Weight loss through Yoga

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New member
Does anyone know of any personalised weight loss and Yoga plans on the web? Really keen to loose weight and improve my fitness through some Yoga. Any thoughts, advise or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Poppy x
Hi Poppy,

I've tried almost everything, even basic Yoga...I must admit, I've gotten a bit flexible over the months (2 months & still going, to be precise) but I have not been an able to lose much when it comes to inches. I guess I'll have to wait & watch. I wouldn't mind if someone could suggest an easier way to lose weight WITHOUT SURGERY, coz I'm getting a bit tired of these 'weight loss' fads.

Yes, I personally think boxing is a calorie-buster and eventually helps you reduce weight.
30 minutes on the heavy bag does the trick, provided you do it regularly.
Being consistent is the key here.
I am feeling the best I ever and finally found a healthy way to lose. I also try to exercise and do yoga regularly. I just finished a 6 day challenge and found a new community of like-minded people. I am now helping others do the same.
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