Weight/Muscle Mass gain and tone

Okay so workout newbie here, really have no idea what I'm doing so looking for some help. I am 21, and currently have no gym membership (money issues). I DO have a benchpress available to me in the garage, and a place to do pullups, thats about it. I am 5'10" and i weight 130 lbs, I had made good progress in getting to about 138 lbs after about a month, but due to the stomach flu and now a fever I have lost all of that progress in about 5 days. My metabolism is incredibly high, I can usually eat anything and everything without gaining a single ounce. Though after being sick it is hard to get my stomach to eat as much as i should. So looking for any nutrition and workout advice that can be given, My goal is to get to 150 lbs by the end of the summer and stay at that. I understand it may not happen (especially if I keep getting sick) but its a goal I can try to work towards. Obviously I'm in no condition to work out right now, I'm starting to feel better so hopefully I can start working out later this week.