Weight loss slump

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I have done yo-yo dieting all my life, have lost weight when I focused hard on it, then after a while let it creep back up, then list again etc.

I gained weight again a year ago (after having lost it again) by a number of holidays of bad eating and generally not being careful again.

So I decided to lose it again (8 months ago) but despite calorie deficit, intermittent fasting, low carb and exercise this time around it won’t budge.

I have had blood tests, my thyroid is fine, I don’t appear to be in any sort of pre-menopause state so just don’t get it. I am 42 years old.

Can anyone help please? I have always been weight conscious and this is really getting me down! Thank you.
Hey Alicia, welcome to the forum!

I am probably not the expert you need, but I can make a couple of suggestions that might get you the right advice.

First I suggest you start a diary on the Weight Loss Diary page (https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/ ). It will get you more attention than posting here.

Second tell us more about yourself, your current weight, goal weight, height, things like that.

Then tell us what you have been eating and what exercise you are doing, and any planned changes.

Finally anything else about yourself you want to say, or that you think might help.

And read the diaries and posts of others and don't hesitate to ask questions.

I am looking forward to reading about your progress.
Hi, Alicia - good to meet you! But sorry you've hit a bit of a roadblock in losing weight.
I think (and I'm sorry about this) that it's just plainly age-related. Young bodies (I'm older than you by a good bit, alas!) can throw off weight really quickly (and can mend broken arms really quickly, and do lots of other great things) but yeah, after forty, weight loss can be slower. Nothing to do with menopause, or andropause either, just a mature body not wanting to be a quick-moving flibbertigibbet any more!

But as stacks of people on this site can attest, it's still really possible - a steady kilo a week, or more, pretty much painlessly, using any one of a number of methods. Calorie-counting is popular, so is intermittent fasting, or just plain careful eating - all of them working better when linked to exercise, of course, but it can be as gentle as you like, even just going for a not-exhausting walk every day.

Rob has suggested starting a diary, and that's a good idea, but so is having a look around the site, and reading a few diaries. (His is really inspiring, and I don't think he'd mind my putting his name forward.) As well as diaries, there are threads about the different methods, "clubs" for people at one sort of weight or another, challenges of different sorts, recipes... all sorts of good reading! Have fun, and best wishes for the really-losing-for-good-this-time future!
We have all made the mistakes you have and then some.

The best way to lose fat permanently is to NEVER DIET.

Diet is pure poison and nothing else. All of us need to learn how to eat in a way we enjoy that will lead us very slowly to being what we want to become.
@AliciaS It is really important to understand your organism, its needs, and your mind.
Before you will start any diet style try to focus on yourself and accept yourself. I know it is not easy, but it is the easiest way to finally find the right way (without yoyo effect).
What was your weight loss methods in your life?
Newbie here with same issue together with my fiancée we’re struggling on keeping up with the good habit of eating and exercising that’s why we’re here looking and simply absorbing of the good stuff of advices from anyone’s input ...thank you guys I just feel like saying something
Hey Denorth and welcome! Great to hear you have a supportive partner on your weightloss journey. What have you been doing so far and what seems to be the struggle?
Hi, Denorth & welcome to the forum. Yes- come on over to the diary section of the forum & you will get some extra support :)
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