Weight Support Group


New member
I challenge each and everyone of you to go to the WEIGHT LOSS TABLE and post your pesonal information there and be help accountable for your weight loss​

As a group we can all work together and support and motivate one another through this battle​

Are you with me?​

Let's get it started and let's " GIT - R - Done !!! "​
There is strength in numbers

Hey there and good morning.
I am brand new to this site but a long time emotional eater.
I am joining a support group next Sunday as my usual day but I plan on venturing into the group at one of their meetings on this Friday.
I found success one time many years ago at TOPS(take off pounds sensibly).
I absolutely believe that you should be in touch with like minded people in any venture. There is nothing like sharing an awkward moment with someone who truly can understand how you the situation made you feel.
It has been many years since I was involved in this type of group but am looking forward to re-establishing comraderie and the silent motivations that can help you along as well as the bouncing ideas that might have worked for someone and perhaps you never thought of before.

Anyway, as you can tell, I am a jabberjaw so I will close for now.
I just wanted to post on a subject that I believe in and am about to embark in at this point in my life.
