 7 days has shown to be optimal.
What about the nueral implications??..
I kind of think a good daily mind blowing long as possible in both build up and carry through orgasm is good for nerve stabilisation= consitution .

Does anyone want to explain the science of that?
in my recent experience, having great sex often is a great motivational tool to get your ass into the gym to look better for your lady (or guy) friend.:D
no effect i dont think.....but i feel pretty lazy after sex and have no desire to workout lol ....try not havin sex or masturbating for a week, ull prolly be able to lift 3x's more weight becuz of all that built up "aggression" :p
"If you desired that extra ng/week" can be translated as: "if you're a crazy person." :D

.. two weeks before a little powerlifting event i participated in I told the misses not to even look at me with bad intentions, call me crazy lol
A new study came out recently, that stated men who "Jack off" at least 5 times a week have a 35% lower chance of getting prostate cancer.
I usually masturbate between 20 and 30 times a day, sometimes during my weight training if I forgot to get a quick one in before starting, and I experience no decrease in energy levels or muscle gains.
LOL. 20 to 30 is nothing...the key is the volume of fluids being expelled. Once, I topped off 20 to 30 GALLONS. I then proceeded to decompose, because I was dead.
A new study came out recently, that stated men who "Jack off" at least 5 times a week have a 35% lower chance of getting prostate cancer.

Some of those comments are funny as hell but does anyone know why that study says what it does?????
Traditional chineese medicine says that cancer is about ..something emotional to do with love and patience eating you up and if it's related to your prostate and desire and stuff I can probably kiinda get why that would make sense, if that was while you were doing othher sttuff getting you closer to whateveritis that gets you there, but does anyone have a wesstern med explaination??
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Ive also heard that jacking off gives you lower chanse of getting prostate canser.

Doesnt sex elevate testosterone levels? i think ive heard that somewhere before, no idea how credible it is though, so dont quote me on that :p
Guys (excluding Lei...I'm sorry to hear about your death by selfpleasure, you will be missed), that was a joke. In all seriousness, I masturbate probably once a day on average, and the same stands true, no noticeable effect on anything, including sensitivity.

On a more serious note:

I remember reading a study on this a couple weeks ago.

It was led by Graham giles, of the Cancer Council of Australia. Apparently, chemicals that cause cancer can accumulate in the prostate if a guy doesn't "get off" regularly. Their idea is that masturbation is better than regular sex. Sex doesn't have the same protective benefit due to the risk of STDs and diseases.

"It's a prostatic stagnation hypothesis. The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them."

^ That's quoted from somewhere. I remember the quote, but not the source. As far as I recall, none of it is unquestionable scientific fact, but I can't see how you could go wrong by masturbating once in a while as a preventative measure.

Unless you subscribe to Immanuel Kant's a priori concept that states masturbation is a disservice to your true self in that it suppresses your humanity to satiate a base animalistic desire. ;)
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I usually masturbate between 20 and 30 times a day, sometimes during my weight training if I forgot to get a quick one in before starting, and I experience no decrease in energy levels or muscle gains.

Dude.Usually?Lol I thought a guy in my class was bad for wanking 5 times a day.Seriously I could never manage that.Whenever I do it more than once a day(not that often anymore sadly) I get hardly any feeling.Do you get a lot of feeling when you've done it that often?
LOL. 20 to 30 is nothing...the key is the volume of fluids being expelled. Once, I topped off 20 to 30 GALLONS. I then proceeded to decompose, because I was dead.

what I would like to know though is, as overtraining can lead to a decrease in grip strenght is it possible to get to such a point of overtraining by spanking the monkey that you can no longer spank that monkey
i dont think you will go into overtraining just by wacking off..