Validation of Resting Energy Expenditure Equations in Older Adults with Obesity


Sport and Exercise Coach
Staff member
Validation of Resting Energy Expenditure Equations in Older Adults with Obesity

Again this is an Abstract not the full study but it basically confirms what other studies have found in that metabolic equations generally over estimate calorie requirements in obese people.


59.0% accuracy, WHO equation
Harris-Benedict yielded 53.5% accuracy.
The Owens equation 50.7% accuracy.
bioimpedance analyzer 49.6%.

Only 43.1% of measurements were within 10% of the gold-standard indirect calorimetry value using the Mifflin equation.

This review among others do not include the Katch-McArdle equation because it requires extra information (bodyfat %) and is considered more accurate than all the above equations and is based on the Mifflin-St Jeor equation.
Interesting. And in a way I'm not surprised since I often see people who are somehow still functional while having super low strength. When you're obese moving is a high caloric investment and the body likes to find short-cuts to avoid high caloric investment so NEAT may end up much lower than in younger, lighter people. Which would in turn lead to lower relative muscle mass and even less energy used. That's just me guessing though.
It also has an impact on forum members as many are over estimating their calorie needs which then has the impact of people getting frustrated because their weight is not going down despite eating what the "equation" indicates they should be. The Harris-Benedict is very popular but with an accuracy of only a little over 50% it is very hit and miss.
It is interesting. The difference between the Mifflin equation & the WHO equation was only about 30 cals a day for me, but I can see I need to consume fewer calories than MFP says to actually lose weight. I knew that. Is there an equation that is accurate? This really only tells you that none are.
I did find a really interesting article from the Vic government. I might put it in a new thread.